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Lessons from a third child

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Babies love cookie dough!


Babies can go a startlingly long time without a bath and be none the worse for it.


Babies can be tossed around like a rag doll by their older siblings and laugh the entire time.


A baby can survive if they lick the bottom of their big brother's shoe, even if mom can't.


There is absolutely no hurry.

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Babies love cookie dough!


Babies can go a startlingly long time without a bath and be none the worse for it.


Babies can be tossed around like a rag doll by their older siblings and laugh the entire time.


A baby can survive if they lick the bottom of their big brother's shoe, even if mom can't.


There is absolutely no hurry.


I learned AFTER my 4th, that I really did have it together when I had my 3rd. It was the 4th that did me in!!!

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Babies love cookie dough!


Babies can go a startlingly long time without a bath and be none the worse for it.


Babies can be tossed around like a rag doll by their older siblings and laugh the entire time.


A baby can survive if they lick the bottom of their big brother's shoe, even if mom can't.


There is absolutely no hurry.



They can also eat potting soil.


The 10 sec rule becomes the 30 sec rule!

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Babies can go a startlingly long time without a bath and be none the worse for it.


I think y'all are slow learners! I figured that out with my second! ;)


But I *am* sitting here looking at the ages of your children and thinking, "She seems happy!"... not that I could even get 'em *that* close at this point... :( sigh...

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I'm glad to hear about the bath being unneccessary. Ds has a cast coming off Thursday and man it has been hard to get him clean. He's had one partial bath in almost three weeks. Of course he is almost three and eating messy so maybe I should be more concerned. I thought he lost a blueberry down it the first week. :ack2: I am preparing to be humble the day it comes off. :leaving:


It is amazing how different it is for each child.

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Lessons learned from a third child (our first boy): Boys do things girls never thought about doing.


Me: Son, this battery's label is half pulled off. Please don't mess with batteries, they have acid in them and you might get hur...


Son: (interrupting), Oh! So THAT'S why they taste so bad!


:blink: :svengo:

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See, now I've been giving my 3rd a bath every night lately. At first when he was newborn, he *hated* the bath. Now he loves them and it relaxes him. So because of his crying spells I've taken to giving him a bath every night before bed. He seems to relate it to bedtime too, so I'll probably continue this as his routine. I must say it's kind of a pain in the rear. BUT, it's a bigger pain in the rear to listen to him scream in my ear.

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  • 2 months later...
They can also eat potting soil.


The 10 sec rule becomes the 30 sec rule!


Oh dear. It can be days around here. Things I thought she ate were conveniently stashed for when she felt peckish again. I tend not to worry unless it is seriously, unbrushoffably dirty. There are places Mamma's just don't think of looking. I actually discovered some potatoes tucked under the couch cushions, but decided to leave them there. They are out of the sunlight, so are safer there than in the pantry for Miss 17 months to pull out and strew all over the house.



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I'm glad to hear about the bath being unneccessary.

This past week when we didn't have power, we went over to MIL's for showers & baths (before we found out we actually had water pressure and hot water). Dh and I took our showers, but with all the relaxing (us) and playing (dc), then supper, we didn't get around to the girls' baths. MIL was sort of shocked. Well, when I was a kid, we had baths once a week...it had only been about 3 days since dc's last bath!


Ds has a cast coming off Thursday and man it has been hard to get him clean.
I am sooo glad dd4 was able to get a waterproof cast this summer!
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Babies will be okay if they eat a french fries from McDonald's before the age of 3 yrs old.


Babies can drink out of a cup, eat off a spoon, or out of a bowl that has not been sterilized and survive.


Babies can suck on river rocks while sitting in a creek and be happy as can be without getting some terrible disease.


There is no need to rush your baby to walk, talk etc, they will do this entirely too early from wanting to be with the big kids.


Babies not only can handle being dragged around by siblings, they ask for it, such as yelling and reaching for your 4 yr old to pull them out of the playpen.


Babies will survive eating cat food, and in fact can lick the cat itself with no ill effects. The cat on the other hand may not.

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but it was our 4th who taught us the most. The 3rd was very easy going and we thought we had gotten pretty good at this parenting thing. #4 taught us that we had just gotten lucky the third time. We had our work cut out for us with #4. We've learned that we have very little to do with our dc's temperaments. In the nature/nurture debate, I'd say I've moved my pin more in the nature side.

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