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Why Gender Matters -- Thanks, abeakfromlife & Old Dominion Heather!

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I just finished this book. I put it on hold at the library after you guys recommended it and it was a fascinating read. I'd heard some of the information in Pudewa's talk about boys when I downloaded it last year and was intrigued. This book was excellent and really flushed out what Pudewa was talking about :). I highly recommend it to any parent of either gender.


Now onto Boys Should Be Boys :).

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I'm not familiar with Pudewa's take on boys. What is the theory on boys this book conveys? I love having boys (and girls).


Pudewa reference how boys see & hear differently than girls in one of his talks (the title was something about how to teach boys when they want to build forts) because of actual differences in their brains, eyes, and ears.


This book flushes that out, along with several other differences(how boys and girls respond differently to risk, discipline, etc) that are related to brain differences, not simply to societal conditioning.


It's really very fascinating, and not simply a "boy" book--I would recommend it to a mom of all girls in a heartbeat!


Ugh...I'm so tired I'm having trouble forming sentences. You should read the book, though!

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