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In the middle of my lonely pity party ...

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I was sitting here wiping the tears from my eyes trying to figure out how to go from knowing my son's every mood to not hearing from him for 3 days. How do I go from having him here every day, going to fridge every hour to having to keep myself from hounding him with text messages every day?


As I was in the middle of this pity party, my son texted me and told me that he is having a great time and he loves it there!!! He even asked laundry advice:). We purposely didn't buy much in white so he can have "darks" and "not-so-darks". Dd wanted to tell him that our dog misses him, and I was concerned about making him feel too guilty, but she said he deserves a little guilt since he can have soft-serve ice cream every day:).

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I'll join you! I hate the "this house is WAY too empty" feeling.


Ds2 sounds incredibly happy. He is where he wants to be. Sailing, poison ivy, and he has gone through a whole pencil lead (with no breakage) in nine days of classes. (Lots of math!)


But our house is WAY too quiet. I miss the crazy sewing machine rattling the dining room lights, I miss his kites everywhere, I miss him asking if anyone is interested in a walk (YES!!!), and I actually miss heading to bed trying to remember where he said he was off to and when he'd be home.


I'll bring chocolate if you bring kleenex!

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I've got the kleenex. boo hoo At least dd is getting out of the room with the horrible, aggressive fit thrower. :D I knew from her conversation this summer she would be a pain until dd moved because she didn't want to be in a triple but she is worse than even an old protective mother could imagine. lol


I was worried about the fridge thing too. But I don't think I really want to put on the college 15. :tongue_smilie: but a wee bit o chocolate, that could be arranged.

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I've got the kleenex. boo hoo At least dd is getting out of the room with the horrible, aggressive fit thrower. :D I knew from her conversation this summer she would be a pain until dd moved because she didn't want to be in a triple but she is worse than even an old protective mother could imagine. lol

Yowza. That sounds unpleasant. At least ds' roommate is a perfect match. They're both shy, quiet science geeks who love sci fi!

I was worried about the fridge thing too. But I don't think I really want to put on the college 15. :tongue_smilie: but a wee bit o chocolate, that could be arranged.

:lol: I actually meant that I was so accustomed to ds opening the fridge every hour, but I find that I am doing so as well! Yep, I am more likely to gain the freshman 15 than he is.

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I miss waking my guy up in the mornings. That's always been my job no matter what time they need to get up. I still find myself at his door.


Then I miss the discussions. Whenever we'd see something in life or on TV we'd always discuss it. We still do (hubby, youngest, and myself), but now there's one voice missing (two if you count oldest, but I've adjusted to that now). I find myself almost not wanting to watch or do something because he's not here to share in the experience.


And... no matter what I fixed for supper he always loved it. (I swear, some young lady is going to get the best husband ever someday.)


But, he sent an e-mail from college and is doing well and loving it, so overall, I'm happy for him. I just miss him.

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OK - I've been trying not to cry all day, and you have opened the flood gates....


Ds and his roommate are a great match. He's loving his classes. He's thriving and I'm happy, but I still miss him.


I miss how he talks in various accents to bring humor to tense moments. I miss his guitar playing and singing. I miss my right hand man!


Of course this mama bear is also left with the memory of the cute blonde upperclassmen that just gushed upon meeting him during move-in and said, "No one is EVER going to believe you are only a Freshman!!"...as she grabbed his arm....:glare:

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Mine left for his last year at college. I still miss his socks on the floor, couch, dining room chairs. How many years did I complain about socks lying whever he took them off? Yep, now I miss them. My middle dd has started leaving her socks by the front door. I smile when I see them instead of complain. My ds does still send me his reading lists so we can chat about the books he's reading; it was always our favorite part of school.

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Dropped my daughter off yesterday. I don't think it has fully hit me yet. It still feels like when she would go to camp. It might be a month before I see her again. :blink:


I so want to text her all the time and ask how everything is going, but I am not. She wants (and deserves) this time to find herself and feel independent and all that other stuff that she has asked for.


But oh how I wish I could get an update every few hours or so. Her last text said she was having a great time so I just keep re-reading that one. I know it is when she DOES text me a lot that she is bored, so I am taking this as a good sign.

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I was in a funk for a year or two with dd. Now I can't wait for her to get out and on with her life (starting a research position out of state), but in my defense then she is ready to also move on.


Second dd is going to college next weekend. We'll miss her, but she is so ready to get started with her future and I am so occupied with next one up that I don't think I will physically miss her as much as with the oldest child.


At least second dd is only 2 hours away so we could go visit. Oldest will be 5 hours away and totally on her own, so she might (again) get most of the attention in the level of worry!.


They are cute. You eventually adjust to the fact that they are growing up while we are still young.

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I'm having the hardest time reading threads like this; I probably should not even try. This is my last year with Walt at home. My elderly mom just left our house after 2 weeks. We were making plans for next year when it hit me--he won't be here! I'm hoping it's just the end-of-summer blues, because I am feeling so sad right now.


Enjoy your year together! We'll wipe up your tears next year. :grouphug:

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I'm having the hardest time reading threads like this; I probably should not even try. This is my last year with Walt at home. My elderly mom just left our house after 2 weeks. We were making plans for next year when it hit me--he won't be here! I'm hoping it's just the end-of-summer blues, because I am feeling so sad right now.


Don't lose today worrying about tomorrow. Instead, seize the day and enjoy!


I did that right up until our last day together and I have NO regrets. There's enough time for sadness when it really arrives...

