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What is your favorite homeschooling high school blog? Do you have a blog?

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I'm always looking for high school blogs. Seems like most blogs focus on the early years.


My blog is in my signature. I don't update it very well and it's not just homeschoool related - just a catch-all mommmy blog. I am trying to find time to put in more links and information as we move into high school.

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As we are with our first in his last year of middle school this coming year, I too would be interested! We have a blog that I update regularly, but I never call it a "homeschooling" blog because it is too family/adoption/misc. related. I do post homeschooling stuff there often, but it is 5 years old and never tagged any posts so it is overwhelming to go back and tag it all...someday I will get the time.



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I have 3 high schoolers now and I have a blog. I used to have a second blog just for high school where I kept what we are doing and various other high school related stuff. But I deleted it a few months ago.


I don't keep much about my high schoolers in my blog because as the kids get older, I tend to feel they need more autonomy. I think that and the fact that so many home schoolers ditch in high school and end up enrolling in schools are the main reason you won't find many homeschoolg high school blogs.


Also, once they start high school, I don't keep an easy to type in book list for them. It's all transcript and course descriptions, which I don't mind sharing in a private info removed manner, but haven't for no apparent reason.


Anyways. I have a neglected blog. I will probably be updating it by the end of this month. You are welcome to visit it.:)

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Ugh. Maybe I should restart a blog for high school. I did a search out if curiosity and the first page is nothing but money maker and feed the fear stuff. How depressingly unhelpful.


What are you looking for in a high school blog?

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