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If you take Magnesium how much?

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I got in my Natural Calm today. As mentioned in numerous other threads I'm pregnant and wore out. I've had periodic insomnia as well so I'm chasing 500 different things trying to figure out to how to fix it. Anyway, so I misread the bottle and gave myself nearly 3 x the recommended dose- used T instead of tsp. I was really tired! So, instead of about 350mg I took about 1000mg. I had about 5 sec of my stomach maybe feeling a bit different but that was it.

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I regularly take 1000, but easily double up when preggo.


We were at the pediatritian's yesterday, and she upped dds' dosage to 1000 every evening (they are 8 and 10) and ds to 2 times 1000 (he is 12). All three do a LOT of sport...


The worst that can happen with an overdose is diarrhoea...

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How do you know it is magnesium that is needed? I'm just curious... when my thryoid was out of wack I would be tired all day and then have these episodes of not being able to sleep all night. Have you had your thyroid checked? I've heard blood tests aren't reliable for magnesium levels. My serum mag was just checked and it was 1.8 ... which seemed on the lower side of normal but I'm also having some symptoms of mag deficiency.

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I suspect a lot of us need more magnesium than is recommended. I've had arrhythmia on and off since my teens, with nothing serious ever having been found. It got so bad a few months ago I was ready to go back to the doc and stay there till they sorted it out :glare: Coincidentally, a friend bought some magnesium oil and I put some on. Quite a lot, actually. That night was the first night I went to bed with a steady heartbeat. And this after taking 400mg of Mag every day (more or less). Clearly, that wasn't enough.

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How do you know it is magnesium that is needed? I'm just curious... when my thryoid was out of wack I would be tired all day and then have these episodes of not being able to sleep all night. Have you had your thyroid checked? I've heard blood tests aren't reliable for magnesium levels. My serum mag was just checked and it was 1.8 ... which seemed on the lower side of normal but I'm also having some symptoms of mag deficiency.


Since your body works very hard to keep your serum magnesium levels normal, even when your deficient elsewhere (your tissues), a low serum level means you really are deficient.


muscle problems like cramps (this can be due to calcium too but my understanding from doing a lot of reading is that even if your calcium is off, the answer is to supplement with magnesium instead of calcium because of how your body works to balance ratios. It can also be due to being low in potassium so I eat a banana. If I'm still cramping I go for the magnesium.)


Heart problems - your heart is a muscle.


Anxiety - magnesium works to regulate your nervous system.


asthma - don't know why


depression - low magnesium means low serotonin


diabetes - it has something to do with how we regulate blood sugar


high blood pressure -




osteoporosis - again because of the balance needed between calcium and magnesium. If you don't have the right balance the calcium doesn't go to the right places or isn't absorbed.


restless leg syndrome



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I can tell when I need more Mg because the restless legs kick in - I hate, hate, hate that feeling and a hot epsom salt bath gets rid of it entirely.


I didn't realize heart arythmia could be cause by low mg! I also have terrible panic attack with crazy beating heart. The docs just gave me sedatives and while it helped in the short term, it did nothing long term. Mg has definitely helped with that as well, I just didn't make the association.

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I've not had any leg cramping or such here. I've been a bit anxious for sure though. I'm pregnant though, hard to say what is hormones and what isn't I guess we'll see.


Oh, and I looked at my spoon again and actually it was 1.5 T so I took about 8tsp which is 1400mg. HMM.

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I've not had any leg cramping or such here. I've been a bit anxious for sure though. I'm pregnant though, hard to say what is hormones and what isn't I guess we'll see.


Oh, and I looked at my spoon again and actually it was 1.5 T so I took about 8tsp which is 1400mg. HMM.


Are you sure 1.5 T is 1400mg? I have natural calm and 2 tsp. are 350mg. One T is 3 tsp. so the math isn't adding up for me.

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I took 2- 1.5 T though, not just one, so I took 8tsp total. I was thinking a bit extra would be ok, thus why I used what I was thinking 1.5t or maybe I was thinking I read that it was supposed to be T and not t, I was so tired. Anyway, I used 2 of the 1.5T measuring spoons.

Edited by soror
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I took 2- 1.5 T though, not just one, so I took 8tsp total. I was thinking a bit extra would be ok, thus why I used what I was thinking 1.5t or maybe I was thinking I read that it was supposed to be T and not t, I was so tired. Anyway, I used 2 of the 1.5T measuring spoons.


Got it. Anyway, from my research, you eliminate extra magnesium through your urine. The only time you don't and it can be a problem of toxicity is if you are getting the magnesium through an i.v.. I can't remember where I read that but I was worried about getting too much and did research specifically on that topic. So even if your body doesn't show it's limit through diarrhea (which is what usually happens), the worst that happened is that you wasted some magnesium.

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