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So excited for DD (Olympic related, kinda!)!!

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DD8 is a competitive soccer player, starting her third year of Academy. She loves soccer and has a ball at her feet all.the.time. She watched all the US Women's team's Olympic matches with me and was cheering hard when they won the Gold!


There is one of those free magazines that you pick up in stores here called Youth Sports Today that had a give-away for a soccer camp and I signed DD up, not ever imagining anything would come of it. The camp is the Shannon Boxx Soccer Academy. Shannon Boxx - one of the best female defensive midfielders to ever play the beautiful game, WNT member since 2003, recent Gold medal winner (adding to her collection), and all that in spite of being diagnosed with Lupus. She was injured in the first Olympic match, but came back to play in the final against Japan.


I got an email this morning that DD won and is going to the camp for FREE! We never could have afforded it other wise. And there is a homeschool connection - many of our area schools start back next week (same week as the camp) so many of the public school kids don't have this opportunity. :lol:


You should have seen DD's face this morning when I told her about getting to go to this camp! So excited for her!!

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