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Thought I Should Introduce Myself (A Little Long, Sorry)

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Hi, my name is Stacie. I began homeschooling my two youngest daughters last year after an agonizing stint in the public school system. For most of my life, I worked as a life skills coach with developmentally disabled teens and adults. It was a very rewarding and fulfilling position. But, there comes a time when you must take a step back and evaluate your given situation. I did just that and left the work force to raise my girls. Now, a little bit about my young ladies.


DD17: She always fared well in public school but started having problems during her sophomore year. For that reason, she has decided to use Cyber School (K12) to finish. She recently started her own babysitting/cleaning service and is doing quite well. I'm very proud of her.


DD10: She is my challenging child. Her current diagnosis is ADHD w/ Asperger's Characteristics, Sensory Processing Disorder, Moderate Expressive Language Disorder. She has a pretty marked social deficit and is a very anxious little girl. We do not medicate at this time. I removed her from school after 3rd grade. Four years of public school/ remediation/special education and she was still reading on a 1st grade level and couldn't complete any math problems with a sum larger than 10 because she relied on her fingers. I am happy to report that after 1 year of homeschooling she has improved a full grade level in reading and can do multiple digit addition and subtraction without the use of her fingers or a calculator. This year we try multiplication and division along with some chapter books!


DD8: She is such a little spitfire and a very happy little girl given everything she's had to endure in her short life. At 2, she was diagnosed with Chronic ITP. After almost 7 years, she is still not in remission but has not needed a treatment in over a year. I think this is largely in part to her being homeschooled. In kindergarten, I was told that she marches to the beat of her own drum and does her work when she feels like it. She has no sense of time. In 1st grade, she failed art! How is that possible?? Turns out she was turning her assignments in 2, sometimes 3, weeks late. She was also bringing home F's in math because of careless mistakes. I now know that she is also ADHD which explains a lot.


Well, that's us in a nutshell. Thanks for reading. I hope to learn a lot from this forum. I'm glad to be here!

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Welcome! Just a tip, from my experience, ADHD is code for Visual-Spatial learner not being given the right learning materials/environment. After reading Upside Down Brilliance and Right Brained Children in a Left Brained World and making the changes they suggested along with using visual teaching materials instead of auditory the ADHD magically went away and I have a straight A kid who remembers pretty much everything where as before my oldest was a C, D, F student.

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Welcome! Just a tip, from my experience, ADHD is code for Visual-Spatial learner not being given the right learning materials/environment. After reading Upside Down Brilliance and Right Brained Children in a Left Brained World and making the changes they suggested along with using visual teaching materials instead of auditory the ADHD magically went away and I have a straight A kid who remembers pretty much everything where as before my oldest was a C, D, F student.


Thanks for the book recommendations! :001_smile:


I've read tons and agree completely. Both DD10 and DD8 are very much visual learners. Guess I'm lucky on that front! I try to make everything as visual as possible. I've also learned that they are both cut and dry. They don't want to know a million ways to do something. Just show them one way and practice, practice, practice! They are definitely mastery based learners. It took me all of last year to really get a handle on their learning style. This year is so much better and they are eating it up!

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