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My floors are never clean...no matter how much I sweep/mop help?

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Are you all sick of me yet? ;):D (seriously, I feel bad for starting so many threads...but I need your help :001_smile: )


We have all vinyl/parquet/linoleum throughout our living areas in our house. I sweep every.single.day. I spot mop with a wet/soapy rag and my foot as I'm multi tasking.


Aside from the typical cereal etc that the babies drop, there just tends to be a lot of DIRT!


I bought a new mop today and I hope it works better than my Libman. Do you have any tips for keeping floors clean? Swiffer doesn't do jack for my floors. My dogs furry paws do a better job at cleaning up the excess dirt!!!

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I have no idea. Unless I run my Floormate every single day my floors aren't clean. As you said mopping does nothing. All it seems to do is swish dirty water around which then dries and the dirt is still there. The Floormate sucks up the dirt and water and does a great job. I just don't' have time to do 2000 sq, ft. every day.


I'm slowly buying room-sized rugs for each room. At least my feet won't be dirty all the time.

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Vacuuming works better than dustmopping or sweeping. I have an Electrolux cannister vac that I use, sometimes daily, sometimes not. :D But a vac gets stuff SO much better. I've thought about looking for a "stick vac," which I've had before; it just wasn't a very good one. Electrolux makes one of those, too.

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when we built this house my dh chose WHITE tile.


I told him that I will be mopping once a week. No matter how dirty, I only mop once a week. So during the week it is clean for say....oh, 20 minutes.


I sweep daily or every other day. But it's just something I've gotten used to.

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I've concluded the only way to solve this problem is to sell the kids by the pound. :)


I vacuum after supper each night (for the most part) and don't allow shoes in the house. It helps some, but I've just learned to embrace (and ignore) a certain level of "kid shrapnel."

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Yeah, mine too. BUT I am just NOT vacuuming (yes, vacuuming the darn vinyl works better than sweeping) and mopping every twenty minutes. I'm just NOT.


My kitchen vinyl is white, too. WHO in the world decided white was a good color for flooring? Some real misogynistic jerk, I'm sure.


I want a dirt-colored floor that slopes to the middle where there is a nice spider-proof drain and I want a hose outlet in every single room. I want a wand-style hose that I can carry from room to room and a place to screw in a jug of bleach or something for quick squirts of that. And plastic water-proof walls while I'm at it.


Until then I'm wearing slippers.

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Yeah, mine too. BUT I am just NOT vacuuming (yes, vacuuming the darn vinyl works better than sweeping) and mopping every twenty minutes. I'm just NOT.


My kitchen vinyl is white, too. WHO in the world decided white was a good color for flooring? Some real misogynistic jerk, I'm sure.


I want a dirt-colored floor that slopes to the middle where there is a nice spider-proof drain and I want a hose outlet in every single room. I want a wand-style hose that I can carry from room to room and a place to screw in a jug of bleach or something for quick squirts of that. And plastic water-proof walls while I'm at it.


Until then I'm wearing slippers.


:lol: hysterical, and I want a floor like that, too!

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Do you have central air and heat or do you live in a dusty area?


I have tile and wood throughout my house and no carpet at all, and I just sweep and mop once a week, and it stays fairly clean. We have little dirt here through; I live on a giant slab of limestone with like 6 inches of dirt to keep grass alive lol. Now that we do not have a dog, I do have to sweep the kitchen and dining room daily due to food scraps though. I think we need another dog!

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Yeah, mine too. BUT I am just NOT vacuuming (yes, vacuuming the darn vinyl works better than sweeping) and mopping every twenty minutes. I'm just NOT.


My kitchen vinyl is white, too. WHO in the world decided white was a good color for flooring? Some real misogynistic jerk, I'm sure.


I want a dirt-colored floor that slopes to the middle where there is a nice spider-proof drain and I want a hose outlet in every single room. I want a wand-style hose that I can carry from room to room and a place to screw in a jug of bleach or something for quick squirts of that. And plastic water-proof walls while I'm at it.


Until then I'm wearing slippers.



That would be perfect! I've always wondered why the don't put drains in the middle of the kitchen/dining room floors!

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Consider getting professional grade mats outside each door. Don Aslett says that someone should be able to walk four steps on the mat to get dirt off before stepping foot inside for the maximum in dirt prevention. I try to get the best mats I can afford and clean them regularly. Our garage one especially does trap a lot of junk, so I think it does help.

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Yeah, mine too. BUT I am just NOT vacuuming (yes, vacuuming the darn vinyl works better than sweeping) and mopping every twenty minutes. I'm just NOT.


My kitchen vinyl is white, too. WHO in the world decided white was a good color for flooring? Some real misogynistic jerk, I'm sure.


I want a dirt-colored floor that slopes to the middle where there is a nice spider-proof drain and I want a hose outlet in every single room. I want a wand-style hose that I can carry from room to room and a place to screw in a jug of bleach or something for quick squirts of that. And plastic water-proof walls while I'm at it.


Until then I'm wearing slippers.


My dh had this same idea when dd17 was a toddler. I think it's genius!


I have found the only way to get my floors very clean is good 'ol hands and knees scrubbing followed by wiping dr with a towel.


But then my mom was right! This is how she cleaned our floors growing up. We didn't own a mop...just a bucket and scrub brush and a bar of Fels Naptha soap!


Kalah is my new cleaning guru. She is a professional and has been incredibly helpful to me. Maybe try pm'ing her, or she might pop in here.


:bigear: I hope she does!


And thank you to everyone who responded! I always feel bad for not multi-quoting every single reply but I do take to heart everyone's suggestions :)

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We had a tile floor in our old house that was textured and would not come clean. It seemed like the dirty water would pool in the textured areas and just sit there. Rinsing your mop in clean water is your friend, do not rinse in your soapy water. It may just be a losing battle. I hate cleaning floors.

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eah, mine too. BUT I am just NOT vacuuming (yes, vacuuming the darn vinyl works better than sweeping) and mopping every twenty minutes. I'm just NOT.


I want a dirt-colored floor that slopes to the middle where there is a nice spider-proof drain and I want a hose outlet in every single room. I want a wand-style hose that I can carry from room to room and a place to screw in a jug of bleach or something for quick squirts of that. And plastic water-proof walls while I'm at it.


Until then I'm wearing slippers.

Actually, in Israel, the floors are made from limestone and there is a drain somewhere on the floor. They swoop around a cloth covered squigee stick with cleaner and water and then drag the dirty water to the floor drain.

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I vacuum and use a steam mop. When that doesn't cut it I embrace the dirt.



Same here! I vacuum 2x a week and mop. The kids use little bissell vacs and vacuum daily after breakfast. And still...it's dirty. I wear crocs all day. My kids are in and out of the house, all.day.long, though, so I fault that and embrace that we enjoy our house, and surroundings and dirty floors are part of that!

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