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Has anyone used these books and have they been please? My son has been going to a reading tutor for almost a year now and she uses these books with him. We are no longer able to afford her services so I'm trying to get an idea of what we can continue to do on our own.


I use the older version of the McCall-Crabbs Standard Test Lessons in Reading found here: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/McCall-Crabbs+Standard+Test+Lessons+in+Reading+A-E+Combined+Volume/009101/1216069889-131757


The answer key is here: http://www.rainbowresource.com/product/McCall-Crabbs+Answer+Key+for+Books+A-E/025856/1216069889-131757


My older son's reading comprehension took a dip last year in standardized testing, so I ordered this book to help him read for comprehension in a timed setting (something we hadn't worked on). My middle son did very well on reading comprehension, but I went ahead and had him do the daily tests too. Both boys improved greatly this year in reading comprehension on the Stanford Achievement test. Adding McCall-Crabbs was the only change I made from last year to this year.


It's an easy program to administer because each test is timed for 3 minutes. I started both boys back in Book A, and they've worked their way to Book C. I'll have them finish Book E within the next year or so. It's a non-consumable book, so my youngest son will start this program in 2nd grade and work through one book a year until 6th.


There are newer versions of this series, but I've been told that the book I linked above is the best because the selections have not been dumbed down like the newer versions.




I started using it this last year with my oldest ds who was a bit later than some when his reading took off. It was great to track his progress! I think I have the same version as Beth - it has books A-E in one volume.


If you've been seeing progress by doing them, by all means continue! You could ask her which edition she's been using. I got the ones I'm using as separate books, all the older edition, from the Spalding Foundation (WRTR). Sanseri/Back Home Industries (SWR) sells the same version all put together in one thick volume. I happen to like having the separate books, except when I misplace them that is, lol. I made a little answer sheet numbered 1 to whatever with the letters A-E so dd could circle her answers. Printed a whole bunch of those, hole-punched, and it was ready to go in her notebook.

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