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Speaking of going back to work/school...

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There have been a lot of threads about this lately (for us going back to school, not the kiddos :) ) and yesterday DH and I were talking about it again, so today I looked at the website for the community college I was hoping to attend to get my AAS for respiratory therapy.

The program is now listed as 'available to complete via distance learning with exception of labs and clinical' !!!!!!! :svengo: Labs and clinical do not come into play in the first couple of semesters (especially with the prereqs) even for people doing a full load.

Meaning... I could go back to school. Sooner than I thought. :blink:




OK, yes, this is the plan. I shouldn't be surprised. But I honestly can't decide whether to be excited or terrified! :lol:


The plan, for those who haven't heard it already:

I go to school, not full time, taking my time and continuing to homeschool (#1 priority is homeschooling for me) for however long it takes to get my degree.

I work, 3 nights/wk, keeping our income close to what it is now.

DH either quits or becomes part time, and returns to school, full time. He'll finish quicker this way.

Both of us then work (alternating shifts, hopefully).


Am I nuts? Is this insane? Is this going to work???!!! As an entry level RRT, will I get to work night shift 3 nights per week? I don't care what nights - I just want it to be nights.

I'm terrified. And at the same time, I'm not.

I don't know what to think. I could start school in less than a year!!!! :svengo:

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That sounds so exciting! I say go for it! When I was trying to get the nerve to take classes my husband said, "the next 4 years are going to go by anyway, might as well get your degree." it's true, they did and I did. I took mine online, first through the local community college and then a local university. It was actually a great fit with homeschooling!

Just think of how the path you and your husband will impact your kids! They get to see 2 people sacrificing and working hard to meet goals and follow their dreams. :001_smile: just awesome.

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Awesome! I would love to be a RT. Our local CC does not have a RT program :(


You should definitly be able to get 3rd shift as entry level. :)


I work at a hospital I should look into their tuition reimbursement program......






Congrats and goodluck!


I've been looking at switching jobs for this very reason.

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