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Did I just turn the AC up or down?

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You just turned the AC up by turning the thermostat down. ;)


But if you're saying "AC", I say that it's up. (Or down, if you decide it's working too hard and you don't mind sweltering... Or if your crazy Aunt Mildred is in town from New Mexico and keeps going on about how she can't function with your wacky "refrigerated air" out here in the East.)

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something happening frequently here in my area, where it is supposed to be around 108F tomorrow. Not that it's been less than 100F as the high any day for the past month.

Michelle T, who thinks Samuel Carrier should be a saint (he invented modern air conditioning)

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When you "turn up the AC", you are raising the temperature, so the house will get warmer. It's the same if you "turn up the heat." The house gets warmer. If you turn either down, the house gets colder.


Turning up = raising the thermostat.

Turning down = lowering the thermostat.


Simple. :D

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My thoughts on this are that you will have a different answer based on the type of system you were raised with. We only had window units, so we would turn it UP (from medium to high, for example) if we wanted it colder. My dh had a thermostat, so he would turn it DOWN (the lever on the thermostat) if he wanted it colder. Just a theory...

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So this is where the confusion is coming from. :D I say turn it up to make it cooler and down to make it warmer, but then when the heat is on...


My thoughts on this are that you will have a different answer based on the type of system you were raised with. We only had window units, so we would turn it UP (from medium to high, for example) if we wanted it colder. My dh had a thermostat, so he would turn it DOWN (the lever on the thermostat) if he wanted it colder. Just a theory...
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I have heard it referred to as cranking up the AC. To me, that means making it run more thus getting colder. Same with the heat. Cranking up the heater means making it come on more to get warmer. The action required to do one regarding the thermostat setting is opposite the other. That's the KY way from where I hailed!

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but that's because I didn't grow up with central air (cooling or heating). In my poor little brain cell, when you turn something *up* you get more, when you turn it down you get *less.* See, that's what happens when you're watching TV or listening to the radio, yes? Turn it up, it's louder; turn it down, it's softer.


But every so often, one of the brain cells kicks in, and I understand that when you want more cool air, you turn the thermostat down, to a lower temperature.


Actually, I just try to avoid the terminology altogether, and just say things like, "It's too stinkin' hot in here. I need it to be colder!"

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You turned it "colder." Because when you're 9mos pg & August is looming, you want to be UNDER. STOOD. Kwim? :lol:


(Like anyone would think I wanted it warmer in here, anyway.)









Actually, come to think of it, like there's *room* on the thermostat to turn it colder anyway. LOL

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You turned it "colder." Because when you're 9mos pg & August is looming, you want to be UNDER. STOOD. Kwim? :lol:


(Like anyone would think I wanted it warmer in here, anyway.)









Actually, come to think of it, like there's *room* on the thermostat to turn it colder anyway. LOL


:lol: When I was 6 months pregnant with first, we moved from Rochester, NY to So. IL. So I was used to the cold. We had moved in Dec. A friend came down from NY to visit us somewhere around March, I think. She was a native NY state resident. Again, very accustomed to the cold. One morning, dh got up at the same time that our friend did. She was coming out of her room with her heavy winter coat on! I was in a t-shirt (short-sleeved) only. :lol: I froze the poor dear out so that she slept in her coat! I was bit embarrassed. And instead of adjusting the temp, I think we offered her a ton more blankets. :001_smile:

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My DH and I have never settled this.


If the AC was set at 79 and I turned it to 77, did I turn the AC up (because it's working harder) or down (because I reset the thermostat?)


According to my former HVAC guy (a/k/a dh), if it's adjusted using your thermostat and you change it to make it colder, you've turned the air DOWN. If you adjust the thermostat to make it warmer (i.e. not as cold), you turn it UP.


However, if you're using a window air that adjusts from low, medium, high (the fan) and from 1-8 (or 10), and you turn it from a low number to a higher number, you're obviously turning it up! LOL

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