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S/O: What did YOU read your senior year in high school as assigned reading

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Here is what I can remember; there were probably more. I took AP/GATE/college prep all the way through, and we were usually required to read some selections of our own choice (from a list) over summer too. I specifically remember reading either Sense and Sensibility or Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen and something by Albert Camus for those assignments.


I then started college as an English major, and got an AA in Humanities. Even though I went on to do a Bachelor's degree in the sciences, I've got a love for classic lit, so I've read a lot of books in my day. Sometimes it's hard to remember when I read what :lol:



Senior Year

Washington Square by Henry James

A Passage to India by EM Forster

The Invisible Man by Ralph Elliot

Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce


Junior Year

The Sound and the Furyby William Faulkner

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

The Sun Also Rises and The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Assorted poetry and short stories. I specifically remember some from Sylvia Plath and Hemingway


Sophomore Year

Story of an Hour by Kate Chopin

The Scarlett Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne

T'ess of the D'Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy

Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

The Heart of Darkness and The Secret Sharer by Joseph Conrad


Freshman Year

A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

The Pearl, The Red Pony, Of Mice & Men by John Steinbeck


Along the way I've read several Shakespeare plays as well: Macbeth, Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Much Ado about Nothing. I'm just not sure where they fit in :D

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It all kind of blends together, so I can't remember what specifically we read in my senior year. I know we read Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Joyce) and Nostromo (Conrad) as seniors because I remember my study partners for those books. I think we read The Great Gatsby that year as well, because our teacher was a little surprised we hadn't already read it.


Others I remember from high school: Metamorphosis, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Othello, Henry V (or IV??), some short stories including The Yellow Wallpaper and The Lottery, Uncle Tom's Cabin, The Lord of the Flies (which gave me nightmares), Death of a Salesman. I know we read more, but I can't remember the rest.



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Mine was 94-95 at a public college prep school in AP/IB English.


Bleak House (the book that never ended)

The Turn of the Screw

Heart of Darkness

The Awakening


I can't remember what else. All I remember is I was far more interested in making time with my boyfriend than reading literature. I don't think I liked any of those much except maybe the last one. I liked other years literature better - seems like my favorites from high school were:


To Kill A Mockingbird


Great Gatsby

Scarlet Letter


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I can't remember specific years of high school either.


I remember reading the following sometime during high school:


Heart of Darkness

Jane Eyre

The Odyssey

Oedipus Rex


Wuthering Heights

Romeo and Juliet

The Scarlet Letter


Our Town


I'm sure I forgetting many of the assigned books, but that's what I can remember at the moment.

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I graduated in 1988. If I go to my HS's coursebook now, they do not read nearly as many books as we did. We were also on a trimester system, so we had shorter actual days of classes, yet class length was longer, and fewer classes. Now they have semesters and they do 1/3 as much work, IMHO.


What I remember, over all 4 years:


Amer. Lit 11 th grade: Of Mice & Men, An American Tragedy, Great Gatsby, Scarlet Letter, The Grapes of Wrath, Walden, Etc.


World Lit: The Trial, Crime & Punishment, Moliere plays, Madame Bovary, One Day in the Life of Ivan Dynysovich, One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gilgamesh, Canterbury Tales


Misc: Brave New World, Macbeth, The Tempest, The importance of Being Earnest, To the Lighthouse, multiple plays and short stories, Faulkner, Classic fairy tales & myths, parts of the Bible as myth and fiction, The Odyssey, Marcus Aurelius, Greek Plays, Herodotus, etc.


We read Twain, Shakespeare, Poe and Dickens in middle school. (Toms Sawyer & Huck Finn, R & J, Midsummer's, Oliver Twist, Tale of Two Cities, All Quiet on the Western front, The Iliad, 1984, metamorphosis, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc)

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I graduated early so I was only there for one semester, but I read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein for literature and Ayn Rand's The Fountainhead for Honors English. That was the only required reading I had all semester.


