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For the next ten minutes I will . . .

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Hmmmm...well, there's. No, no, that won't do...then there's that, but umm, no. How about I think about it and get back to you?


Seriously though, I do have to wipe down the kitchen and get my kids to find the clothes they're wearing for professional pictures. I need to wash them by hand (b/c a couple of them wore them to church lol) and our WASHER is down right now. Ack!

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I'll join you! I really needed this little kick in the pants. For ten minutes I'm going to relocate books to my girls' bookshelf so that I can put new curriculum on the shelves downstairs...so that I can take the 200 books of mine off my closet floor...to move the two file cabinets that officially have no home into my closet.


But I'll probably only get through less than 1/2 the books in the first step in 10 minutes. :)




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In ten minutes I put away the library books and the library suitcase.


I matched 16 pairs of socks and one pair of light gloves and put them away.


I still have 30 unmatched socks on the bed. This is why I hate matching socks.


In the next ten minutes I will -


match medical bills to their EOBs.


Wow, you're making me tired... I will lay down and rest. You keep up the good work. You're doing great! ;)

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I have a party at my house this Saturday and this afternoon is going to be the only time I have to prepare for it. So I'm going to have to work in bigger pieces than 10 minutes. I'll probably put mine in 10 to 30 minute bites.


I need to do a general pick up and straighten up: 10 - 15 min

Sweep with the Shop Vac the downstairs: 20 - 30min

Mop with the Shark steam the downstairs: total 1 hr but I'm going to break it up

Dust: 10min

Quick touch up on half bath: 10min (I just cleaned it deep for another party couple days ago)


SO, if you don't have anything to do I would be happy to see you. The dishes are good. The clothes are clean. My most hated job of bathrooms are done. It's mostly pick ups and big old' hard floors. This is the moment I would envy someone who could just give it a quick vacuum. I don't know if could go back to all carpets now that I know what I know. ;)

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Earlier today:


Put on playlist and had it play in the background while I make Dr. appt.s for back to school stuff... took 8 songs to get through that call!


I started two loads of laundry so far today... need to get on the dried load and get the next going...


I made a quilt top because life has been so much about responsibilities and juggling a LOT of adult business (court, custody, teen in rehab), that I needed some "fun". The top is made, now I need to decide if I border it and then back it or just keep it simple and back it....


Next up:


Pick up dd and grandson for an afternoon visit...

Plan dinner...

Freshen up and hope to catch dh's eye... 'cause he's been awfully distracted with the boat lately and I think he's forgotten that we're married... LOL! (He's a great guy... this is in no way a complaint...)


Maybe somewhere in here I will make some iced tea...

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For the next ten minutes I will play on the boards. Okay, let's be honest, probably more like 30. Then I really need to get off and do some planning. :D Trying to get the next 6 weeks of school planned out. This planning day by day thing isn't working out for me. :lol:

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For the next ten minutes I will play on the boards. Okay, let's be honest, probably more like 30. Then I really need to get off and do some planning. :D Trying to get the next 6 weeks of school planned out. This planning day by day thing isn't working out for me. :lol:


:iagree: I came on here to research something....what was it now?

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Work on dinner prep---cutting okra, shucking corn, and marinating steaks.

Then I will supervise my kids as they do their daily chores: wiping down bathrooms, vacuuming living room, collecting trash from upstairs cans.


Later, I will spend 10 minutes folding laundry and then make sure the kids put it all away properly!

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How did 10 minutes become an hour? The bank went pretty fast but then I realized that I'd better stop at the pharmacy. So we did that. Then I ran into my former neighbor and his wife and stopped to chat. And then I decided to cook this really neat fish recipe that Ibbygirl sent me, so I had to go to the grocery store. And then I saw that some things were on sale and so we'd better get them. . . And then we went through Steve's check out line and he's a fun guy to talk to. . . and before you know it 10 minutes became an hour.


For the next 10 min. I'm going to read a totally mindless mystery.

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