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Can I do Chemistry before Biology?

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I agree with the other replies. We did Chemistry before Biology and it helped a lot with the biochem in the BJU biology that we used. I'm not familiar with Apologia's Biology, but as log as the student has the math to understand Chem it shouldn't be a problem.

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We are currently making our way through both apologia chemistry and biology. As long as the algebra is there I would prefer to do the chemistry first. The first four chapters(that is all we have completed) are all about manipulating equations and converting units of measurement. The explanations are extremely good. Lots of practice provided.IMO.

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Yes you can. And if you don't mind doing Chemistry more than once, or if you have a dc who is never going to be a science or math major, you can even do it before your dc has the math with Conceptual Chemistry. Dd did CC but with math as the math came with the lab kit we bought, as she had enough math.


There is great debate on whether or not you have to have math in order to understand Chem, but I'm on the side that you need to understand the concepts, and that there are plenty of kids who can do the Chem math but don't really understand the concepts.

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Some very dear homeschooling friends of mine who are very science-y (biology and engineering/physics) both said they wished everyone would take biology after chemistry and physics, but it is totally math-driven. If you haven't mastered Algebra 1 at least, chemistry will be very difficult.

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I taught a small coop class using Apologia Chemistry this past year, and I would agree with the comments about needing to know Algebra 1. The kids who struggled with the math had a much more difficult time in the class. They might understand the Chemistry but couldn't solve the problem because they couldn't do the math!

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Can you teach Chemistry before you teach Biology? My son wants to do Chemistry next year instead of Biology. I will be using Apologia science if that helps.


My daughter did. She took Chemistry last year and is in AP Biology (with no prerequisite biology!) this year. I hope it all works out, but the new school didn't offer anything but AP Bio or college classes and she still needs that class for state graduation requirements.

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