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Looking for chronological list of major 19th century writers, American & European or

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Blake, William (1757-1827)

Burns, Robert (1759-1796)

Wordsworth, William (1770-1850)

Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772-1834)

Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832)

Southey, Robert (1774-1843)

Austen, Jane (1775-1817)

Irving, Washington (1783-1859)

De Quincey, Thomas (1785-1859)

Byron, George Gordon (1788-1824)

Cooper, James Fenimore (1789- 1851)

Shelley, Percy Bysshe (1792-1822)

Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (1797-1851)

Keats, John (1795-1821)

Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)

Pushkin, Alexander (1799-1837)

Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

Dumas, Alexandre (1802-1870)

Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882)

Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804-1864)

de Tocqueville, Alexis (1805-1859)

Andersen, Hans Christian (1805-1875)

Mill, John Stuart (1806-1873)

Browning, Elizabeth Barrett (1806-1861)

Browning, Robert (1812-1889)

Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth (1807-1882)

Whittier, John Greenleaf (1807-1892)

Poe, Edgar Allan (1809-1849)

FitzGerald, Edward (1809-1883)

Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892)

Gaskell, Elizabeth (1810-1865)

Thackeray, William Makepeace (1811-1863)

Stowe, Harriet Beecher (1811-1896)

Dickens, Charles (1812-1870)

Lear, Edward (1812-1888)

Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

Trollope, Anthony (1815-1882)

Brontë, Charlotte (1816-1855)

Brontë, Emily (1818-1848)

Brontë, Anne (1820-1849)

Thoreau, Henry David (1817-1862)

Marx, Karl (1818-1883)

Eliot, George (1819-1880)

Melville, Herman (1819-1891)

Whitman, Walt (1819-1892)

Ruskin, John (1819-1900)

Baudelaire, Charles (1821-1867)

Flaubert, Gustave (1821-1880)

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor (1821-1881)

Arnold, Matthew (1822-1888)

Collins, William Wilkie (1824-1889)

Blackmore, R.D. (1825-1900)

Collodi, Carlo (1826-1890)

Verne, Jules (1828-1905)

Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906)

Meredith, George (1828-1909)

Tolstoy, Leo (1828-1910

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)

Rossetti, Christina Georgina (1830-1894)

Dickinson, Emily (1830-1886)

Alcott, Louisa May (1832-1888)

Carroll, Lewis (1832-1898)

Morris, William (1834-1896)

Twain, Mark (1835-1910)

Gilbert, W.S. (1836-1911) and composer Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)

Swinburne, Algernon Charles (1837-1909)

Pater, Walter Horatio (1839-1894)

Zola, Émile (1840-1902)

Hardy, Thomas (1840-1928)

Bierce, Ambrose (1842-1913)

James, Henry (1843-1916)

Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900)

Hopkins, Gerard Manley (1844-1889)

Stevenson, Robert Louis (1850-1894)

Chopin, Kate (1850-1904)

Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900)

Freud, Sigmund (1856-1939)

Conrad, Joseph (1857-1924)

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan (1859-1930)

Housman, A.E. (1859-1936)

Gilman, Charlotte Perkins (1860-1835)

Chekhov, Anton (1860-1904)

Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936)

Wells, H.G. (1866-1946)

Crane, Stephen (1871-1900)

Johnson, James Weldon (1871-1938)

Dunbar, Paul Lawrence (1872-1906)

London, Jack (1876-1916)

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Here's the 19th century portion of my "all-the-possibilities" list. It includes most of the book I found from the sources I used for book lists (Great Books Tutorial, CCH, College Board, St. Johns, Stobaugh, Quine, WEM, TOG, WTM, HTRAB, Invitation to the Classics, Omnibus, Bloom, Great Books of Christian Tradition, Reading Lists for College-Bound Students, Biblioplan, Logos.)


Faust Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von 1808

Pride and Prejudice Austen, Jane 1813

Emma Austen, Jane 1815

Frankenstein Shelley, Mary 1818

poetry Shelley, Percy Bysshe 1818

Don Juan Lord Byron 1819

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & Rip Van Winkle Irving, Washington 1820

“Ode to a Nightingale†and other poems Keats, John 1820

The Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fennimore 1826

Hunchback of Notre Dame Hugo, Victor 1831

“The Lady of Shalott†and other poems Tennyson, Alfred Lord 1832

Democracy in America de Tocqueville 1835

Philosophy of Law & Philosophy of History Hegel, Georg 1837

Oliver Twist Dickens, Charles 1838

Representative Government Mill, John Stuart 1840

stories (Tell Tale Heart, Raven) Poe, Edgar Allan 1840

Pit and the Pendulum Poe, Edgar Allan 1842

Fear and Trembling Kierkegaard, Soren 1843

A System of Logic Mill, John Stuart 1843

Three Musketeers Dumas, Alexandre 1844

“Self-Reliance" and other essays Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1844

