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Teaching Textbooks - What would you do?

Pat in MI

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My dd made it to Lesson 90 in TT Math 5 last year before we stopped for the summer. So I have been kicking around the idea of just jumping her into TT Math 6 when we begin school next week. Do you think she would be alright missing the tail end of Math 5? She does well with math, but would she miss important teaching that she wouldn't get again in math 6? Anyone familiar with these two levels and know how much overlap there is?



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The publishers of TT told me in an email that there are sometimes new concepts toward the end of the book -- not the very end, but in the last 1/3 or 1/4 of the book -- that are designed to appear in time for the student to learn them for standardized testing that often happens in spring. (I had wondered why new topics would pop up toward the end of the book but not get much treatment. Apparently the idea is to give the student a passing acquaintance with such topics in time for testing.)


But given the amount of time TT spends reviewing at the beginning of each book, you're probably fine just moving on to the next book.

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You have brought up some good points. I went back and looked at TT 5 and it looks to be fraction and decimal work in those last lessons. The more work with those the better, I think, so we will go back and finish out Math 5 and move to math 6. Thank you everyone for your suggestions.



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