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RE: Car accident my family had -- my son vomiting

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I know. And I know my dh (who had 4 hours sleep) is probably thinking, "I told you so" because he was content taking him to the doctor today. I am always the overly-cautious one.


I just never know what to do in these situations.


You absolutely did the right thing. He was exhibiting symptoms of a concussion, and a few extra hours of sleep last night wouldn't have meant much to your anyone if things had taken a tragic turn.


It's always better to be safe than sorry, but in the case of nausea, headache, and sleepiness after a car accident, it was absolutely crucial to be overly-cautious. (I'd still be keeping a close eye on him for the next week or so, and I'd also try to make sure he didn't exert himself too much.)


It's really weird, but I never thought much about Natasha Richardson when she was alive, but every time I hear about anyone with any kind of head injury, her image pops right into my mind. As horrible as things ended for her, I'll bet the publicity surrounding her accident has saved many lives.

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This is true. I remember reading about a little girl who had fallen (skating maybe?) and had a headache a couple of days later. Her parents took her to the ER because of what happened to Richardson. The little girl did have bleeding on the brain, but it was treated and she was fine.


It's really weird, but I never thought much about Natasha Richardson when she was alive, but every time I hear about anyone with any kind of head injury, her image pops right into my mind. As horrible as things ended for her, I'll bet the publicity surrounding her accident has saved many lives.
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Please tell me they did a CT scan. There are delayed brain bleeds. Watch him closely!


That's an excellent point, Denise. When Dawn posted her update, I assumed they'd done a CT scan, but she didn't specifically mention it, so I'm glad you did. If they didn't, I would insist on one.

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That's an excellent point, Denise. When Dawn posted her update, I assumed they'd done a CT scan, but she didn't specifically mention it, so I'm glad you did. If they didn't, I would insist on one.


That's so scary, Dawn, but so much better to just go to the ER for nothing.


Cat, I was going to ask what the doc did as well. I really would like to know what the procedures are for this type of thing. If the doc did not do a CT scan, what physical symptoms would he observe or what other tests would he perform?

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It seems it is not standard to do a CT scan in every possible head injury case. I know in this situation specifically, the impact of the car did not make their heads slam into the seats. Perhaps it's because they were not sitting still when the man hit them?


The doctor (well, the person we saw -- I don't think he was actually a doctor) said there are parents who insist on having one performed, but he didn't think it was worth the radiation risk.


He performed a standard neuro exam looking at arms, legs, resistance, etc.


Looking at other times family members have gone in:


1. A few years ago, Ben (the one I took in last night), jumped out of a tree thinking it was the faster way down. At some point, his head hit the ground because there was a bump. They performed a CT scan on him then. We took him in right after the injury.


2. Earlier this year, Nathan ran into a tree face first while playing hide and seek in the dark. His nose was a horrific sight, and his head had a swollen area. They did not perform a CT scan. We took him in the night of the injury.


3. My dad was stepping out of a tractor trailer trailer and underestimated how much more flooring he had to walk on, fell backward, hit his head directly on the concrete, glasses flew off, etc. He was dizzy for two days before telling me about it. I insisted he go see a doctor. He saw one who scheduled him for a CT scan later in the week.


I don't really know what to expect from medical personnel. We were given information on diarrhea and vomiting. The doctor said he probably picked up a bug.


Please tell me they did a CT scan. There are delayed brain bleeds. Watch him closely!


That's an excellent point, Denise. When Dawn posted her update, I assumed they'd done a CT scan, but she didn't specifically mention it, so I'm glad you did. If they didn't, I would insist on one.


That's so scary, Dawn, but so much better to just go to the ER for nothing.


Cat, I was going to ask what the doc did as well. I really would like to know what the procedures are for this type of thing. If the doc did not do a CT scan, what physical symptoms would he observe or what other tests would he perform?

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Now I have to figure out how to have this run through the guy's insurance. We get the van back tomorrow as it will be towed. The boys are eager because some of their books and such were left in it along with MP3 players. They could only carry so much of their luggage since they were dropped off at a McDonalds not knowing how they would get home. ugh


I know I'm creepy by admitting this, but I at a whim looked the guy up on Facebook, and he was there. One of his posts talked about being pulled over and questioned about drinking and driving. He even posted photos of himself and his vehicle on Saturday with the words "One hell of a ride" posted. That was a little annoying to me. Those wouldn't be our sentiments regarding the whole thing.


My husband asked the state police officer if there was a way to determine if the man was texting during the accident, and he got very rude with my husband. sigh

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Dawn, it is my understanding that head scans are not nearly as risky as lower body scans. If your son hit his head and has a concussin, it is very likely he won't remember that he ever hit it.


