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my vows are glue

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We all have those times when we love our dear families but just really don't like them, right? I need to know I'm not alone.


I know being out of work can really screw with one's psyche. Especially f it's a man who was raised to be a provider. I do my best to be supportive but also have to be realistic in terms of providing for our needs.


There are just days when I want to walk away from everything and then I remember what Ikve come back to when I've gone for a day trip with my mil. They would never survive without me for very long.


I need to find balance before I go crazy.

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Ah...reminds me of a time in my life about 5 years ago. My dh and dd were getting on my nerves so much that I considered it a treat and a bright spot in my day to "have" to go out to the barn and clean stalls to get away from them. I loved the sounds of the animials munching their hay, the sense of satisfaction when another stall was clean, the general peace and quiet.


IIRC, things got a little better when one day I finally snapped and told them, "You all realize that I would rather go out to the barn in the freezing cold and shovel poop than to put up with you these days?"


It will pass. Either they will change, you will change, or both.:001_smile::grouphug:

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