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How satisfied are you with your choices this year?


How satidifed are you with your choices for this year?  

  1. 1. How satidifed are you with your choices for this year?

    • Couldn't be happier! Our year is going great!
    • Mostly satisfied, but there's room for improvement.
    • About half and half. While I like some of what I chose, I need to change some too.
    • I'd like to start from scratch!
    • Mandatory other, or hey there's a guy in a kilt, and he's holding a cupcake!

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While I do like several pieces of what I chose, there are some that need to be replaced as well. We're sticking with MM but tweaking and adding some other pieces. I'm still up in the air about LA. And I've had to tweak a few things in other subjects.


Huh. Maybe I should have chosen starting from scratch, LOL!! :D

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We're very happy..... NOW.


(But I've already changed our reading/phonics 4+ times, our science completely, our geography completely, and added a few things. So I chose other because we've pretty much started over from scratch, but we're officially 6 weeks in. :p)


But, for right now, we are VERY happy with what we're using. :D

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I already changed everything so I picked I'd like to start from scratch. But this is our first year, K, and I am still learning. Changed from spiral to mastery for math. Changed to a writing approach for reading, which also replaced handwriting. But I also had to move up to first grade curriculum so I needed to change anyway, so it's all good. :001_smile: And, yay for having a homeschool curriculum consignment store nearby.

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I spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to make the right choices for this year, and it has mostly paid off. :)


I have switched my oldest son's math, from Lial to Jacobs, but he's happy with the change.


The only bust so far is science for my three middle boys. I still haven't figured out what we're going to do.

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We are liking our choices this year. Biblioplan is going really well. The kids love the timeline and the lit selections. Ds is flying through MM now that I figured out that he likes the program but hates writing on the iPad. He is a paper and pencil guy apparently! The only thing I wish we could switch is Horizons math for dd. I looked through all of it today and it just seems like one long year of review. I want to jump ship with her to MM, but I have done several math programs with her already and feel like I just need to stick with one program so she doesn't have gaps.

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I'm "okay" with most of our choices; still waiting on my order from Rainbow Resource (gah - don't get me started on this!), so we don't have our math or main science text yet. We also do not yet have our SYRWTL English yet. Lol!


Love Caesar's English so far. Love the TOPS physics units I have and the Horrible Science books. A Child's History of Art looks like a winner, though we haven't started it yet.


Not going to work - Classically Catholic Memory and K12 Human Odyssey (she can't outline from it).

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So far our year is going well. My only gripe is that I thought that by planning under the motto "Keep it simple", I would be keeping it simple.


Hmmm... Not quite! I guess that's just step one. I need to go back through our easy peasy (yeah right!!) schedule and clean it up even more. :glare: I don't want to cut anything but it's not worth the "Why can't we get it all done?? What are we doing wrong??" feeling.


Other than that, the actual curricula choices seem to be the right ones. YAY!

BF History of Science seems to be a hit, that's a pleasant surprise!:001_smile:

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After 4 years of homeschooling, a LOT of time researching, and writing out an ILP (learning plan), I think I did very well choosing curriculum this year. Now the challenge is getting around to all of it!


We are continuing with things that I know work for us (CLE math, GWG, my homemade history), and adding in things that are similar (WWW, Mr. Q Physical Science). The one big gamble I made was Saxon Phonics Intervention, and that is going very well. IEW writing is new but is less of a gamble because it builds on other stuff I did last year.

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I am mostly satisfied, but I am really disapointed in my big ticket items that I bought (spelling and reading). We are using the same math from last year which worked great for us and so far I'm happy w/ it again this year. Otherwise, I am happy w/ all my new curriculum and am still pleased w/ the stuff we carried over from last year. I have some changes to make, and need to tweak some stuff and then we'll be well on our way :)

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I'm very satisfied with our picks this year.


We moved to Saxon from R&S. (This had been the plan and I'll be moving dd to Saxon when she is out of K-3 levels too.)


We switched our science to Apologia and we all love it! Last year, science was a bust, so I am very happy about Apologia and now I wish I had been using it all along. I don't know why I always dismissed it. :confused:


We started Latin for ds and he actually asks for more!


