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I recently came to the conclusion that when I put things into my favorites to read later, I forget about them. I am filing them under a folder by subject. So I figured that what I should do is put all websites into a folder called "New to favorites" or "New sites to check out" or something along those lines. Then when I have a spare moment, I can just pull up the sites in that folder and read them. Once they are read I can either delete it or save it under the proper folder. I haven't started doing this yet so I don't know if it will be helpful or not. I just thought I'd throw that out there in case it helps anyone else. :001_smile:


It doesn't always mean that I have time to visit them again, but it means when I'm looking for something I know where to start! :) My general hierarchy is under a folder called "homeschooling"... with subfolders for history/ geography, language, literature, math, science, writing (and a couple others I'm forgetting)... and then under each of those I might have particular topics. Under language I have Latin, Russian and Spanish, and for instance under Russian I have a few sites for free handwriting practice and a few sites for shopping. I've used a couple of them and I know where to find them if I need another round... and while I've not really looked at the shopping sites yet, I know they're there because someone recommended them.


I figure when I'm bookmarking something it's not necessarily because I need to go back and look for it as much as because if I want it later I want to be able to find it easily.

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