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas Douglass, Frederick 1845

speeches Douglass, Frederick 1845

Jane Eyre Bronte, Charlotte 1847

Wuthering Heights Bronte, Emily 1847

Evangeline Longfellow 1847

Communist Manifesto Marx, Engles 1848

Vanity Fair Thackeray, William Makepeace 1848

On Civil Disobedience Thoreau, Henry David 1849

The Law Bastiat, Frederic 1850

The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1850

The House of Seven Gables Hawthorne, nathaniel 1851

Moby Dick Melville, Herman 1851

Ain't I a Woman speech Truth, Sojourner 1851

Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1852

Bartleby the Scrivener Melville, Herman 1853

"Charge of the Light Brigade" Tennyson, Alfred Lord 1854

Walden Thoreau, Henry David 1854

The Warden OR Barchester Towers Trollope, Anthony 1855

Leaves of Grass Whitman, Walt 1855

Crime and Punishment Dostoyevksy, Fyodor 1856

Madame Bovary Flaubert, Gustave 1856

On the Origin of Species Darwin, Charles 1859

Tale of Two Cities Dickens, Charles 1859

On Liberty Mill, John Stuart 1859

poetry Dickinson, Emily 1860

The Mill on the Floss Eliot, George 1860

Great Expectations Dickens, Charles 1861

Silas Marner Eliot, George 1861

Les Miserables Hugo, Victor 1862

Fathers and Sons Turgenev, Ivan 1862

Man Without a Country Hale, Edward 1863

“Gettysburg Address" Lincoln, Abraham 1863

Notes from Underground Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 1864

Apologia pro Vita Sua Newman, John Henry 1864

War and Peace Tolstoy, Leo 1864

O Captain My Captain Whitman, Walt 1865

Capital Marx, Karl 1867

poetry Browning, Robert 1868

Middlemarch Eliot, George 1874

poems Hopkins, Gerard Manley 1875

Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark 1876

Anna Karenina Tolstoy, Leo 1877

The Return of the Native Hardy, Thomas 1878

A Doll's House Ibsen, Henrik 1879

Brothers Karamazov Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 1880

Portrait of a Lady James, Henry 1880

Patience Gilbert & Sullivan 1881

Thus Spoke Zarathustra Nietzsche 1883

Treasure Island Stevenson, Robert Louis 1883

Huckleberry Finn Twain, mark 1884

Beyond Good and Evil Nietzsche 1886

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Stevenson, Robert Louis 1886

The Death of Ivan Ilych Tolstoy, Leo 1886

Billy Budd Melville, Herman 1888

Twilight of the Idols Nietzsche 1888

The Picture of Dorian Gray Wilde, Oscar 1890

Tess of the d'Urbevilles Hardy, Thomas 1891

Red Badge of Courage Crane, Stephen 1895

War of the Worlds or The Time Machine Wells, H. G. 1895

The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde, Oscar 1895

Selected Poems Yeats, W. B. 1895

Cyrano de Bergerac Rostand, Edmond 1897

Turn of the Screw James, Henry 1898

An Ideal Husband Wilde, Oscar 1898

The Awakening Chopin, Kate 1899

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Here's the 19th century portion of my "all-the-possibilities" list. It includes most of the book I found from the sources I used for book lists (Great Books Tutorial, CCH, College Board, St. Johns, Stobaugh, Quine, WEM, TOG, WTM, HTRAB, Invitation to the Classics, Omnibus, Bloom, Great Books of Christian Tradition, Reading Lists for College-Bound Students, Biblioplan, Logos.)




Would you be willing to post your possibilities lists for the other time periods, too? It would be a great help to lots of folks here!