ETA: True story: I never received my physical diploma because I forgot to turn my in Frankenstein book at the end of the semester. I don't know; I just never got around to it. I was already living in a different city by the time my class got around to graduating. I still have the book, and still don't have a physical HS diploma. :P I haven't thought about that in years!

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Umm, I'm not sure that I remember it all -- it was kind of a disjoint year, both for me in general (returning to the school I had been in freshman year, after stops at other schools) and for the teacher (he adopted a child that year, and then his wife had a health crisis so we had substitutes a lot that year.


What I remember:

The Oedipus Cycle -- all three plays


Of Mice and Men

Our Town

Romeo and Juliet (junior year was almost all Shakespeare in this school -- I missed out on that, and ended up doing American lit (practically the same book) both years that I was gone).


There probably was more -- that's what I remember 20-odd years after the fact, though.

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I can't remember all the titles that I read in highschool english but do remember that the theme of my sr. honors english was tragedy theme.


Death of a Salesman

Brave New World


Oedipus Rex


In my jr and soph year I remember reading

Canarey row


The Scarlet Letter

Of Mice and Men

Our Town

Lord of the flies

The Separate Peace

Merchant of Venice

The Great Gatsby

Edgar Allan Poe

The importance of Being Earnest

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I don't remember which books because of the books, I remember them because of the teachers.


I had an English teacher in my Sophomore year who studied middle English and read The Canterbury Tales prologue to us that way. Amazing, amazing, amazing. The Pearl, Old Man and the Sea, The Great Gatsby.


Junior English. I think this was the Shakespeare year-Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth, and Othello. I really hated Romeo and Juliet, so I remember that.


Senior English, One Day in the Life of Ivan, Brothers Karamazov, For Whom the Bell Tolls, Narcissus and Goldmund (which I adored). Les Mis! How could I forget! Then when we were done, we went to see the play in NYC, which was amazing.


Of Mice was in there somewhere, and Lord of the Flies--I think that was 9th.

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Let's see. . . Senior year, I took English classes at a local college. One semester was a whole lot of poetry, a good survey introduction (mostly using the Norton Anthology) that prepared me well for the English class I took when I went to my main college (which was designed for English majors; I was only in it because it was the writing-intensive course for my history-related major). The other semester was Intro to Drama, and our teacher was great. Among other things, I know we read The Glass Menagerie (which I loved), Agamemnon, Lysistrata (I think), something by Moliere, Henry V, and King Lear.


Junior year of high school, I took a basic composition course at the local college -- not a lot of reading, but a lot of writing. I also took Intro to Short Story -- another good survey course; I do remember "Heart of Darkness" and "Bartleby the Scrivener."


I read The Scarlet Letter junior year for US history. Other things we read in 8th-10th grade (accelerated classes, designed to get us ready for college courses in 11th grade): Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, Canterbury Tales, Macbeth, Ordinary People, Great Gatsby, Grapes of Wrath, Great Expectations, Romeo and Juliet, "The Necklace" (which is the only short story I remember from those years, and only because our textbook used it for a ton of examples), Oedipus Rex, the entire crazy long Les Miserables, Animal Farm (8th grade), Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Huck Finn (9th, I think), The Hobbit (8th grade), A Christmas Carol (8th, IIRC), John Updike's "A&P," I believe 1984 and Of Mice and Men were on the list of choices for one year's summer reading, but I opted for others instead of those.


I know I've read Our Town but can't remember when. And Hamlet in sixth grade. To Kill a Mockingbird was somewhere in 7th or 8th, I think. I read The Light in the Forest somewhere in high school. I know I've also read some Poe, some of Beowulf, "The Gift of the Magi, "The Ransom of Red Chief," some of Sir Thomas Malory's works about Arthur, some of "Paradise Lost," and a lot of other random stuff. I feel like I've read Moby Dick, or at least part of it, and I feel like I've read something by Hemingway but can't remember what. (Clearly, these books made huge impressions on me, LOL.)

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Just curious. I will have to post mine in a while as I am headed out the door.


