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Cross Post: Breaking the Spanish Barrier ibook

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I just downloaded the newest version of this. You have to have an ipad (and likely a recent one.)


It costs $14.99 for the text book with all the audio embedded. You can fill in the answers on the worksheets right in the book. The answers are there so you can check yourself by pushing a button. There are great clear explanations. This is a great text book in regular form. The ibook part makes it even better.


It is beautiful. The vocabulary pages alone are worth 15 dollars. You can click on a word to get a picture showing the meaning, the translation in small gray text, and the audio from what sounds like a native speaker. These are really beautiful. It would be fun to study!


Check out the screenshots and read more:




Here is a quote from an e-mail the author sent: "We will always have our regular textbook, but this approach is a wonderful one combining audio and self-checking and other multi-media beauty. I am teaching with it this year in class. My students are blown away."


If you have a 7th grader or older child and want a great Spanish text book this is a winner! The 2nd and 3rd year books are also available and also only 14.99.

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