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Runners: Wednesday 7/9 check in

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Two miles never seemed longer to me. Ya think it was the blasted Oreos?!?! :glare:


On the upside: I took ds' mp3 player with me; that was FUN!!! Except when some hideous song came on, and I just couldn't stand it. So I stopped for a second to shuffle through to the next song that I liked. It just took me SO LONG today -- I had to walk a lot more than I did on Monday :( Oh well. Some days are better than others; this was not one of them!


I'd like some input from you experienced runners, please. My plan right now is to just keep doing my 2 mile route, running as much of it as I can (well, jogging ;)) with my goal being to keep at it until I can run the whole thing. Then I want to work on getting it done quicker. Once I get to, say, a 10 minute mile, I'll add some distance. Does that make sense? I'm really slow, and I'm walking a lot, so it's taking me about 30 minutes to do 2 miles :(


And how 'bout nutrition? Do you watch what you eat? Do you find that what you eat effects/affects (I can never figure out which one to use!!!!) your run the next day?


Thanks, ladies!!!! :D

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I don't have any answers, but wanted to watch this thread. :) I'm up to running almost 2 miles without stopping, and it feels great! I'm still pretty new to running though and have no goals beyond losing weight, running 3 miles and keep my time improving. :)

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Since I'm not a big breakfast eater, my morning runs are low on energy since my body is. If I do a later run, after eating a nice, healthy, protein/carb lunch or dinner, I have so much more energy.


In addition to eating, I'm still nursing a baby around the clock, which takes a toll on the body. I also have to run right after I nurse so as not to be too full. So, I find that my runs lately have been sporadic and a struggle at best.


I hope that when I'm done nursing, I can get back on track for those nice long morning runs. Of course, by then it will be autumn and the mornings will be dark again.

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but I'm running on Tues, Thurs, Sat schedule. I have noticed that if I pig out one day my run is more sluggish the next. I'm into week three of C25K.


I'm not watching what I eat as much as I should because I love to eat! But I am trying to significantly increase my water intake - from about 8 oz a day to more like 100 oz. Most days I probably get about 36 oz.


Your running plan makes sense to me, as long as you are pushing yourself to run a little more each day. Those bursts of running are the best way to train your body and it will up your metabolism so you don't have to feel so guilty about those oreos.

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The humidity was high, at least it felt high. I got my almost 3 miles in. The first mile was about right, a little slow. But the way back felt faster than it has lately. Shin splints have started in earnest. I'm going to try to wrap them this time and keep running. I think that's what worked when I trained for the marathon.


Donna - I think your plan sounds fine. That's sort of what I'll do once they finish my usual trail - they are repaving the last 1/2 of my normal route. Once they finish that, I'll be able to add to the front distance. For me is not a time thing, it's how I feel. Once 3 miles feels good consistently, I don't have to tell myself to keep running, then I'll add distance.


Eating - right now I'm eating to lose weight. Shin splints and stitches on my knee have made my running really fall off and I gained too much weight. I try to eat healthy - not too many sweets, eat fruits and veggies, balanced meals. But I've never noticed what I ate yesterday effecting my run today. (I've run off an don since high school.)

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I think your plan sounds great too! Just keep on keepin' on and you'll eventually up your mileage!


I'm now up to three miles fairly comfortably. It's taken 3 1/2 months to get there though! (And I've been working out for over 6 months.) Today, through humidity so high you could see it, I upped it to 3.5 miles! I couldn't believe I did it!!! The last 1/2 mile was hard though.


After I came home and stretched, I did an ab workout.


My goal? Look good in a bathing suit in time for our cruise next Jan!!!

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I just returned and had a hard time starting, but it got easy just because I went. No music this time, just alone with my thoughts and I guess I had a lot to think about because I kept forgetting that I was running and became suddenly aware I was not where I was 4 minutes ago. That happened a few times and there I was, walking home.


I am falling back on what I learned so many years ago, especially as I start anew, 10-15 minute warm up, 20 minutes aerobic, 10-15 cool down. With the 20 aerobic I only run as fast as I can easily breath. When I get to the end of 20 minutes and am still breathing easy is when I'll add to the distance.


When I used to run, I like to push myself to do a faster mile but that is no longer important to me. I have discovered that I prefer distance running with an occasion sprint for fun.