:lol: :lol:

What did I read my senior year? :lol:


My class schedule had no academics in it to speak of. So I really didn't read anything for school. I read a ton in my free time but they weren't classics. :)

(My schedule was band, a cappella choir, show choir, women's choir, two free periods where I was a teacher's aide - one of them was for the band director, all year, and the other was for my favorite 'social studies' teacher first semester and for freshman choir second semester, in which I ended up singing, too - and then I went and did 'contracted ed' and helped teach band and choir at the middle school. Any guess what I was planning on my life being at the time? :lol: )



ETA: OH! Wait! I did take an AP Lit & Comp class one semester of my senior year. Easiest A I ever got... of course, we didn't really do much. I remember a lot of movies, which = me sleeping with my head on the desk.

Yep, senior personality 'Most likely to sleep through life' right here. :thumbup:


Oh, and I graduated in 2000. We only had required english classes through 10th grade, and then we had to choose an elective english class in 11th. We didn't have to do one as a senior, but I needed something to fill the time slot and someone recommended AP L&C because it was so easy. I was all about working as little as possible my senior year. (I wasn't dumb - I could have done a harder class - but I just didn't want to!)

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It's all a bit foggy as to what was which year, but this is my best guess:



Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, "The Dead"

"The Wasteland" (not a novel, but the assigned background reading made it feel like one)

something by Shakespeare (Hamlet was 11th, I think, and we'd already done Julius Caesar, Romeo and Juliet, and MacBeth... must be The Tempest)

Waiting for Godot (may have been in Humanities)

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Heart of Darkness

I'm missing a novel



The Stone Angel

As for Me and My House

something by Robertson Davies (not Fifth Business, that was earlier)

something by Atwood (Surfacing, I think)

terrible, terrible poetry

I'm missing something... probably something landscape-y; if only they'd jazzed it up with some Farley Mowat :D



On the Road

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

The Plague and L'Etranger

The Wars (Timothy Findley)

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

other poems by Eliot... "The Hollow Men," "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock"

I'm missing something humorous

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Our school didn't have AP or Honors English - this was just their standard English course:




Romeo & Juliette

Julius Caesar

most of Shakespeare's sonnets

Canterbury Tales


Great Expectations


Tess of the D'urbervilles

Catcher In the Rye

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

Ben Hur

Of Mice and Men

The Grapes of Wrath

The Color Purple

plus several short stories (Poe, O'Henry, etc)

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Honors English, 15 years ago:


Heart of Darkness

Crime and Punishment

Three others that I cannot remember....

eta: I remember one more...As I lay dying





Merchant of Venice

Richard III


Oedipus and one other, it runs together with college and masters work..


Death of a Salesman



Song of Solomon- just me, we each had to pick from a list for our analysis paper.


Excerpts or Canterbury Tales, a lot of poetry that I don't remember.

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I don't remember which years I read them, but I read and wrote thesis papers on these, and more:


Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison)

The Great Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

"A Good Man is Hard to Find" (Flannery O'Connor)

The Chosen (Chaim Potok)

Great Expectations (Charles Dickens)

Siddhartha (Hermann Hesse)

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (Aleksander Solzhenitsyn)

Night (Elie Weisel)

Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)

The Good Earth (Pearl S. Buck)

Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoyevsky)

The Iliad (Homer)

"Julius Caesar" (William Shakespeare)


(This was a class for gifted students)



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I don't remember that well. It was over 30 years ago. Here is part of what I remember, and it was AP English. Parts of the Bible (like Genesis, Job, maybe Prverbs and Psalsm???) and Edith Hamilton's Mythology for summer reading. Odysseus, Hamlet, Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man and the Dubliners, lots of poetry, Grapes of Wrath, I think something by Flannery OConnor, and I am sure there was more but I can't remember or get mixed up what I read in college, or in 10th and 11th grade.

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AP English, Senior year... all I can remember is Night by Elie Wiesel, Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad and a textbook with lots of stories and poems that I used AGAIN for English 101, in college.


