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The new SL IG's and books - how are they?


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I know everyone was riled up at some of the changes, but now that the dust has blown over I'm wondering are they really as bad as was thought. I'm debating just ordering the entire core from SL next year rather than piecing it together from different people online and amazon. But that would require me changing to the new IG's from my collection of older editions.


So....if you have a 2012 version SL IG or any of the new books they added - how are they? What do you like or not like? How do they compare to the older editions?

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I have the new Core C IG and books (plus the old) and love it. The new books are great and the IG format suits us. I thought I wouldn't like the new 5-day option just being tacked on to the 4-day, but it's been fine.


I won't, however, be upgrading my Core A IG. I feel that they took out too many meaty books and substituted them with fluff. I'll just be reusing my old one.

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We are doing Core D with the new IG. There are things I like, and a couple things I don't. I LOVE having all the discussion questions for all the books included in each week. I often skipped the discussion questions because it was so hard to find them sometimes.


I don't like that all the pages are white. I wish the science was still yellow, it just separates everything (for me) better. We don't use the LA, but I have used it in the past and liked the peach color of those pages as well. Everything now is so white.


Overall we are really liking it. I did opt to only get the 4 day course, so the very heated discussions about "The Light and the Glory" do not apply to us since I did not buy that book.

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We have the new core E and like it, too. It is very helpful to have all the notes right there with the schedule. I like that there aren't two pages for 4-day and 5-day. So, this way - i can add in the other (5-day) books easily if I want to.


Hope this makes sense!


:iagree: Except we're doing Core C. :001_smile:

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I am currently using cores c and g.


I am new to SL so I can't compare to the older IG's


I agree that everything is really white. I have a hard time finding the separate subject discussions---so I highlight the "breaks" in different colors.



If you really want to compare, just download the first 4 weeks from the website.

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We are using Core G this year. This is our 4th SL core. Like others have stated, I like how all the notes are right there for each week. It makes it much more user friendly. I do not like the 5-day tag along book. I just move things around to fit my schedule. For the read aloud, I just pick either the 4 day book or the 5th day book and read that one until we are finished with it. It makes no sense to me to read one book Monday thru Thursday and switch to a different book on Friday. For history, I'm just following the 4 day schedule. On Friday, we do an art project or watch a video clip or something else fun for history. For science, I do it mostly as scheduled except I change the experiment to Friday rather than Thursday.

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I have the new Core C IG and books (plus the old) and love it. The new books are great and the IG format suits us. I thought I wouldn't like the new 5-day option just being tacked on to the 4-day, but it's been fine.


I won't, however, be upgrading my Core A IG. I feel that they took out too many meaty books and substituted them with fluff. I'll just be reusing my old one.


How do you like the new Core C books? It's Core C that I'm primarily looking at buying for next year.

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This is our forth year of using Sonlight and we love the changes! Never cared for the LA before and the IGs were so scattered that we too skipped a lot of things. But now we love the LA and the new IGs are so much more user friendly. Another thing, I personally love the combined 4 day/5 day. It allows you to add in as you can through the year. We're doing the 4 day condensed since it's our second time with this core but I plan to add books here and there as time allows.

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How do you like the new Core C books? It's Core C that I'm primarily looking at buying for next year.


I like them a lot! I had started the older version, but upgraded when I saw all of the new books they added. We are in week 13 and really enjoying Good Masters, Sweet Ladies. It is a solid lineup all through the core. I was a little disappointed that they took out A Little Princess, but I'll just be adding that back in on my own. I am surprised that I'm enjoying this core even more than Core B which I liked a whole lot. One thing to note is that the read alouds are much longer both in total length and daily reading, but that isn't a problem for us. We are still finding time to add additional read alouds at bedtime despite also doing Core K. Right now, it's Alice in Wonderland.

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I have a 2012 Core E.


I was never against any of the changes that were made. I quite enjoy the new layout. I wrote a very detailed review of it here.


I love the new layout, that's the best thing for me. I'm not keen on The Light & The Glory without the edits, we've enjoyed all the other books thus far & we're about to start week 20 on Monday. :)


The new layout really means there isn't much of a Day 5, so if one was to freak out about it being a 5 day schedule {that was a complaint} I think you could EASILY save all the Day 5 books for use in the summer. As in a summer book basket.


The price has gone up due to the LA now being included in it. You can not have them separated. This really irritated people, I didn't really care. Mind you, I was planning to use the LA {which in the end I didn't}, but anyway.. ;)


The IG is now HUGE. The 2011 IG fit in a Mead Flexi Binder. The 2009 Guide I had was easy to spiral bind & be perfectly fine. BUT, the 2012.. It's HUGE. I didn't spiral bind it because I'm just not convinced it'll fit. Instead I have it in the Big Blue Binder & just pull out x amount of weeks to work with at a time.





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