It is obviously possible that he picked up some bug, especially where he also had diarrhea. Still, headache and vomiting after such an accident would have me insisting on a CT scan. There was a famous actress who recently died from a delayed brain bleed. She was fine after the accident but later died to a delayed bleed. I don't want to scare you, but I am surprised the dr. Isn't concerned about this. Maybe because his neuro exam tested normal?


Please keep a very, very close eye on him. Note ANY changes. Other than feeling sick, do you notice ANY differences in him?

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Now I have to figure out how to have this run through the guy's insurance. We get the van back tomorrow as it will be towed. The boys are eager because some of their books and such were left in it along with MP3 players. They could only carry so much of their luggage since they were dropped off at a McDonalds not knowing how they would get home. ugh


I know I'm creepy by admitting this, but I at a whim looked the guy up on Facebook, and he was there. One of his posts talked about being pulled over and questioned about drinking and driving. He even posted photos of himself and his vehicle on Saturday with the words "One hell of a ride" posted. That was a little annoying to me. Those wouldn't be our sentiments regarding the whole thing.


My husband asked the state police officer if there was a way to determine if the man was texting during the accident, and he got very rude with my husband. sigh


That is not creepy at all of you. I'm sad for you, just such a huge drag!! I got in a minor accident 2 years ago caused by an elderly lady. It's just such a huge hassle.

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My husband asked the state police officer if there was a way to determine if the man was texting during the accident, and he got very rude with my husband. sigh


The police officer was rude when your husband asked this question? :confused:


What's wrong with this question? I would have wanted to know whether the driver was drunk or texting as well.


ETA: I consider what your husband asked to be reasonable, considering the situation.

Edited by crazyforlatin
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He did not vomit anymore, and his headache has subsided. I have not noticed anything different.


He said he noticed he had a headache before he went to bed. The hard thing with him is he gets migraines that lead to vomiting. He's had these episodes at least ten times in the last few years. Sometimes they result from too much video stimuli and sometimes being around people too much. I have always been headache prone as well.


So, had the accident not occurred, I would have assumed it was one of his episodes.


Dawn, it is my understanding that head scans are not nearly as risky as lower body scans. If your son hit his head and has a concussin, it is very likely he won't remember that he ever hit it.


It is obviously possible that he picked up some bug, especially where he also had diarrhea. Still, headache and vomiting after such an accident would have me insisting on a CT scan. There was a famous actress who recently died from a delayed brain bleed. She was fine after the accident but later died to a delayed bleed. I don't want to scare you, but I am surprised the dr. Isn't concerned about this. Maybe because his neuro exam tested normal?


Please keep a very, very close eye on him. Note ANY changes. Other than feeling sick, do you notice ANY differences in him?

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His word was "cocky." He spoke in a demeaning manner -- you know with rolled eyes and annoyance in his voice, "Yes, we are able if we choose to" or something like that. He didn't seem very interested in the idea.


I think my husband just felt like the officer wanted to get done with the whole thing.


I was actually the one who suggested my husband ask about this because I see so much of it going on these days. The man was obviously distracted by something because it wasn't a sudden stop, and he seemed to make no effort to brake.


After hitting us, his car spun around and hit another vehicle with a family.


The police officer was rude when your husband asked this question? :confused:


What's wrong with this question? I would have wanted to know whether the driver was drunk or texting as well.


ETA: I consider what your husband asked to be reasonable, considering the situation.

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He did not vomit anymore, and his headache has subsided. I have not noticed anything different.


He said he noticed he had a headache before he went to bed. The hard thing with him is he gets migraines that lead to vomiting. He's had these episodes at least ten times in the last few years. Sometimes they result from too much video stimuli and sometimes being around people too much. I have always been headache prone as well.


So, had the accident not occurred, I would have assumed it was one of his episodes.


I am glad. If it was a delayed bleed, his symptoms wouldn't go away. I read on a couple sites that sometimes hospitals keep the pt for 24 hours to observe for a delayed blees, and your son is doing better now so that is good.


We have had too many head injuries in the family so I admit to being extra cautious here.:001_smile:

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I am glad. If it was a delayed bleed, his symptoms wouldn't go away. I read on a couple sites that sometimes hospitals keep the pt for 24 hours to observe for a delayed blees, and your son is doing better now so that is good.


We have had too many head injuries in the family so I admit to being extra cautious here.:001_smile:


Just to understand, how do you observe delayed bleeding? Through symptoms or through a couple of CT scans within 24 hours?

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The stress from the accident might have triggered a migraine. (It probably would have for me, anyway!) I would be less likely to think he just happened to come down with a stomach bug.


I was actually relieved to hear that he gets the migraines (which are an absolute nightmare, but in this case are better than a massive concussion!) because at least it provides an explanation of his symptoms.

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My husband asked the state police officer if there was a way to determine if the man was texting during the accident, and he got very rude with my husband. sigh


They most certainly can check on that, and I think it should be a part of the investigation.

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