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DD is writing a book

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About dissected frogs tha time back to life after a freak lightning storm and terrorize a 5th grade classroom. I don't know if I should feel proud, or scared. And I am wondering whether I should count computer time spent typing stories as screen time or academic time?

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About dissected frogs tha time back to life after a freak lightning storm and terrorize a 5th grade classroom. I don't know if I should feel proud, or scared. And I am wondering whether I should count computer time spent typing stories as screen time or academic time?


:D Be proud! Also, I would count this as academic time.

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Here's her completed "book". I don't think she's amazon.com ready yet (and apparently I need to do more work on irregular plurals!). Why is it that I suspect that if I check by her bed, I'll find the kid's version of Frankenstein?


Chapter 1

Thunder boomed outside the windows of the fifth grade classroom. Meanwhile, Joe and his classmates were dissecting frogs. "Let's see, now I need the scalpel..." Joe said. Joe almost had found the frog's brain. Isabelle, who was one of Joe's classmates said to him, "So, Joe, found Freaky Frog's brain yet?" "Almost," said Joe. The class was done dissecting their frogs. School was over. Then, at midnight, one of the dissected frogs was hopping around the classroom. It was alive! The next day, in math class, Isabelle said to Joe, "So, are you wondering where the frogs we dissected are? Let's find out." Isabelle and Joe both said they needed to go to the bathroom and walked into the science classroom. Isabelle said, "Uh oh! It looks like the lightning brought our dissected frogs back to life!" Joe asked the science teacher, "Excuse me, do you have a net?" "What do you need a net for?" Joe and Isabelle remained silent. They thought the science teacher would know. One of the dissected frogs hopped onto the science teacher's desk. "Hey," croaked the dissected frog. "It's not like I wanted to be taken apart!"

Joe gasped with awe. "You're not only dissected, but you can talk?" "You bet I can talk! Didn't you hear me say I didn't want to be dissected in the first place? Besides, I think I should introduce you to everyone else who got dissected in the first place. Do you know that a lot of frogs is called an army?" The frog pulled out a scalpel. "And we think it's time for us to dissect you!"

"How are you going to dissect us? You're little!" Joe said to the frog. "You'd be surprised how high a dead frog can jump." the frog snarled. "Everyone, squish those frogs!" Isabelle said. Then, the frog laughed, "You can't kill us! We're already dead! Silly humans. It's your funeral, kids."

Chapter 2

" There has to be a way to win," said Joe. "We're fifth graders. We're smarter than frogs." "On the contrary," replied Isabelle. "I got straight A's in English, but I didn't know a lot of frogs was called an army!" Joe said, " We're learning vocabulary from a dissected frog? Maybe that frog should be the new English teacher!"

"Hey! Where's the science teacher?" Isabelle asked. The frog laughed. "Unless you tell me where you keep your pizza knives, you'll never see your science teacher again." the frog said.

"We keep our pizza knifes in the kitchen cabinets. " Isabelle said to the frog. "What are you doing? They'll probably cut our heads off." "The science teacher needs to stay safe. Remember the time we had a substitute teacher and she got killed by her own static electricity?" Isabelle said. Then, the science teacher was back and caught all the frogs in a net and let them loose in the cemetery.

Chapter 3

The class celebrated. The school was saved. The science teacher was given a medal for saving the school. And from this day forward, in Orlando Middle School, August 9 is Science Teacher Day.


And, from this day forward, no person dares to leave dissected frogs by a window at night, for fear of them coming back to life.

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