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K Singapore Math - Earlybird or Essentials?


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My 5 year old daughter wants a math book like her brother (he's in Singapore 2A). I don't feel she's ready for 1A but when I looked at the samples of the K Earlybird and Essentials they looked too easy. Which should I use for her? I didn't homeschool my son until 1st grade so haven't used any K math curriculum yet. Thanks!

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Book A of EM looks very easy, and it is, but it also can be good for discussing why they make certain choices. Book B slows them down, as it gets into addition and subtraction, missing addend, etc. EM looks a lot like PM, and it has been a seamless transition from EM to 1A for DS2.


I add C-rods to book B of EM.


I have not used EB, but when I looked at them, I saw no reason to spend so much more, when it looked more preschoolish than EM did. EM was excellent, and it was just right for K math for us.

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I love Essential Math so far. We are almost done with book A, and my 4 yo has been flying through it. However, looking through book B, we'll definitely have to slow down. I would still have done book A though. It is great.


I think the general consensus on this forum is that Essentials is the better choice.

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Some people use MEP. It is free online and printable. It is English and I think someone said reception was k or pre-k (I am in new Zealand soidont know your curriculum well). I just went straight to 1a as I only afterschool and it seemed to match what my ds5 was doing at school.

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