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A little sad tonight.

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The dc go to school in a week. While I know this is the best decision for our family, it still hurts a little to know we will never homeschool again. In some ways they will be better off, but in other ways it will never be the same.


While a couple of them did go to school in FL (and it was a mixed experience) this is the first time they will all go. It's also pretty sure to be permanent....unless we win Powerball, I will always have to work.


When you are having a bad day homeschooling, remember what a privilege it is.:)

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It's also pretty sure to be permanent....unless we win Powerball, I will always have to work.


When you are having a bad day homeschooling, remember what a privilege it is.:)


:grouphug: Life has its ups and downs, and tradeoffs, and I know you are very deserving and excited about your increase in earning potential. Just remember you are still the world to them, and even if school seems to distract them a bit, it is you they will know and love when they are 25 and above (if not sooner). :grouphug:

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I feel your pain. My two little ones are starting school for the first time ever next Monday. I have honestly been making myself sick over it...I'm not looking forward to it at all. And it's not just that I won't be homeschooling, but the getting them up and out of the house every morning (on time!), packing lunches, doing homework, etc. None of it sounds fun to me. :(


But I am hoping that it is just a season for us. And if it's not, then I'm hoping that the kiddos adjust well (and me too!).


I'll pray for you if you'll pray for me :D

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To my very dear cousin,


You have been an inspiration to me for years. I know I don't get to see you very often and I know that our family has often gotten in the way, but please know that you have always been in my heart. You have fought for your little ones from the beginning, and have never let your own personal situation stop you from making a better life for them. The love they have for each other - the love that you have fostered - shines so clearly in their interactions and playfulness. You have a passion for creating that solid, loving home life that evaded you as a child. Your children will always have that.


As for school, you don't need me to tell you that you are doing the right thing. But I will. You are doing it for them. You are selfless and dedicated and a wonderful mother, wife, and friend. It is likely going to be harder for you than for them, because you want the best for them, and no one can ever give them the best. But they will have good teachers and good experiences in addition to the difficulties. And you will be there for them when it is hard, and you will teach them to deal with adversity. It will make them stronger.


When I joined this board a few years back, I was amazed by the following that you had. People here love you. Please come back and visit. You have wisdom that so few do, and it would be a blessing if you would still share it with us.


Thinking of you this week,


Ruth in NZ

Edited by lewelma
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To my very dear cousin,


You have been an inspiration to me for years. I know I don't get to see you very often and I know that our family has often gotten in the way, but please know that you have always been in my heart. You have fought for your little ones from the beginning, and have never let your own personal situation stop you from making a better life for them. The love they have for each other - the love that you have fostered - shines so clearly in their interactions and playfulness. You have a passion for creating that solid, loving home life that evaded you as a child. Your children will always have that.


As for school, you don't need me to tell you that you are doing the right thing. But I will. You are doing it for them. You are selfless and dedicated and a wonderful mother, wife, and friend. It is likely going to be harder for you than for them, because you want the best for them, and no one can ever give them the best. But they will have good teachers and good experiences in addition to the difficulties. And you will be there for them when it is hard, and you will teach them to deal with adversity. It will make them stronger.


When I joined this board a few years back, I was amazed by the following that you had. People here love you. Please come back and visit. You have wisdom that so few do, and it would be a blessing if you would still share it with us.


Thinking of you this week,


Ruth in NZ


Thank you, Ruth. It really helps for someone who has known me "for real" (and for more than 35 years!) and knows my children to say these things.:grouphug:


I do want better for my kids than I had. I already think they have, but time will tell. School isn't the enemy, selfishness is. I felt like continuing to homeschool would have been selfish in our case, but it's hard to let go of an ideal.


As for coming here? I'm not going anywhere.;) I have so many friends here, some I have met "in real life" and some not, but all are friends.:D


Next year, same time, same place?;)

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The dc go to school in a week. While I know this is the best decision for our family, it still hurts a little to know we will never homeschool again. In some ways they will be better off, but in other ways it will never be the same.


While a couple of them did go to school in FL (and it was a mixed experience) this is the first time they will all go. It's also pretty sure to be permanent....unless we win Powerball, I will always have to work.


When you are having a bad day homeschooling, remember what a privilege it is.:)

:grouphug: Thank you for the friendly reminder. God bless you and your family.

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I understand. Our kids start school tomorrow. I am so sad about it but I know this is what is supposed to happen right now. Praying it is only for a season...but trusting God has a good reason for leading us this direction...a direction we never thought we'd be going down.

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To my very dear cousin,


You have been an inspiration to me for years. I know I don't get to see you very often and I know that our family has often gotten in the way, but please know that you have always been in my heart. You have fought for your little ones from the beginning, and have never let your own personal situation stop you from making a better life for them. The love they have for each other - the love that you have fostered - shines so clearly in their interactions and playfulness. You have a passion for creating that solid, loving home life that evaded you as a child. Your children will always have that.


As for school, you don't need me to tell you that you are doing the right thing. But I will. You are doing it for them. You are selfless and dedicated and a wonderful mother, wife, and friend. It is likely going to be harder for you than for them, because you want the best for them, and no one can ever give them the best. But they will have good teachers and good experiences in addition to the difficulties. And you will be there for them when it is hard, and you will teach them to deal with adversity. It will make them stronger.


When I joined this board a few years back, I was amazed by the following that you had. People here love you. Please come back and visit. You have wisdom that so few do, and it would be a blessing if you would still share it with us.


Thinking of you this week,


Ruth in NZ


As someone else who knows you well, I have to second everything your cousin said! I have ALWAYS been impressed at how you are willing to do anything to make your children's lives better! You are a wonderful wife and mother and a dear friend. :grouphug:


To new adventures! :cheers2:

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