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School Start Times


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It's helpful for me to see when people start school work and with what consistency. Last year we really only "dabbled" in kindergarten, but I realized quickly that we couldn't do mornings with the baby & toddler. We only did school work during the toddler's naptime. I'm still trying to figure out when we'll "start" this year. I'm also guessing during the baby's morning nap. She goes down around 9/9:30. I was so disappointed that things could follow my "schedule", I'm trying to be very flexible and realistic.

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My 3rd grader wakes at 8:00. She has one hour to complete her morning routine. At 9:00, we eat breakfast while watching Fetch with Ruff Ruffman. We start school after our morning cartoon.


My 9th grader gets up at 7:00 and starts school at 8:00. He often takes a break to watch Fetch with us.:001_smile:

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You know I haven't really decided yet. I'm thinking I want my ds(9) to start around 8-8:30 he is always the first one up anyways. I'm thinking I will have a goal of everyone else starting between 8:30-9. This means we all need to start going to bed earlier so I can get up by 7:30.;) I'm a night owl so I have to work at this.

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I like to start between 9&10 so we are done by lunch. Then we can eat and play before I head to the studio or any other activities. Today, baby had a Dr appt, so we started at 10:30. Amazingly....we still finished before lunch! I am not inflexible with start times.

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My dh, who works from home, wants us to start school at 8 am this year instead of 8:30, like we've done for a long time. He thinks an earlier start time will be more productive for our boys, especially our oldest. I don't disagree that starting early is good, but I want a time that we can stick with consistently. This would mean eating no later than 7:30 so we're finished and the kitchen clean by 7:55. What are your start times? Are they the same each day? Thanks!
We start at 8:30 each morning. The kids have to have all their morning tasks completed - dressed, beds made, hair done, breakfast eaten, chores done etc etc - and be in the lounge room ready to go by then. We spend half an hour or so together then split up for work time until 12. This is set in stone and works for us because otherwise some certain little people will just drift through their day. With 8 kids, it just doesn't work for me to have changeable starting times.
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We *AIM* to start about 8ish, we are early risers (I mean like before the rooster crows early) so we are up and have had breakfast before 7AM so, we usually do reading/devotions and then kick off the day. Although we take a pretty long break for lunch (1130-100 ish) and then go back at it for about an hour or so.

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We don't have an official start time. It's really hard for me to stick to an exact start time when sometimes the baby wakes up (she's 1), and sometimes she doesn't. And sometimes my 3 yo wakes up, sometimes he doesn't. If he wakes up, I'd rather just start a little later and get his breakfast out of the way.


There are just too many variables and I'm not going to wake the little ones up every day just to have consistency (oh, heck no :lol:).


That said, I AIM for around 9. I might start getting up earlier so I can sneak in more school before the mess-makers wake up. But easier said than done since I am NOT a morning person and need a period of time after I wake up where I can just think and eat and wake up slowly (not jump right into school).

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We *AIM* to start about 8ish, we are early risers (I mean like before the rooster crows early) so we are up and have had breakfast before 7AM so, we usually do reading/devotions and then kick off the day. Although we take a pretty long break for lunch (1130-100 ish) and then go back at it for about an hour or so.


Oh man, I envy all the morning people like you!

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the person doing the teaching should get to make those decisions, KWIM? It's all well and good to hypothesize that starting half an hour earlier will somehow cause children to be more productive, but really, I don't see why half an hour earlier would make any difference, and you already have a routine. JMHO. :)



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We never usually were ready for Official School Stuff until about 9.


Is your dh doing the teaching? If so, he can start any time he wants. If not, well, the person doing the teaching should get to make those decisions, KWIM? It's all well and good to hypothesize that starting half an hour earlier will somehow cause children to be more productive, but really, I don't see why half an hour earlier would make any difference, and you already have a routine. JMHO. :)


:iagree: It could even backfire and result in less productivity, which is what would happen if I tried with my son. He is NOT a morning person.


