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Found a lump :(

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The great majority of lumps are benign, so the odds are in your favor! Does it feel smooth, or rock-like? Move around or stay in the same place? Even the ones that docs decide to biopsy turn out to be benign 80% of the time.


it feels fairly smooth, like the size of a small grape. I am fairly certain it doesn't move but more so the tissue around it moves.

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@OP - Mandy - Demand a mammogram examination, immediately! I have not read the entire thread (it's very long), and I agree with the fact that most things women find in their breasts are not malignant. However, about 5 or 6 years ago, we knew two (2) women who went to their doctors, complaining about something in a breast, both of their doctors thought there was no problem, didn't order a mammogram exam, and in both cases, the women had breast cancer and the start of their treatments were delayed for about one year. Those doctors were in Colombia, where doctors are typically excellent and very concerned about their patients; but that happens in the USA too. I have some information about this on our family web site on this URL:


You are in my prayers and I wish you much good luck!

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it feels fairly smooth, like the size of a small grape. I am fairly certain it doesn't move but more so the tissue around it moves.


That sounds like a pretty classic description of a cyst. They often come and go. You likely don't have anything to worry about, but of course get it checked out just in case. Just try not to worry unless you find out there is actually something to worry about. (And I'm thinking you won't!)

Edited by Laurie4b
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@OP - Mandy - Demand a mammogram examination, immediately! I have not read the entire thread (it's very long), and I agree with the fact that most things women find in their breasts are not malignant. However, about 5 or 6 years ago, we knew two (2) women who went to their doctors, complaining about something in a breast, both of their doctors thought there was no problem, didn't order a mammogram exam, and in both cases, the women had breast cancer and the start of their treatments were delayed for about one year. Those doctors were in Colombia, where doctors are typically excellent and very concerned about their patients; but that happens in the USA too. I have some information about this on our family web site on this URL:


You are in my prayers and I wish you much good luck!


:iagree: I know of two people who had biopsies "just in case." When the doctors sent the biopsies to the labs, they reassured the women, stating they did not see a reason to be concerned. Both results came back as cancerous. They are both fine now because they caught it so early. I don't want you to be worried, but do want you to get good care. :grouphug:

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That sounds like a pretty classic description of a cyst. They often come and go. You likely don't have anything to worry about, but of course get it checked out just in case. Just try not to worry unless you find out there is actually something to worry about. (And I'm thinking you won't!)


:iagree: i would assume that ANY doctor would do a mammogram.


My mom had fibroid cysts removed. They were also round with smooth edges. Cancer tends to be an irregular shape and very hard. Fibroid cysts CAN become painful when menses begin.

:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: i once had a suspicious mammogram. I had to wait SIX MONTHS to see if there was any change found in the next mammogram. I had an infant at home and was a basket case. That was almost 13 years ago and aside from a little issue with insanity, I am fine.;):lol:

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it feels fairly smooth, like the size of a small grape. I am fairly certain it doesn't move but more so the tissue around it moves.


It sounds just like a benign cyst. I've had many. They usually go away on their own, although a couple of times I've had them drained. (not a big deal)


I'm glad you'll get in to see them Tuesday for your peace of mind.

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Appointment went well today! I really like this Physician and plan on staying with the practice. I had multiple issues to discuss today with him in addition to my lump.. He spent an hour and a half with me and that was so impressive. He wasn't weird or snobbish but very normal and real.


He did confirm the lump and the potential of another one but by my description of it seeming smaller he does think it is a cyst. I am being sent for a mammogram and an ultrasound on Sept 11th.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. They are so appreciated.

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Appointment went well today! I really like this Physician and plan on staying with the practice. I had multiple issues to discuss today with him in addition to my lump.. He spent an hour and a half with me and that was so impressive. He wasn't weird or snobbish but very normal and real.


He did confirm the lump and the potential of another one but by my description of it seeming smaller he does think it is a cyst. I am being sent for a mammogram and an ultrasound on Sept 11th.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. They are so appreciated.


I am so glad. And a doctor you like is also wonderful! Please keep us posted.

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Appointment went well today! I really like this Physician and plan on staying with the practice. I had multiple issues to discuss today with him in addition to my lump.. He spent an hour and a half with me and that was so impressive. He wasn't weird or snobbish but very normal and real.


He did confirm the lump and the potential of another one but by my description of it seeming smaller he does think it is a cyst. I am being sent for a mammogram and an ultrasound on Sept 11th.


Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers. They are so appreciated.

Thanks for the update and glad everything went so well. :grouphug:


Please update after your mammo.....hope all turns out wonderful.

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I'm so glad to hear that you like the doctor and that he thinks it's a cyst. I don't think he would say that if he wasn't quite confident about it, so I am feeling very encouraged and positive for you.


I'll keep praying that the mammo shows that there's nothing wrong!


well, I have a family history of cysts. So that is why he thinks it is more than likely. I was instructed to eliminate caffeine :( I am going to miss my morning cup of coffee.

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I missed this last week as well. I'm so sorry you had to sit and wait over a long weekend, that's awful!!


Egads, waiting for a mammogram AND having to do it without your morning coffee?!? That's just mean. :)


Thinking of you, and can't wait for you to share good results with us. It's easier said than done and I'm never able to take this advice myself, but do try to relax and get some rest. :grouphug: We're here when you need us.

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I missed this last week as well. I'm so sorry you had to sit and wait over a long weekend, that's awful!!


