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Which Pre-Algebra would be considered "conceptual"... but not too hard?

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You know there is always a lot of talk on these boards about "conceptual" vs. "formulaic" math.


Which Pre-Algebra program would be considered "conceptual"-ie-teaches the concepts or "why" behind the math instead of just the formula?


AOPS would prbly be one, but it's too hard for a student where math is a huge challenge. Chalkdust also looks very hard (I think it is technically an early college text that they use?) Singapore (after grade 6) could be counted as conceptual, but is there anything like this that is more of a true one-year pre-algebra program?


I do believe that any math curricula can be made more "conceptual" with a good teacher, but is there anything out there that just teaches that way?


Would you say the DIVE dvds would make Saxon (8/7, specifically) more conceptual?

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Happy, I don't really want to get in the middle of your thought process, because frankly I think ANYTHING you pick will be fine, honest. You're looking at all good options and you have your head on straight. If you think it fits your kid and can get done, do it and be in peace.


Now what I wanted to share with you and typed up on the hs board but erased was a tidbit my dd shared with me about TT. She said what she really likes is that it just plain shows you HOW, and then goes back and shows you the WHY as this optional thing for you to think about if you're ready. You think about that. Many curricula are so theoretically driven that kids, say with low processing speed, whatever, get lost in the weeds and struggle to get the basics. So TT goes the opposite direction, and my dd says that really works for her. Her test scores right now are stellar, better than ever, so I'm owning it, kwim?


I don't think having a simple program or something that has straightforward, clear explanations means you never explain why things work. You're right that Saxon is not known for being focused on the whys, but that may be because it's so incremental, haven't used it myself. I suggest you write the DIVE guy and see what he says.


IQs are not all the same, bents are not all the same, and sometimes something SIMPLE that the gets really GET and understand sinks in better and gets better results than a really complicated course that leaves them swamped and befuddled all the time. It really just depends on the kid.

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Thanks, OhE, for piping in, especially because TT is on my short list of possibilities (as you know, since I asked you to let me know before you sell yours!)


She really is at true logic stage finally with math-wanting to know WHY you do this or that. It's hard to tell just from the TT samples if she'll get that.


So that's why I'm wondering what pre-algebra programs are considered conceptual-I got to wondering because you always hear it about elementary programs (Miquon is conceptual/CLE is formulaic, etc.), but not so much with pre-alg and up.

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Have you ever looked at Videotext Interactive? Aims specifically to do that.


Just so you know, on my TT pre-algebra, I've had several people write asking that. I think I have a pm saved, but I can't guarantee it's yours. Nothing personal if you end up not getting it. :)

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My older kiddos went straight into Jacobs Elementary Algebra, and it always seemed pretty conceptual to me. It doesn't assume your student had pre-algebra, so it starts with the basics and builds from there. My girls were able to do it independently, but my son was too careless at that age and needed me to keep his attention from wandering.

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