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Well, it's going to be a long 2-3 months for us.

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As some of you know, dh had surgery on his leg. Dr. said he'll be out of work for 2-3 months. He will qualify for short term dis., but it'll only be 60% of his income. After taking out taxes, 401K, and insurance, it's going to be very meager. Add to that our mortgage payment just went up b/c of insurance and property taxes (it will take up about 65% of dh's income)...sigh.


I have faith in God that things WILL work out. It's just going to be bumpy for awhile. Thank God that we qualify for help with food or we'd really be sunk:001_unsure:.


Of course there are things we're going to cut out or minimize. We won't be on the internet as much b/c if we go over a certain amount, it raises our bill. Instead of having unlimited talk/text/internet on our phones, we'll only have 750 min. I'll be using cloth diapers as much as possible. Aaaannd...we won't be going much of anywhere.


Thanks for listening to me whine. I'm really trying to keep a positive outlook, but MAN, can it be tough:glare:.

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I'm sorry about your dh....hope his recovery will go smoothly. Hang in there...:grouphug: and prayer for you guys!

Aw, thanks Tammy. You're appreciated:grouphug:. We keep praying for a quick recovery. It's a nasty wound from surgery that will take awhile to heal. Poor dh. He's slowly getting better. Love that man!

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I am just so glad that he did get his leg looked at! :grouphug:
Yes, me too! The doctor that operated on it said MRSA needs to be treated aggresively and quickly. I had no idea how serious it *could* become before this whole thing started.


Could you stop putting money in the 401K for the few month he is out of work just to free up some extra cash? Or do you have anything around the house you'd be willing to sell? Sorry you are in a tough spot.

I don't know about the 401K, we'd have to check. YES...there are plenty of things in dh's SHOP that we could sell. The problem is getting him to see that :glare::tongue_smilie:. We currently have TWO non-running vehicles in the yard and lots of "stuff" dh hasn't used in the 7.5 years we've been together. I, myself, honestly have nothing of monotarial (sp?) value.


Hopefully, I can get him to see the "light" and take stock of what we may need to part with. The good thing is...we could always buy something that we realize we needed at a later date.

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