Egads, waiting for a mammogram AND having to do it without your morning coffee?!? That's just mean. :)


Thinking of you, and can't wait for you to share good results with us. It's easier said than done and I'm never able to take this advice myself, but do try to relax and get some rest. :grouphug: We're here when you need us.


I agree! ha ha

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Glad you liked the doctor and that he thinks it's a cyst. Having a good doctor when you have a history of various lumps is such a peace of mind!


I did try going off coffee for awhile with my history of cysts, but really, I didn't notice a difference. Still, it's probably a good thing to try for awhile. Maybe it will make a difference for you.

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BTDT. I found a lump when dd was almost 2. Had a lumpectomy since it looked really suspicious on every test they ran. And it turned out to be nothing more than a duct that had gotten infected at some point, and the tissue around it hardened to "keep it away' from the rest of my bOOk. And I've had a couple of cysts since, but they disappeared on their own after I cut out caffeine for a while.


I hope yours is as unremarkable and easy to fix. I will keep you in my thoughts.

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I am glad you are getting it checked out! Please get a second opinion, no matter what the results. Sometimes (often, I'm learning) doctors are wrong about breast cancer. I was told by 3 different doctors that my various symptoms COULD NOT be breast cancer (luckily I went to a 4th, who recognized it right away and actually did something about it).


And don't assume the person reading the mammogram knows what they are doing. I went to a female doctor who came highly recommended by the referring physician at a facility called the Breast Imaging Center (so you'd think they'd know what to look for). She found nothing out of the ordinary on my mammogram, even though I had a 8 cm by 7cm tumor that was spotted immediately by the 2 doctors I had review the same film after my diagnosis.


I am not saying this to scare you! I certainly agree with all of the previous posters that most lumps turn out to be non-cancerous. I am saying to listen to your body, though. Trust your instinct. And if something doesn't seem right, don't assume that doctors know more than you do about your own body.


I know message board etiquette says I should tell you "don't worry, everything will be fine," but the reality is that sometimes it isn't. And I spent 2 years being told "don't worry, everything is fine" during which time the tumor grew as big as a bar of soap and spread to my lymph nodes.

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I am glad you are getting it checked out! Please get a second opinion, no matter what the results. Sometimes (often, I'm learning) doctors are wrong about breast cancer. I was told by 3 different doctors that my various symptoms COULD NOT be breast cancer (luckily I went to a 4th, who recognized it right away and actually did something about it).


And don't assume the person reading the mammogram knows what they are doing. I went to a female doctor who came highly recommended by the referring physician at a facility called the Breast Imaging Center (so you'd think they'd know what to look for). She found nothing out of the ordinary on my mammogram, even though I had a 8 cm by 7cm tumor that was spotted immediately by the 2 doctors I had review the same film after my diagnosis.


I am not saying this to scare you! I certainly agree with all of the previous posters that most lumps turn out to be non-cancerous. I am saying to listen to your body, though. Trust your instinct. And if something doesn't seem right, don't assume that doctors know more than you do about your own body.


I know message board etiquette says I should tell you "don't worry, everything will be fine," but the reality is that sometimes it isn't. And I spent 2 years being told "don't worry, everything is fine" during which time the tumor grew as big as a bar of soap and spread to my lymph nodes.



:iagree:I agree with everything posted here. Yes most likely it is nothing, but 2nd, 3rd, even 4th opinions are worth it to be sure of whatever result they say. My gramma had cervical cancer, it was treated and she was proclaimed fine. She started telling the dr it was back, for 2 years she told him it was back and he blew her off as worrying too much. By the time she got a 2nd opinion it had spread throughout her body and it was too late to save her.


Regardless of the mammo, I would get multiple opinions until a biopsy is conducted before I would rest easy.


I have an appt in a couple weeks for a 2nd opinion about my possible tumor, dr 1 told me she thought I had one and then quit testing half way through the series of tests she said we would do and declared I was fine, despite results coming back inconclusive and symptoms still being bad. Dr's are human and they make mistakes, it is never a bad thing to speak to more than one if your instinct tells you something is off and the dr is missing it.

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Well, my appointment went well today. I was quite calm during the entire process. I do think I did a double take when they told me they found something in my right breast as well and needed to do more diagnostic testing on it. (They had done more shots of my left) Anyway, ultrasounds of both breasts as well.


I entered thinking I just had one mass/lump.. and left knowing I have three. Two in my left and one in my right. They are not cysts. The radiologist thinks they are fibroadenomas but one is 2.5cm. He stated he recommends anything 2.5cm and larger to be biopsied. He said he is quite confident in stating they are more than likely fibroadenomas and not cancerous but naturally he can't promise it isn't cancer. He did state he would only have the largest mass biopsied and said it would be define what the others are. I did appreciate him speaking to me without referring me straight to my physician and he did state that he couldn't let me leave knowing they had found something in addition in my right breast without discussing it with me. He stated that there isn't any need to cause to worry at the moment that its more than likely benign.

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I did appreciate him speaking to me without referring me straight to my physician and he did state that he couldn't let me leave knowing they had found something in addition in my right breast without discussing it with me. He stated that there isn't any need to cause to worry at the moment that its more than likely benign.


This is good! Please keep us informed, I will be thinking of you. :grouphug:

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Go ahead and schedule the biopsy. You can always cancel, but it may be hard to get immediately.


If it does turn out to be cancer, you'll kick yourself if you delay.


you are correct. I am hoping to schedule it before our vacation on oct. 2nd so I can just soak up the sun on the beach and not think about it then!

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