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Gluten free ... hunger ...

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I've been gluten free (had to) for a little over a year now and it seems like I am always hungry. I can't seem to get satisfied when I eat and very few times have I actually felt full. Is there something I can do about this or should I just resolve to deal with feeling hungry all the time?

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Spend $20 to buy a cheap glucose meters and some test strips. (Also get the Delica lancet because it barely hurts.) Test your glucose 30, 60, and 90 minutes after meals. Your glucose may be on a roller coasting, causing you to feel hungry.


If you don't want to bother, just lower your carbs and eat more protein and fat with each meal.

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I was going to say to up your fat & protein levels to compensate for lowering the carbs. Also .. make sure the carbs you do eat are whole grain .. brown rice, sweet potatoes, etc. as the high sugar in some of the gluten free breads, cookies, cake mixtures will only cause hypoglycemia and that will cause the dips and spikes so you will be feeling hungry more often.


I have my carb ratios to about 100-130 grams per day, my protein to about 130 and my fats to 30-50 depending on the day. If you are trying to lose weight I would keep carbs/proteins high and fats lower, and if you are at your goal weight and just want to maintain then you can lower carbs a bit (as long as you don't do heavy workouts) and up the fat gram percentage.


Anyway .. good luck ... I am a celiac and have been eating this way for well over 10 years.

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Have you tried logging what you eat at myfitnesspal.com (MFP) anyway it might be useful to see what is going on each day. You can customize the settings to whatever you like. You are welcome to view mine and friend me at sadonnah over there if you set up a free acct.


It sounds like you may not be eating enough. You need a minimum of 1200 calories and that is a bare minimum .. typical for those who are wanting to lose weight. I eat more like 1500-1600 per day but am at my goal weight .. I could go much higher if I wanted to integrate more lean proteins into my day, but after a while egg whites and chicken breasts can only go so far. ;-P You could consider supplementing in the AM with a protein shake of some kind though.

Edited by SaDonna
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I mostly eat rice and potatoes


Ding, ding, ding! You are probably on a glucose roller coaster, which will leave you feeling hungry. I would try cutting out the rice and potatoes and upping the fat a lot. Make cream sauces for your veggies or pile the butter on. Make stir fries with veggies and meat. Eat peanut butter. Avoid soda and severely limit fruit.

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I've been running a group on FB full of women trying to lose weight .. we've found that you can actually up the carbs & proteins to higher grams (as long as the carbs come from whole grains, veggies, etc) and if you keep the fat down .. say a 40/40/20 ratio of carbs/proteins/fats .. they seem to lose a significant amount of weight.


When some of us backed off that ratio and lowered the carbs & proteins a bit to up the fat ratios .. we found that we 'maintained' weight. It's just a theory really .. as everyone is different, but it what has worked for me. If I want to lose weight, tone, and uncover my abs then I lower the fat grams to about 30 and up the carbs/proteins.. if I want to maintain .. (not really have the ab definition) then I lower the carbs and proteins a bit and up the fat.

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