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Book Suggestion needed


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A little background. My son is 9 and going into 3rd grade. However, he is a struggling reader and reads at about a mid year 1st grade. I'm looking for some suggestions on easy books that don't seem too babyish...


He's getting sick of Biscuit and Clifford, etc.


Can you suggest anything?



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None of my kids read before the age of 9 (well my oldest was 8). The thing that helped them was being motivated to read certain books. My boys all cut their teeth on Calvin and Hobbes. I was amazed at how they could read the big words, but the pictures and context help, so you might want to mix some non-readers in with his deemed-more-appropriate-for-his-reading-level books. My kids also enjoyed My Father's Dragon, The Bunnicula series, Wayside School Series, Flat Stanley series, Billy and Blaze, Peanuts comics, and Garfield.

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Thank you so much for your suggestions. I will look into all of them. He is so excited that reading is finally "clicking" for him, it has been a struggle. He wants to read but I don't want him to get frustrated with books that are too babyish or too hard.


Thanks again!

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How about non-fiction picture books? I am amazed at how many heavy topics have been addressed in picture books--chemistry, all manner of history and geography, sports (!), you name it. He is probably close to being ready for the Horrible Science series, to which I credit my son's vast knowledge of random scientific facts. He may not quite be there, but probably soon.



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