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PSA: If you...

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If you are a big ole marshmellow who gives in to a puppy criying in her crate and allow her to roam the bedroom at will at night, despite your spouse saying to leave her in the crate, she'll get used to it and be fine, and then promptly step in puppy poop first thing in the am, not only do you NOT get to be cranky about it, but you should be grateful that your wife didn't say, "Told you so!" and laugh hysterically at you.


Just sayin.

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Our puppy is 5 mos now, and spent the first month sleeping in the guest bed with my husband. The baby had taken my husband's spot in bed (and even peed on it) so I guess I can't complain too much!

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If you are a big ole marshmellow who gives in to a puppy criying in her crate and allow her to roam the bedroom at will at night, despite your spouse saying to leave her in the crate, she'll get used to it and be fine, and then promptly step in puppy poop first thing in the am, not only do you NOT get to be cranky about it, but you should be grateful that your wife didn't say, "Told you so!" and laugh hysterically at you.


Just sayin.


ha! too funny!! yep, the rule here is "if you are the one who let him roam free, then you are the one who has to, w/o complaining or blaming the pup, clean up his mess in the morning!"


DH & I do pretty good for the most part, but Setimo wakes at 6 wanting to eat, romp, play and poop. Most of the time he will poop on command, but sometimes I give up before he does and then have to, yes, clean up poop when it is really daytime.


Tell Wolf to suck it up & move on.


Well, not the poop, that would be gross. :lol:


That is my one regret over not crate training the pups, but I just don't have the room for 2 big crates. First thing we do in the am is look for poopy piles in the livingroom.


I don't know if it's too late to go this way or not, but is there any place you can leash them at night? We were able to leash our little guy to the bed on a short leash -- long enough he can lay down/stand up but not so long he could tangle up in it. He whines when he needs to go out, otherwise he does fine.


We did the same with our Golden when she was a pup; she took 2 or 3 nights of us lying down on the floor next to her to get her to fall asleep, but after that she was fine. Just a thought. There are days I'm glad we do it, and days I'd be perfectly content cleaning up a pile in the morning if it meant I could sleep all night...:tongue_smilie:

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Yeah, 430 am w/poop btwn his toes is probably not the best moment to tell him, "Bazinga!" :lol:


I have her in her crate now...carrying on like a fool. My thinking is, try and get her used to the crate during daylight hrs, and the eve will be better.


Doesn't help that the Littles are cut from the same cloth as Wolf, and want to keep rescuing her :glare:

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