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How on earth?

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Well, if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it probably is a duck. We're not supposed to have "dealers" on here, but either these posters have 1) never sold anything for several years, 2) are posting for many friends, or 3) are buying and reselling (sounds like a dealer, doesn't it). Do I buy? I check out the feedback. If it's O.K. and they have something I want at a price I'm O.K. with, I buy.

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They must have been removed, as I'm not seeing it on the FS boards now.


Would I buy from someone like that? If it's a long term poster, I would figure they've earned/deserve to post quite a bit (unless it's against board rules, which may say to combine items in FS posts). If it's a newer poster, no way, because I would find it to be annoying and presumptuous.

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Probably a dealer who didn't read board rules. There is supposed to be a limit of posting only 10 items per month. I'm not sure exactly how that it is moderated, but some people just go so over the line that it's easy to see what they are doing. To be honest, I've never purchased from anyone that posts a plethora of items because I preferred buying from regular people who seemed to be selling old stuff to afford new stuff.

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It is rare for me to buy from the boards. I've only done it twice and both times it was from someone I "knew" fairly well from interacting on the GB. So, no. I wouldn't buy from someone who just sells. I wouldn't "know" them.


That's what I was thinking. I have clicked on a few sellers to see what their posts are like and sometimes they have page after page of for sale posts. On several I gave up trying to find a post where they were actually interacting.

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Or they are transitioning from elementary levels to high school levels and have just realized they don't need to hang-on to all the curriculum/books anymore and need to make room for the new stuff!?!?

That would be me!



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