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17th century:


Don Quixote Cervantes, Miguel de 1605

Novum Organum Bacon, Francis 1620

Mayflower Compact 1620

Rules for the Direction of the Mind Descartes, Rene 1626

Of Plymouth Plantation Bradford 1630

A Model of Christian Charity speech Winthrop 1630

Discourse on Method Descartes, Rene 1637

Principles of Philosophy Descartes, Rene 1644

Leviathan Hobbes, Thomas 1651

Tartuffe Moliere 1664

Paradise Lost Milton 1667

Pensees Pascal, Blaise 1670

Ethics OR Treatise on Religious… Spinoza, Baruch 1677

Pilgrim’s Progress Bunyan, John 1678

Second Treatise on Government Locke, John 1689

“An Essay Concerning Human Understanding" Locke, John 1690

"Reasonableness of Christianity" Locke, John 1695

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18th century:


Principles of Human Knowledge Berkeley, George 1710

The Rape of the Lock Pope, Alexander 1712

Robinson Crusoe Defoe, Daniel 1719

Gulliver’s Travels Swift, Jonathan 1726

A Modest Proposal Swift, Jonathan 1729

Essay on Man Pope, Alexander 1734

Treatise on Human Nature Hume, David 1739

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Edwards, Jonathan 1741

Of the Original Contract (in Of Civil Liberty) Hume, David 1742

A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections Edwards, Jonathan 1746

An Inquiry Concerning Human Understanding Hume, David 1748

Spirit of Laws Montesquieu 1748

Tom Jones Fielding, Henry 1749

History of England Hume, David 1754

On the Origin of Inequality Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1754

Tristram Shandy Sterne, Laurence 1759

Candide Voltaire 1759

The Vicar of Wakefield Goldsmith, Oliver 1761

“The Social Contract" Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1762

Commentaries on Law Blackstone, William 1765

Confessions Rousseau, Jean-Jacques 1769

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin 1771

On American Taxation Burke, Edmund 1774

Speech in the Virginia Convention Henry, Patrick 1775

The Rivals Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 1775

Common Sense Paine, Thomas 1776

Wealth of Nations Smith, Adam 1776

The Declaration of Independence 1776

Articles of Confederation 1777

Introduction to the Principles of Morals… Bentham, Jeremy 1780

The Lives of the Poets (Milton, Pope) Johnson, Samuel 1780

“Critique of Pure Reason" Kant, Immanuel 1781

The Federalist Papers Hamilton, et al. 1787

Anti-Federalist Papers 1787

The Constitution of the United States 1788

Songs of Innocence and Experience Blake, William 1789

Reflections on the Revolution in France Burke, Edmund 1790

Life of Samuel Johnson Boswell, James 1791

Abolish the Slave Trade speech Wilberforce, William 1791

“The Rights of Man" Paine, Thomas 1792

Rime of the Ancient Mariner Coleridge, Samuel 1798

Lyrical Ballads Wordsworth, Coleridge 1798

Origin and Principles of the American Revolution von Getz 1800

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20th century:


The Interpretation of Dreams Freud, Sigmund 1900

Up from Slavery Washington, Booker T. 1901

Heart of Darkness Conrad, Joseph 1903

The Souls of Black Folk Dubois, W.E.B. 1903

The Call of the Wild London, Jack 1903

The Cherry Orchard Chekhov, Anton 1904

The Protestant Ethic and Capitalism Weber, Max 1904

Scarlet Pimpernel Orczy, Bela 1905

House of Mirth Wharton, Edith 1905

The Jungle Sinclair, Upton 1906

The Ransom of Red Chief O. Henry 1910

The Innocence of Father Brown Chesterton, G. K. 1911

Ethan Frome Wharton, Edith 1911

Pygmalion Shaw, George Bernard 1912

Sons and Lovers Lawrence, D.H. 1913

Dubliners Joyce, James 1914

The Good Soldier Ford, Ford Maddox 1915

The Road not Taken Frost, Robert 1915

The Metamorphosis Kafka, Franz 1915

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man Joyce, James 1916

Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis Freud, Sigmund 1917

Selected Poems Owens, Wilfrid 1918

Fourteen Points speech Wilson, Woodrow 1918

The Emperor Jones O'Neill, Eugene 1920

poems Pound, Ezra 1920

Swann's Way Proust, Marcel 1920

Babbitt Lewis, Sinclair 1922

The Ego and the Id Freud, Sigmund 1923

Christianity and Liberalism Machen, J. Gresham 1923

A Passage to India Forster, E.M. 1924

The Magic Mountain Mann, Thomas 1924

An American Tragedy Dreiser, Theodore 1925

Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1925

“The Trial" Kafka, Franz 1925

Mrs. Dalloway Woolf, Virginia 1925

The Sun Also Rises Hemingway 1926

Death Comes for the Archbishop Cather, Willa 1927

To the Lighthouse Woolf, Virginia 1927

All Quiet on the Western Front Remarque, Erich 1928

The Sound and the Fury Faulkner, William 1929

A Farewell to Arms Hemingway 1929

Strong Poison Sayers, Dorothy 1929

Things Fall Apart Achebe, Chinua 1930

As I Lay Dying Faulkner, William 1930

"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" Porter, Katherine Anne 1930