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Don't lose today worrying about tomorrow. Instead, seize the day and enjoy!


I did that right up until our last day together and I have NO regrets. There's enough time for sadness when it really arrives...


Amen! Although I did whine a little here about my son's pending departure, in my daily life, any time anyone asked me how I was doing, I worked really hard at pushing the anxiety away so that I could enjoy our time together while we had it. Then I fell apart.

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Dropped my son off yesterday - it didn't go well at all - he's in a quad (4 guys in a small room with wall to wall furniture) and he feels overwhelmed - his allergies started in full force - and he wants to come home and commute daily. Texted this morning at 6:30 saying he still hates it.



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Dropped my son off yesterday - it didn't go well at all - he's in a quad (4 guys in a small room with wall to wall furniture) and he feels overwhelmed - his allergies started in full force - and he wants to come home and commute daily. Texted this morning at 6:30 saying he still hates it.





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Dropped my son off yesterday - it didn't go well at all - he's in a quad (4 guys in a small room with wall to wall furniture) and he feels overwhelmed - his allergies started in full force - and he wants to come home and commute daily. Texted this morning at 6:30 saying he still hates it.






If it's any consolation, my dd is commuting and still hates college and is in tears at least once a day. I'm actually almost at the point of wanting her to move into the dorm just so I don't have to deal with the emotional drama every day. I'm hoping it's temporary.

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Thanks for the hugs, Creekland!


And, Janet, it does help to know that your ds is commuting and still drama!


I've told my son to send me an e-mail during this 3 day orientation listing all his possible scenarios - from least intrusive (leaving things as status quo and trying it out) to taking some stronger allergy meds to ?????? to commuting (staying during week and coming home weekends)to ????? to to ??????????? to ending with dropping out and living at home with me forever(never happening!) Maybe my logic-focused guy will come up with many scenarios and will calm down knowing that he has options and that we'll support him whatever he decides. Maybe just knowing there are options and support will give him the extra strength to stick it out and find the positive mental energy he needs right now.


Sending thoughts to you!

Send back good thoughts to me!



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Mine is at home and commuting to school. I can see that she'll be fine and she's committed to going to college. She's not enjoying it right now. Her poor perfectionist self is overwhelmed. Statistics has her scared, as math is not her forte! I am trying just to act confident, but secretly my heart is heavy for her. I also am a perfectionist and tend to be tempted to think that any struggle must be my fault for not doing everything "right" in our homeschooling :glare: That's MY thing, though.

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Dropped my son off yesterday - it didn't go well at all - he's in a quad (4 guys in a small room with wall to wall furniture) and he feels overwhelmed - his allergies started in full force - and he wants to come home and commute daily. Texted this morning at 6:30 saying he still hates it.




I'm sorry! Being in with three other people would be really tough.


My daughter just moved to a residential school for the last two years of high school (and takes college classes, as it is on a college campus), so I can relate. I got those calls too for a few days, as well as, "YOU MADE ME come here!" But now she loves it, three weeks in.

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I'm sorry! Being in with three other people would be really tough.


My daughter just moved to a residential school for the last two years of high school (and takes college classes, as it is on a college campus), so I can relate. I got those calls too for a few days, as well as, "YOU MADE ME come here!" But now she loves it, three weeks in.


First day of classes. My son was up at 5, showered, packed his backpack, went to cafeteria & ate breakfast alone, and texted me - what next, Mom, my class is at 11! He still is very, very unhappy. I hope I can report in three weeks that he loves it, too! This is so hard.



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First day of classes. My son was up at 5, showered, packed his backpack, went to cafeteria & ate breakfast alone, and texted me - what next, Mom, my class is at 11! He still is very, very unhappy. I hope I can report in three weeks that he loves it, too! This is so hard.




The first week was the hardest for my oldest (she's been there for a few weeks now). She knew one person ahead of time (they met at Orientation back in May) and that was the only one she had to hang out with. He doesn't live on campus, but lives at home with his parents some 40 miles from school, so last weekend was rough because she spent all her time alone.


She went to the gym, the student lounge, the cafeteria, the game room, the pool...and didn't find a soul to talk to.


The college has a HUGE Greek scene and she was afraid that she wasn't going to meet anyone unless she joined a sorority -- which she didn't want to do, as she doesn't drink and that seems to be about all they do for entertainment. :glare:


But last Friday was club day and she joined at least 5 or 6 clubs and her email started blowing up yesterday. She has events and club meetings every day this week and will hopefully find at least one or two people who will befriend her.


Her roommate is okay, but has a boyfriend so, unless she's asleep or in class, she's with him and never wants to hang out with my daughter.


It's been rough but things are looking up.




I hope things improve for your son. Encourage him to join a club or two and see if that helps.

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This Friday is club day - where they can go to the student union and find out about clubs and sign up - I'll keep my fingers crossed!




Oh Myra I hope he finds something that interests him. It's so hard to keep going up to the same people until you are part of the group. Poor Mom. :grouphug:

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This thread is making me so sad. Yesterday it dawned on me that dd will be gone this time next year. I intend to enjoy our time together now. Even though I will still have three at home it still feels overwhelming. My nature is to make her stay at home for college and commute but that is not what dd wants. She wants to stretch her wings and fly. I love that she has the confidence to do that but my nest will feel so empty without her.


I never would have dreamed when we started homeschooling 12 years ago that the time would go by so quickly. Why isn't there a crying smilie???


Elise in NC

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