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Are my curriculum plans to much


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2nd and 4th grader


- Apologia Knowing God

- Apologia Flying Creatures

- Abeka Math

- Rod and Staff English

- Latin Visual Vocabulary

- Sonlight Readers for fun


- All About Spelling.

- We are also going to do a study on the 50 states.

-Handbook of Nature Study


If you think it is to much what should I cut.


My 5 year old will be doing All About Reading.

Edited by susancollins
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Looks great to me. Perhaps you can shorten your lesson times to cover more ground. You can also work from a block schedule where you only teach certain subjects on certain days. If your lessons are 20-30 min per subject that's around a three hour school day, which is very doable.

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It looks heavy on the language arts side--4 different programs. I guess it would depend on how often you plan to do each subject. I personally would cut out either the Abeka reading or the Rod and Staff grammar. Or both, but that's just me. My children pick up most of their language arts through reading.

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Sorry it was suppose to be Abeka Math. I had one mom tell me yesterday when I called her and we were talking about what I am doing for the upcoming year. Tell me I am doing way to much! Thank you for all of the replies!


I've gotten to where I give very vague answers when people ask me what we are doing in our homeschool. Most homeschoolers would think I was torturing my poor kids, but it's OUR homeschool and we like the work load we have.


If they share their schedule and it is comparable to ours, then I will be more specific. But I learned the hard way not to tell too much! Homeschool moms looking at me like I have three heads is not my favorite response! :D

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I think it looks great. Your list may sound long, but not all of those things will be done daily. I don't think it will be too much at all. If *you* were looking for places to cut, then maybe there would be some things that could go, but don't do it for someone else.:001_smile:


I agree with pw23kids about being leery discussing exactly what you do with other hs'ers. For example, only one person IRL knows that we use more than one math program. I don't list all the programs that I use in my siggy either. It is too confusing, so I just list our "core" and not everything I pull from.

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I think it looks fine. I have kids in the same grades as you and I'm doing around the same amount. What are you doing for the state study? The state study we're doing is in my sig. We're going to do it in two years instead of one so that we can take our time. ;)

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I don't think the issue is how much you are doing, but whether what you are doing is the right amount for your kids.


(You can see from my signature that we keep busy, too!)


I have a lot on our list, and dd5 is a consistent and hard worker. She accomplishes so much each day! But I also hope that I know when to take a break if we are having a tired day.


I know that you will use good judgment on those days, too.


In our situation, there is also the reality that dd5 and I just don't do well when we have nothing to do. She watches tv all day, and then it becomes a struggle to get her to do ANYTHING (let me read her a book, pick up her socks, come to the table to eat lunch) if we do not have a plan for each day. I feel like I get less done (housework, meals created, laundry) on non-school days than on busy school days because I don't maximize my time.


Loverboy is finally starting to understand this part of our (dd5 & my) interactions in this way.

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I've gotten to where I give very vague answers when people ask me what we are doing in our homeschool. Most homeschoolers would think I was torturing my poor kids, but it's OUR homeschool and we like the work load we have.


If they share their schedule and it is comparable to ours, then I will be more specific. But I learned the hard way not to tell too much! Homeschool moms looking at me like I have three heads is not my favorite response! :D




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