Pretty much sticking with everything else we've always done. History I've tweaked a little, but we're still using SOTW, just more US history focused.

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I'm deliriously happy with our LCC inspired schedule!:D


The only subject that I'm not happy with is science for the younger two, science for the middle schooler and science for the oldest...hmmm, I see a recurring theme.


The problem with the younger two is that I've just not made it happen yet, however we've had such great success with everything else that I'm not too torn up about it. They watch documentaries and look at\read books, find bugs and tend their plants, so it isn't as if their lives are devoid of science experiences. This coming week we will be getting into the plan I wrote for more structured science which won't replace, only add to what they are doing on their own.


The middle school student isn't doing science because she is spending most of her time on her core subjects. When she isn't doing reading, writing and math she is reading history, mythology, or learning Japanese. I'm very happy with her progress this year. I'll start folding some science in over the next few weeks, but it won't be a priority subject for her this year. Still, there is that little voice in the back of my head that nags about not doing science regularly.


The oldest...9th grade...ugh... the text is being read, vocab memorized, questions being answered, concepts being understood, but the labs...oh! the labs! They are way more time consuming and involved than I planned or expected. We've only done 1/3 of the ones I scheduled so far. I had scheduled every lab in the lab book but then realized that to do them all would require a ridiculous amount of time (probably +10 hours a week when you factor in set-up and clean-up). I'm having to go back and pick out only the ones that I feel would be the most beneficial, adding a few quick labs from the text, and adding some virtual labs. I would love, love, love to outsource this, but the only option around here uses Apologia and that won't work for us.:glare:

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I voted: Going great! Couldn't be happier!


I'm sure I'll forget something, but here's the gist of it:



History/Language focus week:

Minimus as a group project, then moving on to Lively Latin 2

Magic Lens Level of MCT language arts (Magic Lens, WWtW, 4Practice, still have poetry on deck, and the 'Time' literature series) Will finish year with Grammarlogues.

IEW Middle Ages Writing

History Odyssey, Middle Ages Level 2 w/ extra readings from K12 Human Odyssey & others

Assorted literature

Fallacy Detective, Mind Benders, Red Herring Mysteries, Critical Thinking, Editor in Chief, etc.

Math 3 days/week

Creek Edge Press Task Cards on Music


Science/Math Focus Week

Rosetta Stone German, Usborne Easy German, discussion in German, other supplements as they come up.

Biology- Mom created curriculum and labs

Life of Fred Algebra & Algebra II

KidCoder Game Programming

Assorted Literature

Creek Edge Press Task Cards on Arts

Mind Benders, Critical Thinking

Geography of the world (other than history lessons) -Mom designed.


All Weeks: Physical Fitness, Bike Riding, Gym Class, Karate, Fencing, Shooting, Running, Chores, Cooking, etc.


DS9: Same basic plan, but using Singapore Math instead of Fred for now, not programming computers yet, and still using Spelling Workout in Science/Math week alternating with the Vocab (Town level of MCT) of Langauge week. He'll start LL1 after Minimus, and isn't starting quite as much pre-logic stuff or the Creek Edge Press cards yet. He's doing an accelerated version of History Odyssey level 1 early modern and modern this year.

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Three weeks in, I'm probably 80% satisfied with my choices, but I'm completely happy with my choices for my high schooler and for my two youngest. They're doing great with everything. :)


The three in the middle are a little trickier. I'm switching language arts for one, half-switching math and science for one, and re-thinking my entire plan for one, in light of some health issues. They're keeping me busy!

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i checked mostly satisfied. i switched my daughter's spelling. we also switched math with both kids, which was a little scary. we've used the same curriculum for the past few years, but the switch was necessary & has been great for my daughter. my son really likes it too, and i can reuse her curriculum with him later on since it's cd-rom.

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First year of full homeschooling (afterschooling for two years). We are happy with the choices, but have lots to learn.


The favorites so far: MEP, Singapore, MCT Island (all, but especially Music of the Hemispheres), TOG


I am thankful that it has gone as smoothly as it has. I am praying that it continues!

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I'm mostly satisfied.