Oh, and we read a bunch of stories by Kate Chopin... that's all I remember... no wait, I think we read Bram Stokers Dracula too.... OK, that's really all I remember, this was 13 years ago.

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I was taking AP literature and composition, so we picked a novel each grading period off of the AP list to write about, plus read/discussed a lot of shorter literature. I'd been on the Academic competition team in high school as an literature specialist, so I'd read the entire list before starting the class.


11th grade had been British Literature-basically, a semester of Shakespeare and a semester of everything else.


10th grade was American Literature


9th grade was World Literature.

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AP English @ 20 years ago.


A lot of short stories including Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" and Oates' "Where are You Going, Where Have You Been?"


A bunch of poetry like Eliot's "The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock."


The plays Death of Salesman and The Doll House.


Heart of Darkness

Pride and Prejudice

Lord of the Flies

And 2 others of our choice from the College Bound Reading List. We also did a lot of writing.


Because they cancelled anatomy (semester) and nucleonics (semester) for lack of interest, I filled in with English and World Lit. I read a lot in those classes but since they were specialty classes I'll hold off unless someone is really curious. ;)

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I can't remember which books I read during which year of high school. I do know that at some point in high school I read Silas Marner, the book of Job from The Bible, Julius Caesar, Romeo & Juliet, Macbeth, poetry by Edgar Allan Poe, Wuthering Heights, Pride and Prejudice, The Importance of Being Earnest, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and several others that I've forgotten. Our reading material was quite challenging. All of the Shakespeare that I read was in its original form...I do remember that!:)

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Ok, I probably spent way too much time trying to remember this:


10th grade

Death of a Salesman

The Odyssey

Of Mice and Men

Great Gatsby

Scarlett Letter

Huckleberry Finn

Flowers for Algernon


11th grade

A Tale of Two Cities


Julius Caesar

Pride and Prejudice

Romeo and Juliet

Canterbury Tales


12th grade

Brave New World

Heart of Darkness


I know there were more, especially in 12th grade, but this is all I can remember. On the flip side, my husband graduated form high school having only read 1 book: 1984.

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Dante's Inferno


The Scarlet Letter


Julius Caesar


Wuthering Heights


The Invisible Man

A bunch of short Stories that I do not remember.



I know there was a lot more, but I just don't recall. This was at a Public school, so technically Genesis was "optional". You couldn't get a very good grade on quiz's and tests without reading everything, though.



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Hmmm, that was a loooong time ago! ;)

Our lit. class was called "Modern Literature and the Condition of Man."


We read:

The Grapes of Wrath


Darkness at Noon


Heart of Darkness


It was an intense class! Small with a fabulous teacher and lots of worldview challenge from all angles.

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I don't remember.


Wait. We read The Old Man and the Sea sometime in high school--11th grade? It was the only book ever assigned that I did not read because I hated it so much.


My mother wouldn't let me read twaddle, however, so I read tons of classics on my own for fun. But for school? Don't remember.


How do you guys remember what you read in school? I graduated in 1990, so that was 22 years ago. Maybe it's just been too long... :D

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A couple of plays, I am pretty sure the only book we read was Metamorphosis by Kafka. I was in AP English, mostly our teacher just lectured us through the books- summed them up and then told us why they were important..and then we wrote and wrote. We read some pieces of great books, but really short excerpts. I was really excited to get to college and actually read the works we only discussed.

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1984 (read it in 1984)

Fahrenheit 451

Cry, the Beloved Country

Madame Bovary

A Passage to India

Julius Caesar

Canterbury Tales

The Return of the Native

Wuthering Heights

The Scarlet Letter

The Importance of Being Earnest

The Picture of Dorian Gray

The Great Gatsby

A Tale of Two Cities


Death of a Salesman

The Glass Menagerie

Oedipus Rex

Cyrano de Bergerac


and others I can't think of right now...

