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"Why homeschooled kids are so annoying"

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I was just thinking the other day about some conversations I had with a friend of mine when our sons were younger. She always worked really hard to help her son fit in and blend in with the crowd. Her son is smart and funny and nerdy and all those good things, but she always seemed a little embarrassed by his geekier traits.


Meanwhile, my kid has always stuck out like a sore thumb everywhere he goes. He just seems to draw all of the attention in every room. Sometimes that's great, because people remember him and he never falls through the cracks. Often, though, it's tough, because he can't get away with any infraction (or perceived infraction).


He has strong principles, and it's simply not possible not to know what he likes and dislikes and when he's happy or bored or angry.


When they kids were younger, my friend often made little comments to me about how much easier it would be on my son if he could just relax and try to fit in more, how much nicer it would be for me if he weren't such a handful, how it was likely he'd be more manageable when he "grew up a little." The implication was always that she was doing right by her son be sanding down the rougher edges, making things smoother for him and for her and I was, well, not.


One day, I finally told her that I had no interest in making my son blend in with the crowd. I told her I'd never heard of anyone who accomplished anything great whose primary concern was not being singled out of the group. I said I valued his principles, that I was proud he could stand up for himself, that I would never, ever try to make him be boring just so our lives would be simpler.


Several years later, my son has naturally calmed down and smoothed out a few rough edges by his own choosing and in his own way. He's active in our community, well liked, considered mature and responsible. We have our challenges, of course. But, over all, I wouldn't trade if you paid me.

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One day, I finally told her that I had no interest in making my son blend in with the crowd. I told her I'd never heard of anyone who accomplished anything great whose primary concern was not being singled out of the group. I said I valued his principles, that I was proud he could stand up for himself, that I would never, ever try to make him be boring just so our lives would be simpler.


:hurray: :hurray: :hurray:


Good for you! She had it coming!

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Loved the article!!!


I think my oldest (age 21) is still a little annoying....but .. she is unique, and fun, and loving, and is going to make a name for herself one day. :)


My 11 year old is annoying too ... I appreciate it more now than I did when my oldest was 11. I needed this article then!

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