The only thing I'm considering changing is oldest DD's spelling/vocab program after she completes the first book (Megawords 1). I'm just not sure if it is going to actually help her spelling. Don't know what the plan is if it doesn't help. I had so much hope ....


DD#2 likes her Elemental Science Lapbooking through Biology that she asks for it every day. (Girl, there are only 36 lessons!!) I'm going to have to see what other "lapbooking" things I can throw her way since she obviously likes that way of learning.

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Starting Week 5 for my high schoolers and Week 4 for the others. So far I am happy with: MFW US1 for BOTH dd15 and ds14 although we did decide to join a co-op and do government through the co-op and have ds14 take American Lit using Lightning Lit through the co-op instead of doing ALL of the Lit in MFW US1. It's a perfect fit so far! I would also like to find more time to focus on Thinking Like a Christian. :( I am also extremely happy with HOD Rev to Rev. After sitting on the fence with this one, I finally went ahead and bought it. Very happy I did. We are not doing State study as we are doing it through a co-op although I do really like 50 States Under God. I'm thrilled with our interest led science plans using the MFW K science topics as a springboard. Lots of work for me pulling plans together but worth it!


The only thing I am NOT liking is AAH though I really, really wanted to like it. It's just too dry and my kids were not retaining anything from it. So, I'm using it as a framework for what to study and when but using other resources for our reading. Again, more work. But, it's working so far. I'm using the maps in AAH but not the personality profile sheets. Instead I have the dc do a notebook page per unit on one person or event. We use a lot of pages from History Scholar (LOVE them!).

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I voted for the kilt :D. We are still at about half speed (life keeps interfering with my plans!). I've already dropped some things, and am fairly happy otherwise. I finally have a relaxed schedule that might actually work - I'm anxious to try it this week. I have a few nagging thoughts, but I'm unsure if I will make changes soon, or just chug along for a few months and then re-evaluate.


Yup. Clear as mud.

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Beginning Week 3 and so far, so good. The boys are still complaining about how long the day is ( it IS longer, compared to last year) but they've been told that it's time to suck it up and just do it! I am waiting to add Latin until after we come back from the beach next week and we aren't doing Logic as regularly as I would like but we'll get there. I like all the choices of new curriculum and I think, and pray, that we will have a good year.

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We have already changed our math, from my plan of finishing Miquon and moving into the Keys to books, to using CLE as a spine and Miquon/keys to as supplemental do together conceptual work.


I also dropped Apples spelling, and am still waffling around about a spelling/ phonics/vocabulary review program and if I want to just go with grammar instead. For now we are just reading a lot, I am giving him so vocab words from science and his reading book, and practicing editing together.


I am tweaking science to make it easier for me, since I am making it up as we go, and haven't started history yet!


I also tried WWS, decided it was too hard, then tried WWE 4 and it wasn't what I wanted. We are back to WWS and I am hand holding as much as he needs at this point, and we are going sloooooowwwwwlllllyyyyyy. :tongue_smilie:

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I am pretty happy and content with this years curriculum. Very glad and content I returned to Sonlight this year for reading, read alouds and history for my fourth grader. I am still a bit unsure of math though. He had struggled with abeka 3 last year. I didn't want to stay with abeka hoped to switch to Saxon but couldn't commit. He is using TT5 it's too easy right now, I am waiting to see how it picks up. Meanwhile supplementing with multiplication facts do we don't loose them all!

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I over planned partly out of fear for this year, then last minute we switched back to more of a Waldorf inspired plan. We are very happy now. It was like a huge burden was lifted. It sucked switching everything the week before we were supposed to start back, but I am pleased with how it's going so far and other than some sensory/LD related meltdowns as usual, it's been very zen.

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Very disappointed so far with Kidswrite Basic (online class from Bravewriter), but am trying to make the best of it.


Very happy so far with Hakim for history, our geography, and literature. Satisfied so far with math and science. Art and music are not quite up and going yet.

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Very disappointed so far with Kidswrite Basic (online class from Bravewriter), but am trying to make the best of it.


Very happy so far with Hakim for history, our geography, and literature. Satisfied so far with math and science. Art and music are not quite up and going yet.



Pen, what are you not liking about the BW class?? I have wondered how those are.

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