Carbs are important, but not the OREO kind, however I would like to have shared those with you. More fruit, more starch, more protien, more water. I'm starting to be more careful in those areas.

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I did week 4 day 3 of C25K today. It was really warm at 8am and I found that I was slower than the past couple of days. But I did it, and that's all that really matters right now. I'm really nervous about the 20 minute jog that I'll have to do next week. So much of this is mental for me, but I'm going to like it whether I want to or not. :blink:

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I'd like some input from you experienced runners, please. My plan right now is to just keep doing my 2 mile route, running as much of it as I can (well, jogging ) with my goal being to keep at it until I can run the whole thing. Then I want to work on getting it done quicker. Once I get to, say, a 10 minute mile, I'll add some distance. Does that make sense? I'm really slow, and I'm walking a lot, so it's taking me about 30 minutes to do 2 miles


And how 'bout nutrition? Do you watch what you eat? Do you find that what you eat effects/affects (I can never figure out which one to use!!!!) your run the next day?


Here's what I'm doing. (I've lost ~ 20 pounds since February and feel GREAT!)


Nutrition - eating clean. http://www.eatcleandiet.com/

I still have stress eating sometimes and will decide in advance on a "cheat meal" if it's something special. I've recently started making a blender of "green smoothie" in the morning and drinking that throughout the day.


Exercise - I'm training with my daughters for a Women's 4-Miler. This is the third year that I've done this. Here's what this week looks like:


Monday - 3 miles (steady pace)

Tuesday - 2.5 miles (warm-up for .75 and then intervals finishing with a sprint at the end)

Thursday - 30 minutes hill work-out. I have a 'bowl' type of formation on thhe road near our house - a valley with hills on either side. So, I charge up one side of the bowl and then gently jog down the valley, charge up the other side of the bowl and gently jog down the valley. I do this for ~ 30 minutes with a warm-up and cool-down on either side

Saturday - 3.5 miles (steady pace)


Next week will be a bit different b/c we take Katya back :(, and then we have a family reunion later in the week, but I will at least get a run in on three mornings. But, the following week I will add back in my strength training. I haven't done that in ~ 3 weeks (since Katya's been here.)



I HAVE to run first thing in the morning, or it doesn't happen. Generally I run on an empty stomach and feel fine. On Saturday mornings, since I meet other women to run at 8:15, I eat a banana and a spoonful of natural peanut butter, or a fruit smoothie with a scoop of protein powder before I go.


Yes, I do find that what I eat one day and particularly whether or not I've done a good job of drinking my water impacts my run.


If I were you, I would mix up your routine a little bit. Your body will become accustomed to what you are doing and not respond as well. Also, there are studies that indicate that zoning out on the iPod, or whatever, negatively impacts your performance. However, if it's the only way you can get through a work-out, you'll probably want to stick with it. 10-minute mile is pretty speedy and a long way from where you are right now. I wouldn't plan on just keeping with what you're doing until you get to that point. You'll probably find that you progress pretty quickly until you hit the 2-miles in ~ 25 minute mark and then your progress will slow. But, that's okay. You're making GREAT strides and your progress will be REAL progress, you won't burn-out, and you won't get injured.


I'm certainly no expert and so I'm speaking just from my experience and from talking to other women.



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How's this for 'encouragement'?


After I posted here, I took dd to the farm for her riding lesson. Her instructor is a very dear friend of mine. She asked me what I'd been doing this morning (I was still in the clothes I ran in), and I told her I started running again. This woman knows that I have been consistently working out for years.


She looked me square in the eye and said, "I wonder why, with as much as you workout, that you don't ever lose weight."


Bleh. Guess it's the oreos, huh? :glare:


They really are the exception, though. Honest.


After she said that, part of me wanted to just go get a sundae; the other part of me wanted to go run another two miles. I haven't done either, but I am going to do my arms and core in a little while.



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Two miles never seemed longer to me. Ya think it was the blasted Oreos?!?! :glare:


On the upside: I took ds' mp3 player with me; that was FUN!!! Except when some hideous song came on, and I just couldn't stand it. So I stopped for a second to shuffle through to the next song that I liked. It just took me SO LONG today -- I had to walk a lot more than I did on Monday :( Oh well. Some days are better than others; this was not one of them!