Brave New World Huxley, Alduous 1931

Murder of the Orient Express Christie, Agatha 1934

Call it Sleep Roth, Henry 1934

“Murder in the Cathedral" Eliot, T.S. 1935

Gone with the Wind Mitchell, Margaret 1936

Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston, Zora Neale 1937

“Our Town" Wilder, Thornton 1938

The Little Foxes Hellman, Lillian 1939

Mein Kampf Hitler, Adolph 1939

The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck, John 1939

The Pearl Steinbeck, John 1939

"A Worn Path" Welty, Eudora 1940

Native Son Wright, Richard 1940

Long Day's Journey into Night O'Neill, Eugene 1941

Pearl harbor address to the nation Roosevelt, FD 1941

The Stranger Camus, Albert 1942

Go Down Moses Faulkner, William 1942

Four Quartets Eliot, T.S. 1943

Abolition of Man Lewis, C.S 1943

The Glass Menagerie Williams, Tennessee 1944

Animal Farm Orwell, George 1945

poems Williams, William Carlos 1945

The Diary of Anne Frank Frank, Anne 1947

Doctor Zhivago Pasternak, Boris 1947

A Streetcar Named Desire Williams, Tennessee 1947

The Lottery Jackson, Shirley 1948

Cry, the Beloved Country Paton, Alan 1948

Death of a Salesman Miller, Arthur 1949

Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell, George 1949

History of the English-Speaking People Churchill, Winston 1950

Collection of Poetry Cummings, E.E. 1950

The Catcher in the Rye Salinger, J.D. 1951

Waiting for God Weil, Simone 1951

Wating for Godot Beckett, Samuel 1952

Invisible Man Ellison, Ralph 1952

Old Man and the Sea Hemingway 1952

Mere Christianity Lewis, C.S 1952

Go Tell it on the Mountain Baldwin, James 1953

The Adventures of Augie March Bellow, Saul 1953

Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray 1953

The Crucible Miller, Arthur 1953

Lord of the Flies Golding, William 1954

Nectarina Sieve Markandaya 1955

"A Good Man is Hard to Find" O'Connor, Flannery 1955

Tell Me a Riddle Olsen, Tillie 1956

A Death in the Family Agee, James 1957

The Assistant Malamud, Bernard 1957

A Separate Peace Knowles, John 1959

To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 1960

Catch-22 Heller, Joseph 1961

A Man for All Seasons Bolt, Robert 1962

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1962

I Have a Dream King, Jr. 1963

Letter from a Birmingham Jail King, Jr. 1963

The Bell Jar Plath, Sylvia 1963

“Why We Can’t Wait" King, Jr. 1964

"Everything That Rises Must Converge" O'Connor, Flannery 1965

The Crying of Lot 49 Pynchon, Thomas 1966

One Hundred Years of Solitude Marquez 1967

The Chosen Potok, Chaim 1967

“Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead" Stoppard, Tom 1967

Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Jr., Kurt 1969

The Hiding Place ten Boom, Corrie 1971

Killer Angels Shaara, Michael 1974

“The Gulag Archipelago" Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr 1974

Ceremony Silko, Leslie Marmon 1977

Collected Stories Welty, Eudora 1980

The Color Purple Walker, Alice 1982

Night Wiesel, Elie 1982

A Time for Choosing, Tear Down this Wall, and other speeches Reagan, Ronald 1984

Beloved Morrison, Toni 1987

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And the "just American" list (same book lists):


Mayflower Compact 1620

Of Plymouth Plantation Bradford 1630

A Model of Christian Charity speech Winthrop 1630

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Edwards, Jonathan 1741

A Treatise Concerning Religious Affections Edwards, Joneathan 1746

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin 1771

Speech in the Virginia Convention Henry, Patrick 1775

Common Sense Paine, Thomas 1776

The Declaration of Independence 1776

Articles of Confederation 1777

The Federalist Papers Hamilton, et al. 1787

Anti-Federalist Papers 1787

The Constitution of the United States 1788

“The Rights of Man" Paine, Thomas 1792

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow & Rip Van Winkle Irving, Washington 1820

