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If baby #1 was 4 days late, & #2 was

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hmmm, we could do a math problem:


300 days of pregnancy.

#1 304 days

#2 290 days

#3 300 days


Therefore, the average is 298 days, or two days early.

This, of course, is assuming that 300 days is actually correct. Secondly, assuming soon-to-be DD reads this math problem. :)


Hang in there!:grouphug:

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Anytime between now and then.;)


Oh, come on! :D I saw 4 responses & thought they'd at least have guesses! But then I read the complete consensus already & knew I should have known better w/ you guys!


My sis will be in town until the 18th, so she's voting for *really* early. Dh is very sweet, so he always votes for "reasonably" early--he says 7/27. Dc don't know the calendar well enough, so they voted sometime in June. That's so far off, I think they might have to lose some privelege for even suggesting it. :lol:


I just realized last night that...there's so little I can do at this point, I'm getting bored. I can't concentrate, & my hands go to sleep holding the phone, a paintbrush, the steering wheel...I feel like I'm in limbo until baby gets here.


And then I think about the (increased) sleep deprivation, & I try to finish something. Right now I'm painting dd5's activity tray. It's really pretty--if only I could hold a paintbrush for longer periods of time! LOL

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10 days early, & #3 came on her due date...



when do you think I should expect #4?





Aubrey, who's not antsy or anything.


I'm with you Aubrey - I'm due in a month and I am ready.to.go. I walk by the baby diapers and smell that newborn baby diaper smell. (the clean one) Unfortunately, both of my boys were late - sigh.


I just want to be able to touch my feet again and sit normally.


They say having fun with your hubby is a great way to jump start things. ;)

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#1- 7 days early

#2- 5 days early

#3- 18 days early

#4- 5 days early

#5- 26 days early


Do you see a trend here??????


#6- 10 days LATE!!!!!! A cruel joke to have your 6th baby 10 days late when all others have been at least 5 days early. Argh!


Now I know anything is possible. #7-- who knows! Hoping before Halloween.


Hang in there.

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#1- 7 days early

#2- 5 days early

#3- 18 days early

#4- 5 days early

#5- 26 days early


Do you see a trend here??????


#6- 10 days LATE!!!!!! A cruel joke to have your 6th baby 10 days late when all others have been at least 5 days early. Argh!


Now I know anything is possible. #7-- who knows! Hoping before Halloween.


Hang in there.

Oh, a baby with a mind of her own! Can't wait to hear about #7.

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They say having fun with your hubby is a great way to jump start things. ;)


Ok, besides the fact that it's really too early to be thinking about jump-starting anything (right?) & besides the fact that that *never* works,


you've got to be kidding.


The logistics of that...um...I'm 5'2", right? And my babies are around 9 lbs, right? And they stick. straight. out. I can't reach the pedals to drive because the steering wheel digs too far into my belly!


Alright, I think that may have been TMI. :blink:

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AAWWW...seeing that her due date is 08/08/08, I hope that is when she comes. I am sorry, but you are going to have to wait a little longer. My dd's birthday is 08/08/96, and she said that she wishes she was born on 08/08/08. Hang in there! :D

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AAWWW...seeing that her due date is 08/08/08, I hope that is when she comes. I am sorry, but you are going to have to wait a little longer. My dd's birthday is 08/08/96, and she said that she wishes she was born on 08/08/08. Hang in there! :D


Ok. But *only* if he/she PROMISES to come on that date. Because I don't want to wait until August only to have him/her come on random date. Like 8/4 or 8/9. Kwim?


In fact, I've told dh that whenever this baby comes, we should make 8/8 its bday. He just rolled his eyes. He thinks I'm the only person in the world who thinks bdays are relative & mobile. :lol:

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Ok, besides the fact that it's really too early to be thinking about jump-starting anything (right?) & besides the fact that that *never* works,you've got to be kidding.


No kidding! Sperm contains large amounts of prostaglandins, the hormone your body naturally produces to soften the cervix and jump start labor. (and docs use artificially) If you start now, may be in a few weeks it could help things along...... It is not an immediate process, like you will not go into labor tomorrow but give it some time.


The logistics of that...um...I'm 5'2", right? And my babies are around 9 lbs, right? And they stick. straight. out. I can't reach the pedals to drive because the steering wheel digs too far into my belly!


You can get creative! The last 3 books I read about natural childbirth all said the same thing about s#x at this point in the pregnancy.


