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What are some good, secular magazines for kids, age 10-14?

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We have Kids Discover. There is no religious content or pop culture. I can not say that my kids love it but I like the format and the content. There are some Canadian ones which they do like more. The names are Owl, Chirp and Chickadee. My kids love these.


Maybe these ideas help.

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with the recommendations for Kids Discover; we also get Calliope, which is one of the publications from Cobblestone Publishing.* They're both fantastic magazines, and no religious content whatsoever, from what I can tell (except for discussions of Greek & Roman myths, etc.). Calliope is Cobblestone Publishing's history magazine; probably appropriate for kids from ages of about 9-14. Kids Discover is a bit younger; perhaps 8-12. Both are excellent, and we've been getting them for years now.

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Anything from Cobblestone Publishing is fabulous.



I agree. You might even be able to find all of the previous year's issues used at a cut rate price --craigslist, ebay, thrift stores, etc. My guys are happy w/ somethig a year out of date --in the grand scheme of things, that's not too far off, lol. The library is another great option, they just don't always let ya take home magazines ;)


good luck!

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How about Zoobooks? It's expensive at their website, but try ebay for a cut-rate subscription. That's where we get it for a deal. It's not a huge challenge for my 8yo to read, but she does love it. It's not religious.


My next younger son gets My Big Backyard. He's just started reading so it's a good fit for him still.

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We did Zoobooks until we had them all, I think (I believe there is a limited quantity?). Those other mags look great, and I've looked for them used, but can't find them at a reasonable price--so I guess now I should ask--does anyone know where to get them at a better price?

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Right, I think there are only 55 Zoobooks. For Ranger Rick, you can buy a subscription from a seller on ebay. I've used it for a few different magazines and it's really cheap! I think it's called cheapsubscriptions but just check out the auctions. I don't know about Cricket, it might be there, but it might not. Otherwise, google the name of the magazine you want and put subscription in the search. There are many consolidators who sell them cheaper.

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When I was 10 I loved Time and Newsweek. I may not have been "typical" but I loved reading about what was going on in the world (and still do).




My mother got me Newsweek at 10, as well!


Laura in China turned me onto this company. We are doing Story Box but I believe her elder gets Discovery Box. I really like what I've seen.



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When I was 10 I loved Time and Newsweek. I may not have been "typical" but I loved reading about what was going on in the world (and still do).




My DS loves watching the political coverage on CNN, reading about the campaigns, and both Time and Newsweek. I wanted to get him a subscription to the Time for Kids magazine, but he says he only likes "adult" magazines, not the kiddy stuff! Good thing he doesn't know what the term "adult magazine" usually means!

Michelle T

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My DS loves watching the political coverage on CNN, reading about the campaigns, and both Time and Newsweek. I wanted to get him a subscription to the Time for Kids magazine, but he says he only likes "adult" magazines, not the kiddy stuff! Good thing he doesn't know what the term "adult magazine" usually means!

Michelle T


Save up and one day you can get him a subscription to "The Economist".


My son William (who turned 4 last Friday) will look on with me as I read the "news-mags". He knows a lot of the political figures by sight now. I'll ask:


Who'se this? Barak Obama

Who'se this? John McCain

Who'se this? George Bush

Who'se this? Hillary Clinton

Who'se this? Mr Hillary Clinton


Bill (who remembers closely following the LBJ-Goldwater race back in 1964 when I was 6)

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Were you born in May of '58?


Bill (who always wanted a sister)


No, I was just finishing out my 2nd trimester. Where were you when you found out JFK was shot? My sister had just started her first teaching job and with the first paycheck bought my folks their first TV. It lived in their bedroom. Mommy was ironing and I was bouncing on the bed. Suddenly Jack LaLane or some such thing was interrupted and the announcement came on. My mother put down the iron and dashed off to call Papa with the news.


In the instant she was gone, I decided to light my first match. It had not occurred to me until I saw her exit. I grabbed a box, ran to the bathroom, put down the lid, stood up on it, opened the window, pulled up the lid, lit my first match over the water, burned myself, dropped the match, fanned for a few moments, flushed, put down the lid, hopped up and closed the window, lifted the lid and ran back to the bed where I was innocently bouncing when Mama came back. She said "I smell smoke" and I, in the attempt to derail a search, said "how do they know he is dead and not just sleeping?"


Let me take a wild guess....your father or your mother was teacher. Am I right?

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I campaigned door-to-door for McGovern in 72.


Me too. I volunteered at the local Mc Govern HQ, and stuffed envelopes and did whatever tasks needed doing.


I also remember, and this was a little *naughty*, going to the Nixon HQ (which was just up the street from the McG. HQ) and scooping up "Nixon Now...More than Ever" buttons...and putting little pieces of white tape over the "w".


So Nixon wasn't the only "trickster" that year :tongue_smilie:



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