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Homschooling a high school student brings it all back. Also, I remember certain teachers very well. I was lucky to have some dynamic ones. You don't forget learning "To be or not to be", for instance, or Night, Walden, Manderley burning to the ground, Sandburg's ' on little cat feet' or Frost's "I took the road less traveled, and that has made all the difference". You dont forget you read "The House of Seven Gables", and then went on a field to the home. Or the time you were in the middle of The Great Gatsby, and your class too a bus trip to Newport, RI to see where the movie was filmed.


It is somewhat difficult for me to remember what I read for pleasure, v. what I read for school, and what my mom read to us.


I do remember classes, and teachers, and certain assignments, and that I thought I would die before I finished reading Billy Bud. (I just got a flash of pain, and I didn't even mention that in my original post.) I also remember weeping in class over Our Town in 9th grade.


Some words stay with you.


We did have a summer reading list.

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Honors English from grades 9-11:

Freshman: I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Great Expectations, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Scarlet Letter, The Crucible

Sophomore: Mists of Avalon, Les Miserables, The Bible as Literature (not sure what else)

Junior: 12th Night, Ethan Frome, Great Gatsby, Grapes of Wrath


Senior: alternative school with no curriculum. I read The Good Earth on my own.


In my state college honors program (English, Philosophy, and History), freshman year I read read Dante's Inferno, Greek Myths, The Song of Roland, Shadows Beneath the Pomegranate Tree, The Heart of Darkness, Metamorphosis, King Lear, Brothers Karamazov, and probably several others. I had 5-6 literary analysis papers each quarter.

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What I remember reading in High School:



Romeo and Juliet

Julius Caesar

Our Town

The Glass Menagerie

Death of a Saleman




Great Expectations

A Seperate Peace

The Grapes of Wrath

Lord of the Flies

The Summer of My German Soldier

Of Mice and Men

The Call of the Wild

Les Miserables


Short Fiction:

The Yellow Wallpaper

Bernice Bobs Her Hair

To Build a Fire

An Occurence at Owl Creek Bridge

The Gift of the Magi

The Cask of Amontillado

The Tell Tale Heart

The Jilting of Granny Weatherall

The Atheist's Mass

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My senior year I took AP English Lit and Comp.


I remember we had to memorize some part of the Caterbury Tales.


We also read



A Winter's Tale (we also saw a play of this one which was pretty good although freakin cold since it was at an outdoor theatre in late Oct in WI)


I also remember having to read The Great Gatsby, The Awakening, Jude the Obscure, some poetry although I can't remember what and by whom. I'm sure there was more but I'm not sure what.


I know we had to do a research paper that was 10 pages long on and author and my teacher actually had a raffle type of thing so not everyone picked Poe. Basically we all had to stay after school and pull a number out of a hat and then in order of said numbers we got to pick from a list he gave us. There were only 3 classes worth with a total of 53 kids and I got number 47. I ended up with Thomas Hardy. Part of our paper had to be about one of their famous works and my teacher said I couldn't do Jude the Obscure since we'd read that shortly before the papers were assigned. I ended up reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles which seemed like the same stinking storyline of Jude, so I never finished reading it but managed and A on the paper and oral presentation.

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My high school did not have honors or AP when I went there (they do now) but in Senior English I remember reading:



The Odyssey

The Jungle

Jane Eyre



I know there were a few more, but those are the ones I remember.

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I honestly can't remember enough to give you an accurate list. I think it was a few Shakespeare plays (and maybe one or two other plays which I recall doing but not sure which year), selected works of a few poets and maybe six or eight novels.


This was in grade 11 (junior year) - under our old system you didn't have to do the same subjects in both the two final years, so I did biology, chemistry, math, English lit, French, German, history, legal studies and computing spread over the two years - but it was the highest level of English offered in school. The state education department had quite a long list of works to study, and it was up to individual schools/teachers to select what each class would do.

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High school was a long, long, long tme ago. My brother and I were just talking about this a few days ago. I did not read good books in highschool but my brother, who is 8 years younger than I am and went to the same school, read many classics like Heart of Darkness. Obviously we had different teachers.


All I remember reading in Gr. 12 was Silas Marner and King Lear. I do remember reading lots of poetry and short stories as well.

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