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Dr Hive--is this something I should be contacting the OB about

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I'm 24 1/2 weeks and the past three or four days, I've been feeling intense pressure on my pelvis and cervix. I've had three kids and don't remember the pressure being this intense until well into my third trimester. It really hurts to walk. No shooting pains just like the baby is really pushing down there all the time.


At the 20 week u/s my cervix measured 4 cm which is normal but short for me (I usually measure between 6 1/2-7). WWYD? If its just the baby lying low--how do I get him to move?



Dr suspects weak uterine ligaments. I'm to stay off my feet until our next appointment on Monday. If I have contractions (even BH) or unusual back pain, I'm to call his pager, but he thinks that I just need rest. He may prescribe me some kind of belt or a sling at our next appointment.


I'm starting to vaguely remember this with my last one--I was on bedrest for two months right around 20 weeks so it never had a chance to get painful until I was safely in my third trimester.



Edited by ChristineW
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Thanks. I've left a message with his office. I'm probably just being paranoid, but I've had a strong nesting urge lately and a feeling that something is off. I was put on bedrest with DD3 around 20 weeks for different symptoms related to preterm labor and was able to carry her full term so I just want to be extra careful and safe. And avoid getting to the bed rest stage if at all possible.



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Ooh boy... take it slow and easy. My OB told me, when on a pregnancy bedrest at twenty weeks, that the risk for pre~term labor is highest when the baby's head is small enough to enter the pelvis, and put direct pressure on the cervix. As the baby grows, it can't slip down there in the same way. I hope I remembered this correctly! I had pre~term labor/incompetent cervix at twenty weeks gestation, with one cm dilation and a bulging amniotic sac. Yikes! (We had a preemie boy born at twenty-eight weeks while I was on full bedrest, who is now a teenager. :))


Does the pressure feel better when you can lie down for at least an hour?


Sounds like you are getting help. Praying for you!

Edited by Cindy in the NH Woods
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I'm 24 1/2 weeks and the past three or four days, I've been feeling intense pressure on my pelvis and cervix. I've had three kids and don't remember the pressure being this intense until well into my third trimester. It really hurts to walk. No shooting pains just like the baby is really pushing down there all the time.


At the 20 week u/s my cervix measured 4 cm which is normal but short for me (I usually measure between 6 1/2-7). WWYD? If its just the baby lying low--how do I get him to move?


My 3rd pregnancy was like this...pretty much from the start of the 2nd trimester. I talked to my MW about it, and she checked it out, and yup, it was just where the baby was sitting. The only way we got her to move was s@x. My husband really enjoyed that pregnancy. :lol: I couldn't walk or lie down comfortably...it was horrible.

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Doctor called me back. He thinks that the uterine ligaments are just weak after three kids. If I feel any contractions or unusual back pain then I'm to call him directly; otherwise, just stay off my feet until Monday.




I really hate to be alarmist and most likely you are fine. Honestly, I would be asking to be seen either today or tomorrow and for him to measure the length of your cervix. I know it seems like a pain, and again, it is probably OK. But better safe than sorry. In the meantime I strongly agree with staying off your feet.

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