I'd like some input from you experienced runners, please. My plan right now is to just keep doing my 2 mile route, running as much of it as I can (well, jogging ;)) with my goal being to keep at it until I can run the whole thing. Then I want to work on getting it done quicker. Once I get to, say, a 10 minute mile, I'll add some distance. Does that make sense? I'm really slow, and I'm walking a lot, so it's taking me about 30 minutes to do 2 miles :(


And how 'bout nutrition? Do you watch what you eat? Do you find that what you eat effects/affects (I can never figure out which one to use!!!!) your run the next day?


Thanks, ladies!!!! :D


I woke up today itching to run, but dh is out of town and I won't be able to run until Friday.:crying:


Yes, some days feel great and others feel terrible. Usually the run after a lousy one is a great one - at least for me.


One modification that I would make to your plan is to make sure that you keep moving for 30 minutes. So, as you start completing your two miles in less time, add walking to the end to make it a 30 minute workout. You really want 30 minutes of aerobic exercise to make it worth while and then as you get to the point of running the whole 2 miles you can add a bit of running as you feel like it. Early on, adding mileage actually helps your speed. Speed just comes as you build stamina.


One thing I like to do to pick up my pace some without making my workouts too hard is to do fartleks. Tell yourself that you are going to run a LITTLE bit faster to the next telephone pole (or whatever object). When you get there, slow your pace down again. These short bursts of a slightly faster pace will also help improve your overall speed without taking a big toll on your body.


Congrats on getting out there!

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5.8 miles. Woo-hoo!


Today was easier than yesterday because it's very overcast. Still hot as blazes, but tolerable when the sun is not beating down on me.



Good job, everyone!:001_smile:



How fast do you do that? Just curious. I've have very seldom done over 6 miles because I get painful, dark headaches if I do. It is absolutely unbearable and I don't know why. To walk a brisk 10 miles is easy and pain free, but boringly long. I'd rather run.

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I've been running with my oldest son this week as we're both going to do a 7 mile race on Saturday. This will be our third year running it ~ a beautiful trail course alongside Puget Sound and one of my favorite races. I'm hoping to finish in under an hour. Jan (my son) and I ran 4 miles on Monday and 5 on Tuesday at a pretty good clip; this morning we put in 3+ and slowed it up a bit.


I am super proud of every single one of you who has taken up running since we've talked about it here. Way to go, friends! I know it can be discouraging at times, either due to weather or injury or just plain not making progress. I'm living proof, though, that the "keep on keeping on" motto does pay off. Which isn't to say I'm blazing out there by any means, but when I compare my race pace now to what it used to be, I'm pleased with my progress.


As to your questions, Donna...


My plan right now is to just keep doing my 2 mile route, running as much of it as I can (well, jogging ;)) with my goal being to keep at it until I can run the whole thing. Then I want to work on getting it done quicker. Once I get to, say, a 10 minute mile, I'll add some distance. Does that make sense?


Well, to be honest....no.:) As Cindy said, you really should try to mix it up a bit. Doing the same thing over and over again will be repetetive for both physically and mentally. This is why I recommend following a training schedule of some sort, because it'll give you that mix as you work toward a specific goal.


And how 'bout nutrition? Do you watch what you eat? Do you find that what you eat effects/affects (I can never figure out which one to use!!!!) your run the next day?


Mmm, hard to say. On the one hand, I'm pretty slender, so I don't necessarily "watch what I eat". Generally speaking, though, I eat a healthy diet ~ with some noteworthy exceptions.;) When I run in the afternoons, it really doesn't matter what I've eaten or not eaten beforehand. Mornings are another story, and right now I'm running in the mornings. I can't go on a totally empty stomach. I typically have a banana and/or egg and/or piece of toast with peanut butter and then I wait a while for that to digest. I also often have some peanut butter toast really late at night and that definitely makes a difference ~ I feel way better when I eat late at night. Which disproves the theory, in my case anyway, that people who eat late at night will pack on pounds.


Does this help at all? You're doing great, Donna! You just started up and I'm glad you're sticking with it. Come here for encouragement whenever you need it; you know some of us love to talk running. Go, girl!

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I haven't been running this week. :-(


The weather's been really terrible - windy, driving rain, miserable.


I did TTapp on Monday and nothing yesterday or today and I feel terrible.


The bad weather is supposed to keep up for the rest of the week. I can run in bad weather, but not this driving rain. Yuk.

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