The Last of the Mohicans Cooper, James Fennimore 1826

stories (Tell Tale Heart, Raven) Poe, Edgar Allan 1840

Pit and the Pendulum Poe, Edgar Allan 1842

“Self-Reliance" and other essays Emerson, Ralph Waldo 1844

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglas Douglass, Frederick 1845

speeches Douglass, Frederick 1845

Evangeline Longfellow 1847

On Civil Disobedience Thoreau, Henry David 1849

The Scarlet Letter Hawthorne, Nathaniel 1850

The House of Seven Gables Hawthorne, nathaniel 1851

Moby Dick Melville, Herman 1851

Ain't I a Woman speech Truth, Sojourner 1851

Uncle Tom’s Cabin Stowe, Harriet Beecher 1852

Bartleby the Scrivener Melville, Herman 1853

Walden Thoreau, Henry David 1854

Leaves of Grass Whitman, Walt 1855

poetry Dickinson, Emily 1860

Man Without a Country Hale, Edward 1863

“Gettysburg Address" Lincoln, Abraham 1863

O Captain My Captain Whitman, Walt 1865

Tom Sawyer Twain, Mark 1876

Portrait of a Lady James, Henry 1880

Huckleberry Finn Twain, mark 1884

Billy Budd Melville, Herman 1888

Red Badge of Courage Crane, Stephen 1895

Turn of the Screw James, Henry 1898

The Awakening Chopin, Kate 1899

Up from Slavery Washington, Booker T. 1901

The Souls of Black Folk Dubois, W.E.B. 1903

The Call of the Wild London, Jack 1903

House of Mirth Wharton, Edith 1905

The Jungle Sinclair, Upton 1906

The Ransom of Red Chief O. Henry 1910

Ethan Frome Wharton, Edith 1911

The Road not Taken Frost, Robert 1915

Fourteen Points speech Wilson, Woodrow 1918

The Emperor Jones O'Neill, Eugene 1920

poems Pound, Ezra 1920

Babbitt Lewis, Sinclair 1922

Christianity and Liberalism Machen, J. Gresham 1923

An American Tragedy Dreiser, Theodore 1925

Great Gatsby Fitzgerald, F. Scott 1925

The Sun Also Rises Hemingway 1926

Death Comes for the Archbishop Cather, Willa 1927

The Sound and the Fury Faulkner, William 1929

A Farewell to Arms Hemingway 1929

As I Lay Dying Faulkner, William 1930

"The Jilting of Granny Weatherall" Porter, Katherine Anne 1930

Call it Sleep Roth, Henry 1934

Gone with the Wind Mitchell, Margaret 1936

Their Eyes Were Watching God Hurston, Zora Neale 1937

“Our Town" Wilder, Thornton 1938

The Little Foxes Hellman, Lillian 1939

The Grapes of Wrath Steinbeck, John 1939

The Pearl Steinbeck, John 1939

"A Worn Path" Welty, Eudora 1940

Native Son Wright, Richard 1940

Long Day's Journey into Night O'Neill, Eugene 1941

Pearl harbor address to the nation Roosevelt, FD 1941

Go Down Moses Faulkner, William 1942

The Glass Menagerie Williams, Tennessee 1944

Animal Farm Orwell, George 1945

poems Williams, William Carlos 1945

A Streetcar Named Desire Williams, Tennessee 1947

The Lottery Jackson, Shirley 1948

Death of a Salesman Miller, Arthur 1949

Nineteen Eighty-Four Orwell, George 1949

Collection of Poetry Cummings, E.E. 1950

The Catcher in the Rye Salinger, J.D. 1951

Invisible Man Ellison, Ralph 1952

Old Man and the Sea Hemingway 1952

Go Tell it on the Mountain Baldwin, James 1953

The Adventures of Augie March Bellow, Saul 1953

Fahrenheit 451 Bradbury, Ray 1953

The Crucible Miller, Arthur 1953

"A Good Man is Hard to Find" O'Connor, Flannery 1955

A Death in the Family Agee, James 1957

A Separate Peace Knowles, John 1959

To Kill a Mockingbird Lee, Harper 1960

Catch-22 Heller, Joseph 1961

I Have a Dream King, Jr. 1963

Letter from a Birmingham Jail King, Jr. 1963

The Bell Jar Plath, Sylvia 1963

“Why We Can’t Wait" King, Jr. 1964

"Everything That Rises Must Converge" O'Connor, Flannery 1965

The Crying of Lot 49 Pynchon, Thomas 1966

The Chosen Potok, Chaim 1967

Slaughterhouse-Five Vonnegut, Jr., Kurt 1969

Killer Angels Shaara, Michael 1974

Collected Stories Welty, Eudora 1980

The Color Purple Walker, Alice 1982

Night Wiesel, Elie 1982

A Time for Choosing, Tear Down this Wall, and other speeches Reagan, Ronald 1984

Beloved Morrison, Toni 1987

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