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Trying to find free notebooking pages (basic)


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I've been trying to find some free, basic notebooking pages, but can't seem to get my account at notebookingpages.com to work (at all). :confused:


What sites do you visit for basic, generic NB pages? That is, there is no theme, no subject heading, just little boxes for an illustration and lines for writing?




I don't know why I can't seem to find these? (I'm tired? I'm sick?) :tongue_smilie: All I can find is related to specific topics, such as "War of 1812."


Where are basic, generic NB pages that could be used for writing about anything?

Edited by Sahamamama
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I tried to sign up for that site too and it absolutely won't let me use it! It's making me crazy!!


Good to know it isn't just something I'm doing wrong. :confused: I've been going round and round half the afternoon, and finally just gave up. :tongue_smilie: I think they want you to give in and buy something, but it bugs me that they get my email address by saying there's something "free." And then I can't get to it at all.

Edited by Sahamamama
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Apologia has some science ones that are free for their Elementary Science. Just click on the book that you may want to do , like the Astronomy book. Then you will see little pdf files next to it and click Course Notebook,. They are pretty basic and you don't need to use Apologia to use the notebooking sheets.

I'm noticing a lot of companies that used to offer free stuff are getting in on the sell it all band wagon. Whatever happened to helping out others? I understand that people need to make a living but seriously you can't keep out the free stuff for those who really can't afford it?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Does anyone know how to get the accounts at notebookingpages dot com to work? Has anyone had any success since they changed it?


I have the same problem. It tells me I have an account, but I can't ever log in. I wanted to print just a basic science notebook cover for my dd to color and put in the front of her science binder this week and couldn't. I used to print those freebie ones all of the time before they changed, and I miss them!

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