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Thinking about going back to school (not JAWM)

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Oh my! Now you all are scaring me out of my medical degree that I'm working on.





I didn't say what I said to scare anyone or anything like that. There was a perception that doctors didn't do any of the gross stuff that nurses did and, IME in a clinic setting, that isn't true. I think it's helpful to know what a job entails.

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Pregnancy/birth has always been my passion.



Have you thought about being a doula?


I have a couple of friends who are certified, trained doulas here. They run birthing classes, assist at births, are highly sought-after and well-respected. They earn some money, and are both homeschooling moms with little kids.


Just an idea. This thread is fascinating.

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Originally Posted by Joanne

There is a lot of rhetoric about how much teens need mom, about the *fact* that the relationships will suffer, .............



I think teens do need mom more than they would see her if she was working 100 hours a week as a medical resident. I don't think anyone was saying she shouldn't go to some kind of school or do some kind of job, just not to THAT extreme.


Please note that twice I posted against the decision for the OP to pursue medical school.:)

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Well, at this point I think pretty much every possible suggestion and opinion has been aired, but I may as well chime in, too. :)

I vote against medical school. Sorry! But I think that another career in the medical field is a definite option! That's actually something I'd like to do - either respiratory therapist or perfusionist. Unfortunately, there are no programs for either any closer than an hour away, and I can't travel that far for classes on a regular basis. :( Suffice to say, I'm waiting for that door to open - whenever that may be. But my #1 priority is homeschooling the kids, and I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize that. That's just my personal goal, though... but what would be optimal for us would be for DH to keep working full time as I go through school, then I would work night shift 3 nights a week or whatever - just enough to keep us afloat so DH could quit his job and go back to school himself. I could still homeschool and work 3 nights a week, and I wouldn't have to worry about childcare for the most part. Then when DH finishes, we could both work, and we'd have different shifts (I have no desire to switch from night shift as long as I have kids to teach :) ) and it would all be lovely. :lol: :D

But like I said, I'm waiting for the door to open. I hope one opens for you soon, too - whatever it may be!!

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I am just now seeing all the responses to this since my last post- thank you all! Maybe the medical careers aren't for me, after all. :tongue_smilie: I hate to give up on it though, it's been a dream for so long and I know in whatever economy people will always be having babies, needing medical care, etc.


I'm not sure what to do. I keep turning back to the ultrasound tech or lay midwife now....but the closest ultrasound tech school is 1 hour, 20 minutes away. I guess that's not the end of the world, but that would just add to the trouble of going back to school to have an almost 3 hour commute each day once (if) I get in. That is very competitive to get into since there are only 3 programs in our state.


I'm not sure what to do now. I really, really do want to go back to school. I know for a fact our nursing program has a long stint in a nursing home and nursing homes seriously freak me out. I really don't think of myself as a really squeamish person but there are some things I just can't handle.

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I am just now seeing all the responses to this since my last post- thank you all! Maybe the medical careers aren't for me, after all. :tongue_smilie: I hate to give up on it though, it's been a dream for so long and I know in whatever economy people will always be having babies, needing medical care, etc.


I'm not sure what to do. I keep turning back to the ultrasound tech or lay midwife now....but the closest ultrasound tech school is 1 hour, 20 minutes away. I guess that's not the end of the world, but that would just add to the trouble of going back to school to have an almost 3 hour commute each day once (if) I get in. That is very competitive to get into since there are only 3 programs in our state.


I'm not sure what to do now. I really, really do want to go back to school. I know for a fact our nursing program has a long stint in a nursing home and nursing homes seriously freak me out. I really don't think of myself as a really squeamish person but there are some things I just can't handle.


Just wanted to clarify that the midwives in your state, like mine, are NOT lay midwives, they are Licensed Midwives. This is the info: http://www.washingtonmidwives.org/for-consumers/midwifery-wa.html

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What about becoming a physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist, audiologist, public health educator? There are a lot of other health care jobs that are still very stable, that you can get a job anywhere you go.


I just wanted to share that I work very part-time and have a very flexible schedule and even work a portion of the hours that I work from home. And yet, my youngest son says frequently that I work all the time. And I really don't. I mean, my schedule is very flexible, and I feel grateful that I am with them for the majority of the time. When I work away from home, they are almost always with a family member. We have had times where we had a babysitter (college student) two afternoons a week. But now they are always with a family member if I have to work. And yet, his reality, what he perceives, is that I work a lot. So, just sharing that perspective.


I go back and forth through the years, and I think this is felt by many women. When I was only home with kids and did nothing else, I felt pulled to doing something more. Yet now that I work, even though it's only part-time, things feel too busy and I sometimes wish I were able to just focus on the kids. I think it's just a constant rebalancing to find what works for your family as they grow through different stages. Good luck!

Edited by Grantmom
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How about physical therapy? It is part-time work that is very much in demand.


I like the doula idea too.


I only have two kids, and they are older than yours at 11 and 9, but I am in grad school. Of course, it is only English, NOT med school, and I go 3/4 time right now (6 units). But I also work half-time, and still mange to bond with my kids.


I don't think med school is particularly realistic. BUT college IS. Work on your undergrad stuff now, so in a few years, when the kids are older, you're ready to move forward in one field or another. That's what I did, just a class or two a semester. Got my BA last year, magna cum laude, and started my MA this fall. I'll be done in another 3-4 years.


It IS doable, and I think that it is good to have your kids see you working consistently toward a goal, and accomplishing that goal. I also wanted something to do AFTER the kids are older that is not just the secretarial work I do now. My job's okay, and it pays okay, but it is not very mentally stimulating.


I plan to teach at the local junior/community college once I have my MA. I actually work there now, as a reader for a couple of professors as a side job that I can do while lying in bed in the evenings. :D Both are willing to work with me over the next few years to make sure I get a good chance at a job there later.

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I have been wanting to go back to school since I dropped out to have my daughter 10 years ago (I was 19). I was in nursing school at the time and always thought I would eventually go back to school to be a nurse. However, after wiping noses and butts for 10 years I'm not really in the mood to do that anymore. :tongue_smilie: I know nurses do far more than that and it can be very rewarding but I also know it consists of a LOT of dirty work. Especially during the grueling years of school and if you have to work in med-surg first. :ack2::ack2:


Sooooo....I have recently been dreaming about going to med school. How crazy is that?? We have no support but my dh is SO supportive. He is a little freaked out by this, but I know he would be supportive. Do you think this is even realistic for someone in my situation (see the ages of my children). I would have to finish at least 2 years of undergrad before I could even apply to med school so it wouldn't be something I could do right away.


The other option is to go back to school to be an ultrasound tech. The school is very competitive to get into (like med school I'm sure) and it wouldn't be nearly as intellectually stimulating for me, but the pay would be good. I'm not sure how competitive the job market is for this.


Part of this is coming from the fact that dh wants to be done having babies and I don't think it would be good for me or my family for me to just be a SAHM and not work towards a career. We are very blue-collar and with all of our children I think it would be wise for me to use my brains and talents to better our lives. I always thought we would continue having children and I would be home full time but that is looking less and less likely. :(



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