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BEST computational math reinforcement program

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DD (7) is entering 2nd grade next year. She has been tested as gifted and always scores exceptionally well on anything reading or math concept related.


Computationally, she is average. Her sister (2.5 years younger), often figures out simple computational math before she can (ie 7+5, 11-5, etc)


I want to move her ahead in math b/c 2nd grade program we are going to use is conceptually too simplistic for her - and that part is boring her. trying to memorize facts is frustrating her. But I don't feel comfortable moving her forward (and hitting multiplication), until she has addition/subtraction facts down to almost instant recollection (or at least a LOT better than we are now).


We've tried flash cards, drill sheets, etc.


I'd love to try an online program or software. Cost isn't an issue - it doesn't need to be free - I'd be willing to pay for something she wont' hate and will get results!


Suggestions of your favorite (and why you like it) would be greatly appreciated!

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We had good results with xtramath.org, which is free. It starts with addition and moves up through to division. I've also heard that TimezAttack, which is a drill program in a video game format, has addition/subtraction/division levels as well as multiplication now. It's also free. http://www.bigbrainz.com


When we did the WJ-III two years ago, the tester recommended QuarterMile Math as a good tool for this. You can request a demo cd to see if it will work for you before buying (I know it does multiplication, not sure about addition, etc).

Edited by KarenNC
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