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Mom jeans sighting

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Why is it always at fashionable people are cool for going retro, and we mere mortals just look frumpy?


My husband who has a friend who is a computer geek who still has his old funky glasses. They look very old school. As in, old school, not as in fashionable. Does that make him cutting edge? Of course not. Just like some fat mom (or Obama and Romney) wearing mom jeans just looks ugly.


I don't know, but there does seem to be a difference. You can tell a guy who is wearing something like that because he is cool from one who is just clueless. My dh really has no fashion sense, he wears things occasionally and it is clear that they are just wrong. No one would ever think he is a hip guy.


I think it must be something to do with the way the whole outfit is put together, the colours, that sort of thing.


And it may be that someone so fashion-impaired was always wearing the wrong things, so they are now still wearing cheap/badly-made/ugly "retro" things.

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Why is it always at fashionable people are cool for going retro, and we mere mortals just look frumpy?


My husband who has a friend who is a computer geek who still has his old funky glasses. They look very old school. As in, old school, not as in fashionable. Does that make him cutting edge? Of course not. Just like some fat mom (or Obama and Romney) wearing mom jeans just looks ugly.

Nooooooooooooooooooooo! Presidents and Presidential Candidates should NOT wear mom jeans! No! NO! (it's not as bad as the Aussie MP w/ the speedo, though)

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Ok gals, this Mom Jeans thing is a good development. It means that the factories in China are now stocking long zippers and we have a shot at some clothes which actually sit at the waist. JOY. Two inch long zippers on pants means that the main horizontal visual element on the pants falls across the hips, the W I D E S T part of my body. So then I have to use a belt (more bulk) Ugh. We all need to embrace figure analysis and get on board, peeps, with the mom jeans.


While were at it, I'm rooting for the demise of princess-seamed shirts that are too short to tuck in, and therefore become untucked. When this happens I get a "cool breeze" on my flab and feel self-conscious about leaning over to do anything.


Also, I could stop shopping in the men's dept. :)

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