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Homeschool laws in Texas little help please

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From what a friend told me since my children have never went to ps in Texas I would not have to report anything? Or did I understand that wrong? Have a possible move to Texas in my near future and I want to make sure I know the facts before I get there.


Thank you for any advice.

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Your friend is right, there is no reporting. If your child is currently in public school in Texas, there is no contact required after they have withdrawn.


"A school-age child residing in the State of Texas who is being educated in a bona fide manner by the parents, or those standing in parental authority, in or through the child's home using a curriculum, consisting of books, workbooks, other written materials, including that which appears on an electronic screen of either a computer or video tape monitor, or any combination of the preceding from either (1) a private or parochial school which exists apart from the child's home or (2) which has been developed or obtained from any source, said curriculum designed to meet basic education goals of reading, spelling, grammar, mathematics and a study of good citizenship, is in attendance upon a private or parochial school within the meaning of Section 25.086(a)(1) of the Texas Education Code and exempt from the requirements of compulsory attendance at a public school."

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So I can move there and never once say a word? Really? So like my oldest who is in ps here, but possible hs there I would not have to do anything?



Correct. Really. :)


Well, I'd suggest you do *something*, but reporting to the state in any way is not necessary. ;)

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Do officially unenroll kiddos where you are though. It'd be nice to tell them you are moving out of state.

To clarify, there's no reason to unenroll them *legally*--no one is going to follow you over state lines. :D But it gives the school a heads-up. And you can request your dc's records, too.

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So I can move there and never once say a word? Really? So like my oldest who is in ps here, but possible hs there I would not have to do anything?


Yep. You should withdraw your kids from their current school citing an out of state move, but you'd never even have to register your kids in TX if you choose to hs them.


I love being able to do whatever I want for teaching DS. Even the hassles of planning are letter than dealing with ps administrators and teachers.

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