We try to start at 10am. This gives me time to get up, have my tea and breakfast, gives ds time to really wake up, have his breakfast and be ready for the day. If we tried to push it earlier, we probably wouldn't get anything done for the first hour anyway.:tongue_smilie:

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We start by 9 a.m. That's our official start time. But we often start earlier. If my dd is having trouble with math, we get up at 6:30 a.m. and do math before her brain wakes up (and it goes in and stays in...I know it's :confused: but it works!). And, in general, probably 3 days a week when math isn't an issue, we will start earlier than 9. We like to get a jump on things. Heck we ended up starting school a week earlier since the weather wasn't so great. I guess we operate on a "start no later than" premise rather than an official start time...

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I get up at 7, work-out 7:30-8:30 three mornings per week, shower/dress/make beds and start school by 9. I'm usually eating breakfast/tidying the kitchen while the kids are beginning their independent work around the table.


My kids can all dress themselves, make their beds, and get their own breakfast (littles get help from bigs), so it gives me a bit more 'me' time in the morning. I find that if we consistently begin by 9, more gets done and we're happier. Later start-time almost always results in a rough day.


This is such a personal thing, though. What works for one family may not translate to success in a different home!

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We start around 7 - 7:30. The boys all wake somewhere around 6 - 6:30 and I have to crack the whip a bit to make sure everyone gets dressed, does chores, and eats breakfast without vanishing into the Lego bins. Well, the 4yo and 2yo can do what they want, but the 7yo needs to Get In Gear. However, I really like to make sure we get to the park at some point before lunch for everyone's physical and mental health (not least of all mine) and starting early is the only way to make that happen.



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I was thinking I want to start by 9, but in practice we get started no earlier than 10. Dd and I stay up late, so waking up early is hard for her. Since she started ice skating, and we're trying to get to the public session at 1:40 for pre-class practice, we have to start by 10 on those days, or at least not waste so much time :glare:

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Our alarms go off at 8:30, we're working at 9. Our hours are 9-3 with a 45 min. break for lunch. This is our first week back, if we can't seem to finish up by 3 consistently I'm going to change the schedule to alarm at 7:30, school 8-3 with a 45 min. break.

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My dh, who works from home, wants us to start school at 8 am this year instead of 8:30, like we've done for a long time. He thinks an earlier start time will be more productive for our boys, especially our oldest.


I don't disagree that starting early is good, but I want a time that we can stick with consistently. This would mean eating no later than 7:30 so we're finished and the kitchen clean by 7:55.



What are your start times? Are they the same each day?





We start at 9am every day (although 1 day a week we have co-op and I *TRY* to start 1/2 an hour earlier that day - so far it hasn't worked out too well most of the time).


I don't think an earlier start time is automatically more productive - it totally depends on you & your teaching style and the kids & their learning style. If we tried to start earlier, it wouldn't work for *me*!! lol. I hate mornings, and I already have to get out and feed horses & clean up at the barn before we start school. If the kids get to bed by 8pm, they are totally fine and ready to start working by 8/8:30. If they don't get to sleep until after 9pm, then it is a struggle to even make absolutely sure everyone is ready by 9am! :)


I work twice a week and I am at the office by 7:30am. I dislike it, but I can do it. I do most of my productive work outside of the office between the hours of 7pm and 11pm. I'm more of a night person; that time is a much more productive one for me, as it is quiet and peaceful & I can focus.

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We start at 9:00 each morning. I wake my boys up at 7:45, and they have to meet me at the table at 8:00 for breakfast and Bible which takes about 20-30 minutes. If it's a nice morning, we then head outdoors for a brisk 20-minute walk or bike ride. Otherwise, we head downstairs to do some type of indoor exercise activity. Afterwards, they take care of last minute business (bathroom break, gathering books and notebooks, etc.) and meet me at the table at 9:00.

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Morning is my alone time with dh. I do not do not want to see my offspring before he leaves for work and honestly I prefer they don't come downstairs until I finish my coffee. Most mornings dh leaves for work at about 8:30, so no kids before 9. This isn't a problem at my house, because we stay up late enough that they sleep late.


This year I just have the little man at home and I told him that we need to start school between 10 and 11. Of course, dh doesn't get home until later- often 8 and sometimes later. Beginning school between 10 and 11 gives us the same amount of time as a child who begins earlier (say 8) where the working parent arrives home earlier (say 6).


Our day is shifted to match dh's schedule. If he had a different schedule, we would shift our day accordingly.


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We usually start at 8 or a little earlier, sometimes 7:30. My kids are allowed to come down for breakfast at 7, and we either put away laundry followed by school or just start school right after breakfast.


