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Can I brag on my boy a bit?

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Schmooey FINALLY started crawling last night! Woo hoo! The child is 10 months old, with a mama and 2 doting sisters who have catered to him entirely too much so there was little motivation to move before now. In the last couple of weeks, though, I've seen that frustration level growing and he'd been "levitating" - he could get places, still sitting up, but we had no idea how he got there, even when we were in the same room with him. It was bizarre. Last night, however, I watched him crawl across our bonus room and I got it on video and everything! Woo hoo!


I wasn't really worried, you know, but when a child hits 10 months it seems like they'd want to move. Honestly I thought he was just going to start walking so this is a good thing - a wee respite before we have to clear the table tops entirely. :D

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Yay! Romy was the same way - she was mobile, but no one knew for sure how! Anyway she's got rough, dirty knees now from all the crawling. She's up and cruising so, hopefully she'll walk before too long.


Good for you for remembering the video camera. I always think of that *after* the fact.

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Hooray for Schmooey! The crawling stage is supposed to be very good for all motor and brain left-right connections, so enjoy!


Don't allow enthusiastic older siblings or cousins to walk Schmooey around by holding his hands. I had a girlfriend whose younger brother came to visit and taught her 9mo to walk before he learned to crawl by doing this. She could have throttled her brother! :lol:

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Hooray for Schmooey! The crawling stage is supposed to be very good for all motor and brain left-right connections, so enjoy!


Don't allow enthusiastic older siblings or cousins to walk Schmooey around by holding his hands. I had a girlfriend whose younger brother came to visit and taught her 9mo to walk before he learned to crawl by doing this. She could have throttled her brother! :lol:


Oh, trust me, there will be NONE of that. He's already pulling up, and I think he would rather walk, but I have not been encouraging it at all.


When Emma was a baby, she could crawl really well and showed no signs of walking at 1. My MIL came for her birthday and decided to teach her to walk holding on to hands. I was 9 months pregnant, thanks, and it about killed my back, and of course that's ALL she wanted to do from then on! :glare: I'm sure it was fine timing but I would have been OK letting her figure the whole thing out on her own, LOL!

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