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Burnt out: what do you do or recommend?

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I like to read Homeschooling With a Meek and Quiet Spirit in order to recharge. Also, when I am feeling burned out, I add in some fun activities for school, or surprise the kids with a field trip or "outside" school. We might take a picnic lunch to the park or we might go outside and have hot chocolate while we star gaze. Just mixing things up and doing the unexpected makes a difference sometimes!

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Sometimes I just make my whole world stop while I'm "selfish" for a pre-determined time period. I don't make dinners on Wednesday night. Won't, don't, and I selfishly guard my evening off. Fortunately there's Awana program at Church and dh takes the kids there so the house is quiet. But I have to really work to guard that time so I can:


Meet my girlfriends for coffee at Caribou one evening.


Go the library sans kids.


Eat sushi without all the comments from the peanut gallery while watching reruns of Star Trek on Netflix!


Take a nap, bath, or paint my toes!


Go to the Y on my own without my usual gaggle of kids in tow.


Plan for your day/evening off before you plan your school schedule. Everything else go in around that time. Guard it jealously because it is the reason you stay sane.

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