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blah blah first day blah

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What the heck was I thinking deciding to homeschool this year???


I only have 2 home this week. The oldest 2. You would think school would be more easily accomplished today. But NO I have to have a 14 yr old son.


A son that apparently lost his brains at somepoint this summer, and not only forgot all he knew but also how to sit upright in a chair. And that is when I got him to the flipping chair in the first place.


He spent an hour locked in the bathroom this am ignoring me. We got through read alouds and bible with him (flopped face first into the table) then had lunch. He caused a 30 minute errand on main street turn into 2 hours, then we got through math (which he actually enjoyed-we used Khan academy today) and then he jumped out the window and took off while I answered the front door.


He and my 9 yr old are being accused of giving drugs to a boy down the street. Boy down the street has not accused them. Apparently boy down teh street is acting weird and so the parents have leapt from weird 10 yr old to that means these 2 boys are providing drugs.


Nope my boys are just weird all on their own, no psychedelic help there.


In addition to son going awol, dd took off the minute I sat down to pee for the first time since lunch. So now the school day is not even 1/2 way done and I am missing my only 2 students.


Sucks to be them when they come home for dinner and find out just how grounded they are.


I know we always have struggles the first couple weeks from ds pushing boundaries. I am giving him until Friday to shape up or Monday he will be in the ps. Of course the ps wants to put him into 5th this year instead of getting special needs help. I don't even care. I can not take a whole 'nother year of this crap.


Here's hoping that he finds his brains, and remembers how to sit up before I decide to self medicate with tequila. Just sayin'



I know where they are but it is across town and the train tracks and I am barely walking anymore today after our trek to main street (I really need a car again)


I love my children. I love my children. I love my children. I love my children.

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:grouphug: 14 yo boys = ?!?@#?**


Seriously how do they survive? I guess they must somehow, but it really is a miracle they make it to 15.


Hope tomorrow is better!



No kidding! I warned him that if his lack of brains didn't kill him before his next birthday I just might.

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and then he jumped out the window and took off while I answered the front door.


In addition to son going awol, dd took off the minute I sat down to pee for the first time since lunch. So now the school day is not even 1/2 way done and I am missing my only 2 students.


I'm sorry, but :lol::lol::lol:!


It will get better. It will get better. It will get better.

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I'm sorry, but :lol::lol::lol:!


It will get better. It will get better. It will get better.


Well I am so glad you could laugh about it *smh*


Both are back home now. Science, spelling and the rest of math are now done. They are having a supper break and then we are getting back to it. Come hell or high water this day is getting finished. We always go through this, ds pushes and pushes, decides doing school until midnight sucks and they get back to a normal school routine. It is the interim that will result in bodily harm. Teens...sheesh!

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Well I am so glad you could laugh about it *smh*


Sorry, hope I didn't offend. Just...he jumped out the window? That's what cracked me up.


Thinking of all the times I've left the room for a minute and come back to no students. But mine are younger than yours, I wouldn't have the first idea how to deal with teens doing this! Your homeschooling week can only get better, right?

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I give up. It is 10pm...we have only hit the 1/2 way mark and the boy is not getting any smarter.


Him: Hey mom guess what CID stands for?

Me: what?

Him: Kids in detention

Me: Um, kids starts with a K

Him: okay. wait. what? kids starts with a k? *followed by sudden erasing of his writing assignment*


I told him finish the assignment and go to bed, he clearly needs to rest what meager brain cells are still functioning.

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Sorry, hope I didn't offend. Just...he jumped out the window? That's what cracked me up.


Thinking of all the times I've left the room for a minute and come back to no students. But mine are younger than yours, I wouldn't have the first idea how to deal with teens doing this! Your homeschooling week can only get better, right?


No you didn't offend. ANd yes out the window. At least we are in a bungalow now. Back when we lived in the city the bedrooms were on the second floor. I was cleaning the livingroom when suddenly I see my 7 yr old son jump off the over hang that was under his window and take off across the yard. :001_huh: That day his window got nailed shut.


In this house usually they climb in the boy's bedroom window (trying to sneak up on me) but today he went out it because I was blocking the front door and he thought he was so sneaky. idiot.

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Sorry you had a bad day. Sometimes my 11 yr old acts like his brain cells don't work too. I blew my top with him today but we did get done before 2pm. He does not try me as much as your older two but my daughter who is in public school would try me like that. Hope you day is better tomorrow.

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