The kids are young and have a 7 pm bedtime. If they go to bed later, my middle son still wakes up early and wakes everyone else up, since they all share a room. Maybe when he's older we'll get to sleep in. :tongue_smilie:

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On the topic of DH, mine is welcome to suggest anything he wants as far as our schooling goes. He does give me the ultimate say, but there is nothing wrong with him suggesting something :)


Exactly. I just don't want to begin the year with an expectation that this is the time and then I (we) can't be consistent. I'm trying to make a decision so we start the year off on the right foot.


Since we have an almost 15 year old ds and a 9 year old ds, and no babies or toddlers, my dh thinks that the earlier we start, the more they get done while they're at their best and most motivated. And he's right about our sons. If we started at 10, they would definitely get less accomplished because lunch would come, then a break from school, then slowly doing school and before we know it, it's dinner.


My decision is: 8:30 worked, but is 8:00 better? :confused:


Thanks for the feedback.

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We have always started homeschooling when the baby goes down for his morning nap (and we always have a baby). This morning that was at 8, but it can range from 8-9:30. I would love to just start at 8 every morning for consistency, but we are in a stage where we need to wrap ourselves around the baby.


I completely understand... :)

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I start by 9 a.m. That gives me time to work out before starting school. It gives DH time to get up and out of the house. It lets DS sleep in a bit, shower, walk the dog, eat breakfast, and be ready to go. And it lets DD wake up on her own terms, eat, play, and run amuck a bit before we start.

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My dh, who works from home, wants us to start school at 8 am this year instead of 8:30, like we've done for a long time. He thinks an earlier start time will be more productive for our boys, especially our oldest.


I don't disagree that starting early is good, but I want a time that we can stick with consistently. This would mean eating no later than 7:30 so we're finished and the kitchen clean by 7:55.



What are your start times? Are they the same each day?




We sure never started that early. My husband wouldn't dream of telling me when I should start school, as he is at work and it doesn't affect him. I am not a morning person, so we do things at a good time for us.

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I hate mornings. I loathe mornings. Mornings should not legally be allowed to begin before noon. I have been trying to get the rest of the world to come around to my way of thinking for years, but alas, no luck. DD is definitely my child. She doesn't get up before 9 or 9:30 if she can help it. She also prefers 12 hours of sleep at night. DS likes to get up earlier (though not usually before 8 or so). I think he likes feeling like he has the house to himself to a bit. He closes our doors and goes off downstairs by himself.


The rule in our house is that schoolwork is done before any playtime, tv time, etc. So even when DS gets up early, he eats breakfast and gets started on his schoolwork. DD and I will join him whenever we wake up.


I guess that's the long way of saying that we don't have a start time. Start time is whenever each kid (and Mom!) wakes up. :D

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We just started this last week, and the first two days we started working at 6:30am, on Wed we started at 7:30, Thursday was after lunch, and Friday was 9:30. I honestly don't care what time we start, so long as everything that needs to get done in the day does. DH, on the other hand, wants us to have a consistent starting time EVERY day. He says that we will take it more seriously that way. I guess it just doesn't matter to me, and I'm the one that is doing the teaching...so... He also doesn't want any school work to be done while he is home, so that is part of his reasoning that he wants us to start early (6:30am), so we can get it all done before he gets home. I don't see what the big deal is, though.

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Your husband would hate living in our house. We don't have a start time and most of the time we don't start until about 10:30-11. I refuse to get up before 8am if I can avoid it.


If an early start time works for you and your kids, go for it. It would never work here, we all hate getting up early and it would make for horrible days of cranky kids and a sleep deprived mama. Now my kids are more than happy to do schoolwork after dinner if it means they can wake up later in the morning.


This is our house!! I do get up earlier, but the kids don't get up until 9am. However, we do some school in the evening too. I really think you just have to go with what works for the rhythm of your family. Trying to fit into someone else's mold doesn't work. That's a beauty of hsing!

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My 2 youngest girls (both ADHD) strive with a routine. Last year we started around 10:00 but with it being our first homeschooling year, my expectations were very low. This year, having learned a few things myself last year, we'll start at 9 on the dot. We have some serious executive functioning/responsibility issues going on and it's my intention to work towards correcting some of them.

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