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Having to enroll my 5 yr old in school-suggestions please

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I need to work and need to put my Extremely shy 5 yr old in school.

She will begin at a local Christian school. Since she is 5 she will go into K. I think she is ready for first grade work but socially she is not ready.


I've asked them if they can offer more to the program for her as she is already reading (magic tree house right now). They kind of blew me off and said their program works.


This is my 3rd child that learned to read early. I was up front and let them know that she really started reading before I could actually teach phonics. I let them know that from experience she would prob not be enthusiastic about phonics and working on letter sounds. The first 2 girls really didn't take to marking vowels either. I realize the value of phonics but they were all already reading before they were ready for phonics instruction. The older girl was a champion speller and the 2nd one is very good in comprehension.


I know they are there to teach but from experience with my first two I'm concerned about self esteem and lack of growth. Does anyone have any tips or suggestions for ideas I can present?

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I'm assuming you spoke to somebody in admissions or something, but not the actual teacher. If that's the case, then wait until the first week or so and speak with the teacher. A lot of Kindy teachers like to do home visits. Perhaps if yours does not offer that, invite her/him over. It might be more easy to chat about in person.


Honestly, I faced this when DS1 went to Kindy. We had homeschooled Kindy the prior year, but because of a change in state residence, faced an earlier cut off date which mandated he complete Kindergarten. Basically, the teacher would have him help her by reading stories to the class sometimes...and he also had his own basket of books at his level. An aide or the teacher would work with him and other advanced kids (there were a few who could also read well)...so it really wasn't an issue. Kindergarten was so much more than basic math and reading, though. The music, art, and just being and playing with the other kids were key. I think he could have skipped it, but as he's grown older, I think on an emotional developmental scale, he's right where he should be.


As for shyness, I was extremely extremely shy. Always was. :) Was tough as I came from a very very outgoing family (think politician=types). In retrospect, I probably would have benefitted from some sort of social skills class or something...but I probably still would have been shy. I always made a few close friends regardless, which to be honest, was all I needed.

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I had my dd enter into K when she was halfway through abeka 1 at home with me. She was reading the magic tree house as well. Mine little one wasnt shy but loved the class. She had a great experience in school and when she got home...we did a little extra.


When the kids had to do basic HW she might have added a sentence about the letter instead of just a cut out picture.


My dd is one of the oldest in her class as a Nov. baby...but I think she is socially in the correct place. Now...going into 4th...I wouldnt change it. She is very happy and it all worked out.

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