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Anyone beside me think it's more fun to rep than to post?

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I heart repping people, positively of course. In my case, there is a practical reason why I prefer it. Sometimes I attempt to post, but my computer has a problem with mysteriously erasing things while I am in the midst of typing. I'll spend 10 minutes or so typing some heartfelt reply only to have it vanish. So I like rep because it's short and quick and doesn't get erased as often. :D

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Yeah, but I get annoyed when it tells me I have either given out too much in the past 24 hours or that I need to go elsewhere to spread the love. Free love isn't really free is it;)



I think Genie has thr rep down to a science. Something like waiting 8 days between people and how much allotted a day. Maybe she'll have a handbook for the rest of us!:D

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Yeah, I love spreading the happy points:grouphug:. I run out daily and I'm still trying to figure out just how much we are allotted. Dang, I'm still out from yesterday. We should have some sort of meter. You know like a video game life bar. LoL

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Sometimes I attempt to post, but my computer has a problem with mysteriously erasing things while I am in the midst of typing. I'll spend 10 minutes or so typing some heartfelt reply only to have it vanish. :D


When I log in here I have to check the "Remember me?" box along with putting in my user name and password. At first, I didn't check "remember me?" and I had the same thing happen. Anyway...just thought I'd mention it in case this is what's happening to you.

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I think Genie has thr rep down to a science. Something like waiting 8 days between people and how much allotted a day. Maybe she'll have a handbook for the rest of us!:D


I can consistently rep 6 people per 24-hour period. Sometimes I have to wait until 9 pm to have more available, so if you get the 24-hour warning, it doesn't mean you're done for the day, just that you have used it all up for the previous 24-hour period.


If you make sure you rep 6 people every 24-hour period, you should be able to re-rep a person after 8 days.


I hope my neuroticism is helpful to those of you who are less retentive than I. :D

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I have never repped one single time. And I doubt that I ever will.


It annoys me when people start a thread just asking for rep points because they are almost to their next green square. It kind of defeats the purpose of what it's there for.


And I think negative and mean anonymous reps have hurt people who have been here for years, so I don't participate in it because the abuse potential is not monitored. No one should be allowed to rep anonymously.


I have been here for over 5 years - and never have I seen the amount of stupid posting that goes on now. People post and start threads just to watch their post number grow. I do not recommed this sight anymore to fellow homeschool moms like I once did.

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I have never repped one single time. And I doubt that I ever will.


It annoys me when people start a thread just asking for rep points because they are almost to their next green square. It kind of defeats the purpose of what it's there for.


And I think negative and mean anonymous reps have hurt people who have been here for years, so I don't participate in it because the abuse potential is not monitored. No one should be allowed to rep anonymously.


I have been here for over 5 years - and never have I seen the amount of stupid posting that goes on now. People post and start threads just to watch their post number grow. I do not recommed this sight anymore to fellow homeschool moms like I once did.


Our country's at war. Terrorism is a daily concern. The economy stinks. We have husbands and children and other family members who count on us to give everything we have; many of us get nothing back in return. We wipe noses, kiss boo-boos, wipe bottoms, give hugs, kisses, do laundry, cook dinners, do dishes, mop floors. We teach, we discipline, we research. We GIVE. What on earth is wrong with having one little outlet? One safe place to just PLAY?


I'm sorry the "stupid posting" is keeping you from recommending this incredibly wonderful site to others. They are missing out.


Giving someone an encouraging "thumbs up" by repping them is one of the smallest, quickest ways to give someone a boost. It really *is* the little things. And if it brings some joy to others around here, then that's a GOOD thing.


The K-8 board and the High School Board are full of the same caliber of posts that they've always had. They are THE place to go with teaching-related questions and comments. But this board? It's for *everything*; what's wrong with having a little fun with some like-minded people who are living the same life?


As soon as I have more available, I'm going to give you some rep. It's a good feeling; I promise. :)

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There are so many wonderful people on this board who take the time to share their knowledge with others. I find it to be a joy to give them something in return. Positive rep is like a cyber pat on the back sayaing nice job. Don't we all like to hear we've done a nice job? Sometimes, we need that little pick-me-up.


I would rep you, but I am all out until later today. Nice Thread!:001_smile:

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