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Found a lump :(

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:grouphug: I will be thinking of you and praying if that is ok.


:iagree: Me, too, but I won't ask you if it's okay to pray. I pray for people whether they want me to or not! ;) I'm sure you are an anxious mess, I would be too! Call the doc first thing in the morning. Remember, there is NOTHING you can do about it tonight. NOTHING. So stop worrying about it tonight and worry about it in the morning! :grouphug: May the Good Lord give you the rest that you need tonight so that you can think clearly in the morning! Amen!

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Praying for you and will be thinking of you.

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


Agreeing with others that hopefully it's a cyst or something. Thought to share this.


Just because you have a lump in your breast doesn’t mean you have cancer.

Pseudo Lump is breast tissue approaching 1 inch in diameter that has formed into a lump, such as a pocket of dead fat or scar tissue that resulted from trauma caused by surgery or injury.

Lumpiness – little bumps that are approximately one-eighth inch in diameter. Harmless and perfectly natural – and has not been linked to later development of breast cancer

Cyst – These lumps are fluid-filled sacs that are most common in women between 30 and 55

They feel squishy near the surface

Those that are more deeply embedded in breast tissue feel harder

Fibroid or Fibroadenoma is a lump ranging from half an inch to 2 ½ inches or larger.

A rare cancer occurs in about 1% of all these lumps (usually the larger ones).

This type of cancer is relatively harmless because it doesn’t spread. You’ve got plenty of time to look at all your options.

Cancer Lump – By the time a cancerous lump is large enough for you to feel, it’s usually grown about half an inch in diameter.

If a cancerous lump is much smaller, you won’t feel it. In the early stages, a lump of cancerous cells feels like normal tissue. It will not change with menstrual cycles and is rarely painful.

Unless the type of cancer you have is extremely aggressive, you still have time to get information and examine your options.

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I just went through this last year. :grouphug:

I had a 4 inch fibroadenoma, sucker was huge. Dr told me same thing a pp wrote, that rarely do they turn into cancer. We decided to have it removed, tests showed it was benign. I have a lovely little scar now, but everytime I see it I'm reminded that it very well may have saved my life.

Prayers that it turns out to be nothing.

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Praying that everything is OK, Mandy -- hopefully they will be able to get you in for a mammogram and a doctor's appointment today, so you will be able to get some answers.


My first inclination is that it's a benign cyst, but I hope you're able to find out for sure, so you can stop worrying.



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I have an appt scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. I would have loved a sooner appt but it was evidentally not meant to be. The Ob/gyn could not get me in until the 12th and that was with a NP. So, I chose to go forward with a primary care physician. I called and they stated they would send me to the same imagining that the ob/gyn office would. So, I am set with that as my game plan for now.

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I have an appt scheduled for Tuesday afternoon. I would have loved a sooner appt but it was evidentally not meant to be. The Ob/gyn could not get me in until the 12th and that was with a NP. So, I chose to go forward with a primary care physician. I called and they stated they would send me to the same imagining that the ob/gyn office would. So, I am set with that as my game plan for now.


You told them you found a lump and they wouldn't get you in right away??? :eek:


I find that to be incredibly heartless.

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I know the wait will be hard. :grouphug:


As pp's suggested I would try to keep in mind that most lumps are benign. I don't know how many friends I've seen go through the benign lump ordeal. It's very stressful.


I'm going through a little bit of a hard wait myself right now with a dc's medical issue. I've been taking walks, watching stupid movies, and I got a whole stack of light fiction from the library, all to help keep my mind off things. I can't concentrate on anything that requires brain power. Maybe you can try little things like this to keep your mind occupied so you can't dwell on possibilities that may not even be an issue.



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You told them you found a lump and they wouldn't get you in right away??? :eek:


I find that to be incredibly heartless.


took them three hours to even call me... reminds me why I hated using them when they delivered my twins. Very heartless is the correct word.


I liked the PCPs plan of action. When I spoke to the receptionist she spoke directly with the dr and gave me his play by play steps to take. I like an upfront game plan. Unfortunately, I haven't selected a pcp since moving back here last year, so I am starting fresh with a new PCP.. hi, my name is Mandy, here feel my boob... just feels odd to discuss these details with a new dr. but I will survive! :lol:

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took them three hours to even call me... reminds me why I hated using them when they delivered my twins. Very heartless is the correct word.


I liked the PCPs plan of action. When I spoke to the receptionist she spoke directly with the dr and gave me his play by play steps to take. I like an upfront game plan. Unfortunately, I haven't selected a pcp since moving back here last year, so I am starting fresh with a new PCP.. hi, my name is Mandy, here feel my boob... just feels odd to discuss these details with a new dr. but I will survive! :lol:


I think there's hope for you.;)

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I know the wait will be hard. :grouphug:


As pp's suggested I would try to keep in mind that most lumps are benign. I don't know how many friends I've seen go through the benign lump ordeal. It's very stressful.


I'm going through a little bit of a hard wait myself right now with a dc's medical issue. I've been taking walks, watching stupid movies, and I got a whole stack of light fiction from the library, all to help keep my mind off things. I can't concentrate on anything that requires brain power. Maybe you can try little things like this to keep your mind occupied so you can't dwell on possibilities that may not even be an issue.




thank you! Yes, I have added four new books to my kindle.. hopefully it will last me the weekend. And we didn't do our studies today.. couldn't focus and my patience is thin, so I declared a jammie and free day and am the coolest mom ever currently ;)

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