Believe me, personally I am not in the mood for much more than ice cream, water ice, and air conditioning but they say it works. I had to stop doing the dishes because I stick so far out I can't reach the faucet! (ds9 picked up this job, he-he)


I really want to start a pregnancy whine thread.

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I really want to start a pregnancy whine thread.


Heh heh. I'm *really* trying to avoid that. Kind-of like a drunk over-compensating.


As far as s#x, it just makes me so MAD right now. :angry::smash::mad: I'm not sure that's the mood one's going for. :lol:

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AAWWW...seeing that her due date is 08/08/08, I hope that is when she comes. I am sorry, but you are going to have to wait a little longer. My dd's birthday is 08/08/96, and she said that she wishes she was born on 08/08/08. Hang in there! :D


My 4y.o. ds was due 02/29/04. As excited as I was about possibly having a Leap Day baby, by the end of my pregnancy, I was more than happy to have him come 2 weeks earlier.

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As far as s#x, it just makes me so MAD right now. :angry::smash::mad: I'm not sure that's the mood one's going for. :lol:



It depends on what you are into :lol:




Think in 3's - 3 weeks early, 3 hour labor, 3 pushes! I'm rootin' for ya!

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AAWWW...seeing that her due date is 08/08/08, I hope that is when she comes. I am sorry, but you are going to have to wait a little longer. My dd's birthday is 08/08/96, and she said that she wishes she was born on 08/08/08. Hang in there! :D


Actually, come to think of it, it's time to confess. The real due date is 8/7/08, I think. But I told mw I *liked* 8/8/08, so she put that on my charts instead. I mean, it's a *due* date, right? Not something scheduled or official. The one date they're most likely not to come, I thought, until dd1 came on her due date, lol.

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Actually, come to think of it, it's time to confess. The real due date is 8/7/08, I think. But I told mw I *liked* 8/8/08, so she put that on my charts instead. I mean, it's a *due* date, right? Not something scheduled or official. The one date they're most likely not to come, I thought, until dd1 came on her due date, lol.


Ok, I just checked & Parents.com says 8/5. Not to mention the fact that I was nursing & not *remotely* thinking of, um, *conceiving,* so I'm not entirely sure of my LMP. :eek: Eek!


But you know, thereabout-ish. I mean, I'm measuring right around 36 weeks, or whatever it is I'm supposed to be at this point. And I know the due date doesn't actually get faxed to the baby, lol.

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As a mom of a newborn five weeker - give it time. How much more important to suffer (mom's job anyway) than for that precious little one to be here one minute before God wants her to be.


Now that all sounds soo beautiful I don't want to leave you with the thought I wasn't walking up hills in the heat asking everyone what may bring my girl...I was READY. Having contractions every 10 minutes or so off and on AND an OB telling me at 35 weeks she could come any minute.


She came quick - we were in the hospital for 30 minutes EXACTLY and she was born!


He/she will come when ready and unfortunately you get to be miserable until then. God's way of making us extremely happy mamas once they're here I think.

Hang in, get a good friend to take you out to dinner and make her PROMISE to not talk baby/pregnancy/family stuff.

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Whoops , no pm, looks like you're waaay too popular to receive any more.

Ha! Sorry. I just haven't bothered to clean it out. Because, well, I'm *not* popular, & I didn't think it'd make a difference! ;)


And who knew we'd be having to "clean stuff out" *here* too!!!

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I vote for a "due-date" baby! Just think, if baby comes on 8/8/08, it'll be born on the day the Olympics begin and you'll have something interesting to watch on tv in the hospital!:lol: Although seeing all those trim women may be disheartening.....:glare:


I had 2 due-date babies. Imagine that!

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Well I could definitely commiserate with a pregnancy whine thread and I haven't been pregnant in almost two years.


I never liked being pregnant.



Its not my favorite either. But I LOVE kids!!! (come to think of it the baby stage is not my favorite either.)

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I vote for a "due-date" baby! Just think, if baby comes on 8/8/08, it'll be born on the day the Olympics begin and you'll have something interesting to watch on tv in the hospital!:lol: Although seeing all those trim women may be disheartening.....:glare:


I had 2 due-date babies. Imagine that!


Well...as great as that would be to mention in the baby book, we'll be having baby at home, we have no working TV, & (whispering) I really don't like the Olympics. Sorry.


Boy, that sounds argumentative. I'm SO sorry. Your vote is in for 8/8/8. I'm going to get some more chocolate! LOL:lol:

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